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    Minimum Effective Dose of HCG Weekly To Prevent Testicular Atrophy

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (From the book Testosterone: A Mans Guide, Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (not to be confused with human growth hormone, or HGH) is a glycoprotein hormone that mimics LH (luteinizing hormone), produced in pregnancy by the developing embryo soon after...
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    Oral T vs Injectable T - Hair Loss. Free Testosterone & SHBG

    Oral T vs Injectable T - Hair Loss I have read that oral T (Jatenzo/Kyzatrex) converts to DHT more than injectable T. Is this true? If so, would that mean that oral T would accelreate hair loss (for those predisposed) faster than injectable T? Or, would the constant higher T/DHT levels with...
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    Clomid and Lower Results??

    Hello Dr. Saya, Have you ever seen total testosterone levels go DOWN from being on clomid? I was on enclomiphene (generic androxal) for exactly one month and taking 12.5MG every third day. Here are my before and after results: Before: Total Testosterone: 564 Free Testosterone: 9.4 LF: 2.5...