Search results

  1. J

    TRT effect on Thrombocytopenia and platelet counts

    When I started TRT roughly 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia due to my low platelet counts. For the first few years of TRT my counts were around the 75-90 range consistently, where 150 is considered normal. But since those first few years, my platelet counts have gradually...
  2. J

    After 5 years on TRT

    I used to post my blood test results here but have not done so in a long while. Just over 5 years ago, due to what was diagnosed as Celiac Disease being triggered for some reason, I lost nearly 30 pounds in only 2 months and was unable to absorb nutrients. The result was that my total T...
  3. J

    Seeing small dots/circles in bright light in one eye

    The weekend before Thanksgiving I started experiencing in my one eye an irregular pattern of small dark dots or small circles that looks sort of like a small faded raindrop. It's only noticeable in very bright light or against a white/bright background. It's more annoying than anything, it's...
  4. J

    Age/blood pressure/blood flow

    I'm in my early 60's, and have worked hard to keep my BP under control. But it just kept creeping up and once I hit the 150/90 mark I asked for BP meds. So I started on 5mg daily of ampolidine. That was one month ago. I could see the pattern as my BP dropped gradually from 150/90 to...
  5. J

    High Testosterone on only 80mg/week

    I'm somewhat confused. I had not been feeling great - as though my levels have been off. My cypionate schedule is 40mg (0.2 ml) on Sundays and Thursdays. So, I went in for a blood test on Thursday before my next injection: Testosterone - 907 ng/dL Estradiol (Sensitive) - 18.7 pg/mL...
  6. J

    Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation

    Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation Seems as though that we have an on-going issue with billionaires not able to keep it in their pants these days.
  7. J

    Issues with search function?

    Both the forum search and general site search are resulting in the generic "server error". Anyone else having this problem?
  8. J new Fitness Guide

    I'm a big fan of and their more pragmatic, evidence-based approach to supplements and nutrition. They have a new fitness guide out: The Fitness Guide - the most effective supplements and nutrition to maximize your fitness | Somewhat expensive but looking at the...
  9. J

    New HDL/LDL management guidelines from American College of Cardiology

    New Guidelines: 2018 ACC/AHA Multisociety Guideline on the Management of Blood Cholesterol NY Times article: HDL Cholesterol: Too Much of a Good Thing? Instead of a cookie cutter approach to treating high LDL -C levels, tailor the treatment to the patient, with a stronger emphasis on...
  10. J

    HCG - one 12,000 IU vial vs two 6,000 IU vials

    Defy called and advised that I could purchase one 12,000 IU vial cheaper than two 6,000 IU vials (which has been my pattern). However, I question whether having a vial of that size could result in potency degradation. I've seen mixed opinions on the life of a vial, but it seems that 30-45...
  11. J

    Cialis patent ending Sept 28?

    Zydus and Generic Cialis This is from 2017: However, Eli Lilly and generic manufacturers reached an agreement under which Eli Lilly was permitted to hold on to market exclusivity till September 27 this year.
  12. J

    Online ED pharmacies for the hipsters

    Interesting article: Finally Putting Some Fun in Erectile Dysfunction Some online vendors providing telemed docs to 'diagnose' your ED issues, and then a prescription: Roman - Get Started Hims
  13. J

    Thyroid Panel Results

    Thoughts? I'll be 60 in a month. My TSH has steadily increased over the 4 years on TRT, from below 1.00 to the current value. I'm not sure if this could be a function of the treatment, or the changes in my diet over this time; or other factors. This is the first panel I've done, albeit...
  14. J

    Fourth year on TRT - blood test results

    This month marks my 4th year on TRT. I started out with gels, did not get my total above 450 and felt like garbage. After a year of that, went and saw a clinic that put me on injections but no HCG. It was a contracted yearly plan, much too expensive, and while definite improvements, still...
  15. J

    Shingrix vaccine

    I'll be hitting 60 later this year, and my PCP is recommending that I consider getting the Shingrix vaccine. I'm extremely cautious about jumping on the Shingrix bandwagon because it's so new. In trying to research the actual risk of getting shingles vs the risk/efficacy of this vaccine, I...
  16. J

    Finding that sweet spot after adding HCG to protocol.

    1) I've been on TRT for 3 years. For the most part, I felt OK, not great, like I was just off the sweet spot. 2) I've noticed increased testicular atrophy and decreased erectional qualities. 3) My protocol for the past 1.5 years has been 80 mg cypionate/week, split between 2 dosages...