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  1. S

    Costco Canada Phasing out

    Hello everyone, It's been quite some time since I've posted on this forum, but I thought I would share my recent experience. I just got back from picking up my 3 month supply of Omnitrope from my local Costco Canada pharmacy when the cashier told me that there was a note on my prescription...
  2. S

    Which would you KEEP or DUMP?

    I'm a: 43yo male 6'1" tall 220lbs weight My protocol: - Delatestryl Testosterone - 100mg/week (50mg 2x/week - Monday and Thursday) - Omnitrope HGH - 2iu (mon, tues, thurs, fri, sat) Injected in the morning on empty stomach - HCG - 250iu 2x/week (Tuesday and Friday) - DHEA 25mg daily - Arimidex...
  3. S

    HELP with TEST/ HGH cycle!!

    Hello everyone, I have been on TRT for a number of years now and after speaking to a multiple endocrinologists and an anti-aging doctor, I have not been able to get a definitive answer on a hormone program that works. I understand that all bodies are different and require different dosages and...
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    Does HGH Use Lower Testosterone Levels?

    Hello Everyone, Its been a while...and some trial and error. I have since changed and settled on a new protocol which includes: 50mg Delatestryl 2x/week (Monday morning and Thursday night) 250iu HCG 2x/week (Tuesday morning and Friday night) .25mg Arimidex 1x/week (Monday morning) 2 iu HGH...
  5. S

    Daily Testosterone Injection?

    Hello Everyone, I'm excited to be part of this forum. A little history: I had been using "steroids" in sports for many years. About six years ago I met someone and decided that I wanted to get off of everything, so I tampered off and went clean for a year. No PCT. Of course, I felt like crap...