Search results

  1. D

    Any Anonymous Sleep Studies to recommend?

    I'd like to test for sleep apnea, don't want it on my chart for insurance reasons. Anyone use discreet sleep study at home or lab? Thanks!
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    Muscle Egg: Quick expiration??

    Reading Nelson's review, I went to MaxMuscle to pickup a few flavors. Sales associate said they no longer carry it due to quick expirations once the jug is open. Has this been a deal breaker for previous users?
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    SHBG: who has successfully lowered their levels?

    Feedback please from individuals that have lowered SHBG and what their protocol is/was. I've searched and found: estrogen/AI medication, danazol, stinging nettle and milk thistle quoted, but I would like to see more applied examples to avoid unnecessary supplements and medication. Thanks!
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    TD test cream: testicle application

    I'd like to learn more about this delivery system, the protocol, and side effects from experienced users. Might be an TD option for me if the absorption is optimal and it minimizes paracrine collateral contact, thanks.
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    Fathers and transdermals: what's optimal?

    I've got a toddler at home and have always been set on IM/SQ. Wondering if I can optimize timing and placement (ie first thing at work, crotch or ribs). Fathers with feedback let me know, thanks.
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    Adipose Progesterone conversion: How to upregulate?

    Ive been reading about the conversion pathway of adipose progesterone to testosterone via 17,20 lyase/17 alpha hydroxylase. Any additional info/treatments that take advantage of the *cough* "progesterone surplus"?
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    Quest 24hr Urine: Best OOP Purchase

    This is a baseline test I would like my PCP to order. He has no experience ordering it though. -My HMO doesnt cover quest labs Wondering how much it cost OOP and if there are special OOP programs to use (Quest Discount, etc). Thanks!
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    HCG monotherapy: Good first option for a Secondary case?

    Long story short, we've concluded that I have symptoms and lab results that correlate with secondary hypo (failing free T, high SHBG, 90% ADAM test). Since I still have total T in the range of 380-600, I would like to try HCG monotherapy first either with/without an AI before T-Cyp...
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    Can Oral Glutathione Supplements Work?

    Anyone had experience with this (Shots, inhaler, orals)? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Gordon and they had discussed glutathione supplementation mainly to avoid hangovers, I myself am interested in overall liver health. Ive only read about its clinical applications and how...