Search results

  1. D

    Trimix "burn" for the Misses

    For the Trimix users here... has anyone had any complaints from the "partner" complaining about a burning sensation during sex? (...and no it's not a STD lol). I'm 99% sure it's the alcohol swipe I use to prep the injection site. Assuming that's the cause...any ideas on if there is something...
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    Back Shavers....anybody use this?

    As we know...waxing is probably best but not very convenient and can be costly. I'm shirtless in public for only like 3 months out of the year so just looking for a quick simple solution. Has anyone tried these long handled back shavers? Dozens of choices on Amazon. Any pros or cons in general...
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    TRT & Telmisartan Users Poll

    Just curious what dose users of telmisartan for high blood pressure are using while on TRT? I had high BP before TRT so it's an ongoing challenge. Just curious as to what dose most are using...
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    BPC-157 injection site importance?

    I have read many posts about when using BPC-157 for healing an acute injury, to try and inject in or near the injured area. I am new to this peptide and started using it as a result of rotator cuff surgery (yes, it's as bad as they say). Since its only the day after my surgery, I basically have...
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    Newbie Questions on BPC-157...

    Last week I tore my rotator cuff while benching my max weight. To say I'm pissed is an understatement. The ultra sound indicated a tear in the supraspinatus (see screenshot below) and I need to schedule a MRI. I have an appointment with Ortho Dr this coming Friday (12/1). Everything has been...
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    Problem reconstituting Puretrig HCG...

    I been reconstituting HCG for years & I have never experienced this problem before. I ordered the Puretrig brand from reliablerx. Last month I went to fill my BAC water into vial & it was so pressurized I could barely get the water in. So this month I took the tip off my large 5ml filling...
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    My latest labs... Any Guesses on what my Peak TT is?

    So I did my blood work at the utmost trough...I usually inject Friday am around 7:00 am and I did this blood work Friday 7:20 am. After the blood draw, I resumed my scheduled injection. So I selected some key panels to share...I'm wondering if there is a way to estimate what my Peak TT & Free...
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    What is my total TRT dose per week?

    I'm currently doing 45mg T Cyp every 3 days. So every other week I'm doing either 3 or 2 injections per week. So when someone asks what my dose per week is, what should I say? Do i take the average of 135 & 90? Below is a 2 week simulated chart showing injections E3D over 2 weeks... Monday...
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    Poll: Losartan and Insomnia?

    Just curious for those on you have insomnia or sleep disturbance after going on this BP med? Some google searches say there is a connection but that needs to be taken with a grain of salt...prefer anecdotal data from this great forum pubmed post
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    Input please... latest Blood Work Results

    First off, my Primary's Dr's Nurse sent in the wrong code for the Test...she requested Total only :( , so I do not have Free, SHBG, albumin, etc. So need to do the best for now with the missing data. Protocol for 8 weeks prior to blood draw... 1. 45mg T Cyp E3D (so ~96.5mg week or 135mg every 9...
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    TRT + Low Dose SSRI ...anyone doing this protocol?

    Most of us have probably seen one of the many threads by @madman which are great for explaining PSSD (Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction). However, this post targeted towards using a VERY low dose ssri for helping with allopregnenolone issues. There is an existing thread on this topic but I just...
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    Ubiquinol Oral vs Coenzyme Q10 Injection?

    I have been taking ubiquinol orally for years. From my recollection, it's the reduced form of COQ10 and better suited for older people. So I recently noticed Empower has Coenzyme Q10 Injection and has me wondering if that would be better than taking an oral supplement? If anyone can provide...
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    Propranolol (Inderal) ER or XL for Anxiety...

    I have used Propranolol (from the Indian Pharmacies) for controlling anxiety when needing to do public speaking &/or work related high stress meetings. It has worked very well for me using it "on demand" and never had the option for the extended release formula. Because often these situations...
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    Generic Adderall Users...

    I was recently prescribed Adderall (generic name Amphetamine/dextroamphetamine) and my Primary said within 1 day I should feel it's effects. On Day 3, I have felt zero difference. I looked into the generic brand that I was given and it is from Aurolife Pharma. The Google review on this company...
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    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Users...

    I have a question for those using Wellbutrin... what is your experience with drinking alcohol while on Wellbutrin? I ask because almost EVERY prescription drug has a warning to NOT use with alcohol. But I know some family & friends on other meds that have the same warning & they drink with no...
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    Just started long to wait to do blood work?

