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  1. M

    Anastrozole 1mg daily?!?

    Can someone make sense of this study? How did these guys not crush their E2 and why is their LH and FSH normal?? Coadministration of anastrozole sustains therapeutic testosterone levels in hypogonadal men undergoing testosterone pellet insertion. - PubMed - NCBI
  2. M

    Maybe the old every two week protocol wasn't so bad

    Anyone have any experience with libido coming back right before your next shot? Thinking back on my experiences with TRT I remember getting put on a protocol that had me coming in every 10-14 days for a shot. Unfortunately, I was pretty accepting of whatever the doctor wanted to do at the time...
  3. M

    Why take Clomid if your E is already low?

    If your blood tests show Estradiol low, wouldn't it be unnecessary to use clomid or nolvadex as part of a PCT?
  4. M

    Are calories overlooked?

    After nearly 5 years of TRT with varying levels of success, I recommend anyone contemplating seeking this solution to look at your previous month's diet before getting tested. Right before I was tested and diagnosed with hypogonadism due to an 81 ng/dl reading, I was involved in a 6 week weight...