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  1. S

    Does TRT effect eyesight?

    So I'm on week 4 of a dosage reduction. Dropping from 250mg to 200mg. (Will likely drop to 175). I noticed yesterday that my right eye is very blurry at 2 feet away (computer screen). I had Lasik several years ago and have had better than 20/20 vision every time I'm tested. So wondering if...
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    Question for those married > 15 yrs

    For you guys that have been married longer than 15 years how often do you and your wife kiss passionately without sex? I realize that kissing passionately likely occurs during sexual activity, but do you have those type kisses before work or just coming home from work or just because? Is it a...
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    Successfully lowered my Hemocrit

    I neglected to donate blood for almost a year. Then during Thanksgiving break didn't eat as healthy as normal and my workout routine was a little relaxed. Went to donate in December and my hemocrit value was 60. I was turned down. Started drinking grapefruit juice (the jug from the...
  4. S

    Interesting Read. Nothing we haven't already discussed.

    I really like this flip it app too. Testosterone, Low Testosterone, and the Men’s Health Crisis That Wasn’t What a Prick: The Lucrative, Bullshit Business of Low-T
  5. S

    Blue Balls

    So, the theory says that while on TRT and no HCG your nuts die. Well I've been on TRT for 3 + years now with no HCG. My nuts have shrunk up to almonds. I'm most likely sterile. So why in the hell can I get a bad case of Blue Balls? I'm not gonna go into details, but I haven't had these in 15...
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    I'm Tired of the Tears

    Merry Christmas guys. I know my E2 numbers run high, but so do my T levels based on my protocol. Never taken an AI and have no symptoms of high E2 except tears. I freaking she'd a tear at an emotional commercial. If I dare watch an emotional movie I better have a box of tissues. I cried more...
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    250mg - 2 Yrs Labs Attached

    Well I got my labs back and visited the doc today. Extremely pleased with lab results. Doc was also pleased with all the values and no changes required. I was somewhat bashed when I shared my protocol and labs exactly one year ago...
  8. S

    Anyone know about Genetic Predisposition Test

    My wife took this test through our GP who recommended it based on his research and workings with another doctor. Apparently a vetted lab an practice, I don't have the name of it just yet. I will say that I think highly of my Doc and don't think he is a quack, but this testing is new to me...
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    I just need to Vent

    TRT is going fantastic at about 1.5 years in. I am pissed about sex!! I've been married 19 years and have never cheated. Had one really solid opportunity about 10 years ago and said No. Nov. 3rd was leaving for Deer Lease and she started menstrual cycle a few days before so no deal. Can't...
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    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    Had my lab work done last week during my trough, Wed morning. Had the Dr. visit today and reviewed the results. I am very pleased with these results and will continue my protocol. :D Protocol: Inject 0.5ml every 3.5 days for a total of 250mg/ml per week, Test Cyp. (Wed. night and Sun...
  11. S

    Anxiety - Hormone Related?

    So I know my E2 runs high, but my T is also quite high and thus my ratio tends to work itself out. I don't typically have bad E2 symptoms except swelling sometimes. However, I'm curious about a condition I have had a couple times that really freaks me out and I think it is related to high E2...
  12. S

    Labs Tomorrow & I'm Concerned

    So I really like my GP and now worried that TRT with him might not work out. Started on TRT in July based off Low T results. (He did test TSH so Thyroid was ok, as well as PSA). Discussed the benefits of TRT and he seemed to be very knowledgeable. Asked me about HCG or if I was planning on...