    Title says it all. I know with hormonal med changes the general rule is 6 weeks. What about for a lipid panel when a new cholesterol medication is started?
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    TRT for Elderly (80 years & up)

    Just curious...does anyone know men over the age of 80 that is on TRT? If so, are they still functioning ok with self adminsutration of the regiment? I sometimes worry about being on TRT at that age and possibly have to deal with forgetfulness, driving, etc. Also, things like donating blood and...
  18. D is now horrible!

    I've been a repeat customer for years...with zero complaints. My main reason for using them was they were one of the few I could find that would ship to NY with no script. Recently, my order for syringes was cancelled. With no email or explanation! I tried calling and there is no option to even...
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    What is my Peak TT based on known trough level?

    I inject Test Cyp E3.5D subq, on Mon eve and Fri am. I typically do my blood work on Mon am which is 12 hr from the true trough. My recent blood work had 747 TT. So is there a "best guess" as to what my peak TT would be based on knowing TT 12 hrs from the trough? And how much would TT...
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    Test Cyp with Grape Seed Oil availability?

    Anyone know if any of the big chain pharmacies carry a test cyp with grapeseed oil? Or is the only way to get that through a compounding pharm?
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    Anyone using Dapoxetine (aka Duralast)

    I experimented a while back to just see about increasing endurance a bit...I don't have PE but just experimenting just for fun if you know what I mean lol. Anyway, I tried 1 30mg pill 1 hr effect. Then I tried 2 pills, gave me diarrhea and very little other stamina effects :( I...
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    Donating Blood (or plasma) question...

    So I recently donated blood and the girl was saying how they would like me to consider donating plasma. I'm AB+ so I guess I'm a good fit. As most of us know, they're is an ancillary benefit to donating blood when on TRT. I was unfamiliar with plasma donating...guess they sperate the red blood...
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    Trimix + Cialis Daily 10mg?

    Most already know that the risk of priapism increases significantly when Trimix is used in conjunction with ED drugs and not recommended. However, it seems that Cialis Daily 5mg is acceptable while using Trimix per Memorial Sloan Kettering. I personally have done this with no issues. For me...
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    Tested my Ovidac brand HCG from Reliablerx

    I've been suspect about the Ovidac brand HCG from reliablerx. My testicles didn't to seem to be that full (doing 500 iu E3.5D) so I have been wondering. So I picked up a pregnancy kit at the dollar store. Assuming a preg test from the dollar store is reliable lol It seems like it was a...
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    Poll: Does Trimix Increase Your Endurance?

    Not sure whether it's my age (50) or the Trimix, but my stamina is really great when on Trimix. Add whiskey into the equation & we're talking "porn like" lol What's everyone's experience? To be consistent, everyones vote should be based on no or very little alcohol use. ALSO, THIS TO THE FIRST...
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    Blood "pimple" on ball sack

    I recently noticed what feels like a small blood blister on my scrotum. It looks like a small purple zit...for lack of a better description. I see two other very tiny ones too nearby...all on right side. Any idea what caused this? A few months ago I played around a few times with a "**** ring"...
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    My blood work...dialed in?

    Medications Dose Frequency Week Total testosterone Cypionate 64 mg E3.5D 128 mg HCG 350 iu E3.5D 700 iu Adex .25 mg 1 x week .25 mg Test Name Results Ref Range Hemoglobin 17.5 13.2-17.1...
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    First time donating blood...interesting experince

    My last blood work (on TRT) was as follows: Hemoglobin 17.5 13.2-17.1 Hematocrit 52.8 38.5-50.0 So wasn't sure what to expect. BTW- first time EVER donating blood, not just when on TRT. This was a mobile Red Cross blood drive at a local college. I did a...
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    Anyone using Magnesium Oil?

    Tons of information touting the health benefits and the better bioavailability of transdermal application of magnesium oil. Claims of positive benefits on free testosterone levels, lower shbg, increased dhea, etc. Anyone using this with positive results? ref...
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    Help me compare more TT from a different reference range

    I am sooooooooo pissed. I always use Quest diag and bring in the test codes to make sure I get the same tests with same reference ranges. Computers were down & although she asssured she would use the codes I asked for she didn't. Anyway, my past Testosterone test code gave Total, free, bio...
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    Enclomiphene (Research Chem) Lab Results...

    Some surprising results from my enclompihene use. Please note the following, my hormonal condition is atypical (see bullet #2): Age 49 Med History (short version)- Secondary hypo from Accutane damage (sister condition to Post Finasteride Syndrome), zero libido, & ED. in 2016, went from Clomid...