Search results

  1. J

    I Have a prolactinoma

    I recently had an mri because of an elevated prolactin level on blood work. There is a small mass on my pituitary gland. Im bringing this up on this forum because over the last few years there has been a backlash against ai's. There actually is some research showing elevated estrogen causing...
  2. J

    free t3 LC/MS-MS

    Has anyone tested thyroid hormones using LC/MS-MS instead of immunoassay testing? I read a study about the inaccuracy of the immunoassay when testing levels in the lower part of the range especially for free t3. My most recent free t3 level by immunoassay was 2.5pg/ml range 2.0-4.4pg/ml. With a...
  3. J

    Injecting twice per day?

    Has anyone experimented with injecting testosterone twice per day? I found a website called where you can plot different steroids,doseages, injection frequencies and it will show how many milligrams are in your blood. Maybe some of you have visited this website before? One of the...
  4. J

    Low free t3 cardiovascular mortality

    I was researching this topic and I found this study online. A few of you may know I questioned targeting higher free t3 during thyroid hormone replacement. Low free t3 and it’s effects on the cardiovascular system may have changed my mind. Theres accutually a good amount of research on this...
  5. J

    lowered test cyp dose caused water retention?

    Hi guys. I had some blood work done on my trough day the results were as follows: total test 862ng/dl (254-916) free test 28.5pg/ml (9.3-26.5) estradiol sensitive 36.5pg/ml (8-35) shbg 19.3nmol/l (16.5-55.9) psa .6 ng/ml (0-4) tsh 2.6 (.45-4.5) free t3 2.6pg/ml (2.0-4.4) free t4 1.09ng/dl...
  6. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    So Ive done some research on "optimal thyroid levels" for some time now. I am a patient myself and I haven't had many benefits from thyroid medications. The only difference i notice is Im warmer and I sweat easier. This isnt about my symptoms yada yada... This is about what really is optimal...
  7. J

    Help! thyroid issues?!

    So along with trt I take 10mcg t3 and 50mcg t4 daily. I was prescribed this thyroid medication based on multiple tsh of 3.64, 3.48 (.45-4.5) and free t3 3.0 pg/ml (2.4-4.4). Before taking any thyroid medication the only symptom I had was being a bit cold. Since ive been taking this medication...
  8. J

    Blood work interpretation

    Greetings fellow excel male members! I just got my first round of lab work back after being on trt for a month. I'm currently taking 50mg t cyp Monday and Thursday. I also take 10mcg t3 and 50mch t4 daily. Blood test was done the day of my injection. Here are my results Total testosterone 696...
  9. J

    Blood Work - Low E2/Low T?

    Hello excelmale members. In the last few months I've had two blood draws through discounted labs. I'm 27. I train 4 days per week. I had bilateral varicocelectomy about 6 months ago. 2/29/16 Total test 373ng/dl 348-1197 Free test 14.9 pg/ml 9.3-26.5 Free t4 1.41ng/dl .82-1.77 Free t3 2.9pg/ml...