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  1. D

    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    My SHBG has run in the 12-15 range with pretty much any TRT changes I have made. My protocol last month was T Cyp (SQ) 24mg x3/wk, HCG 200 iu 3x wk, DHEA 25 mg 3 x wk, Pregnenolone 50mg 3 x wk, and T Cream to scrotum each night, a very small dose. Seemed to work, and a set of labs found DHT was...
  2. D

    Updated labs, very low E2

    I am seeing my rheumatologist in a week, (have RA) and got a few labs to bring in, also wanted to see how my TT and FT levels were looking. I have very low SHBG (10-15 usually) and so my FT is always high. My regimen has changed a bit over the years, currently my goal is to decrease my FT, it is...
  3. D

    Weaning off a porn addiction

    Over the past year, I have stopped watching TV and have been reading quite a bit more, mostly online. Two sites that I enjoy, and have a fairly large amount of amateur fiction are Literotica and the other is stories online...
  4. D

    How long to increase DHT levels?

    There is quite a bit of info available here and elsewhere on how long it takes for Testosterone to increase blood levels, but not so much for DHT. My current therapy is 30mg of T cyp 3/wk, 20Iu of HCG 3/wk, and a few drops of Arimidex (40 drops = 1 mg) a week. My DHT level was 17 last month...
  5. D

    Does low estradiol cause joint pain in men because of inflammation?

    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I am on TRT, so several things to balance. Last month I noticed I was getting a slight amount of pitting edema along my lower (bilat) shins, could be missed by a lesser clinician. I wasn't sure if it was the Hcg or the Preg/DHEA, but I was certain it was higher...
  6. D

    Hcg prior to vacation absence

    Going away for 8 days,(not a cruise) I currently take Hcg 3 x week. At 200iu per dose = 600iu/week. I decided taking a break while traveling might be good, but I have a question about the last dose. Thoughts? should I take a slightly higher dose, (then won't take another for 8 days) on the...