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  1. You Gonna Learn Today

    Symptoms of being dialed in

    I've been on this site for a while now and love reading the material and posts, but I haven't posted in a while because I've been trying to figure out the right protocol for myself over the past year and a half. I've learned an absolute ton just reading through previous posts and have even told...
  2. You Gonna Learn Today

    Testosterone Cypionate vs Propiante

    After speaking to my doctor, I was able to be switched to Testosterone Propionate. However, they are prescribing me 100mg per week of TProp vs 200mg per week of TCyp. Is the potency the same for each? I don't know how else to ask that question, sorry. What I'm trying to say is if 100mg of TProp...
  3. You Gonna Learn Today

    Cypionate vs Propionate vs Enanthate question

    I tried searching for this type of question on this forum and could not find anything, so please bear with me if it's already posted somewhere and I didn't find it. Anyhow, what is the difference between Testosterone Cypionate vs Propionate vs Enanthate? And does it matter what is prescribed...
  4. You Gonna Learn Today

    Stopped My AI and HCG and It's Working

    Sorry for the long winded post, but needed to provide a detailed history to provide better clarity into the situation. I started TRT a few years ago, but didn't really have it dialed in because I was apparently seeing a doctor that knew nothing about TRT. Dosage prescribed was 200mg of TCyp once...
  5. You Gonna Learn Today

    New blood work (take a look)

    Hey, everyone. I wanted to see if ya'll could take a look at my latest labs and let me know if you see anything that stands out. Details about my protocol are as follows: 200mg Testosterone Cypionate (50ml E3.5D) - pinning with 28g 1/2" shallow intramuscular in my delts & 500 iu HCG (25ml E3.5D)...
  6. You Gonna Learn Today

    Latest lab results

    I've previously posted my labs earlier this year, but will repost them to give a full picture. I first visited a urologist in April of 2015 and took my first set of labs (results provided below): These were the only results I was provided, but I know it's not a full set of labs that should...
  7. You Gonna Learn Today

    Hitting a vein in delt

    So, I took my normal injections this past Friday and I think I hit a vein while injecting into my right delt. I'm using 1/2" 28g insulin needles, but as I was finishing I noticed the needle had come out just as I was finishing the injection. All of a sudden I started sweating really bad, having...
  8. You Gonna Learn Today

    Progesterone cream to reduce estrogen levels

    I've read a few sites on the good ol' interweb that some people use progesterone creams to help reduce estrogen levels and has even helped with gynecomastia as opposed to using aromatase inhibitors. Has anyone used it for this purpose or had experience with it?
  9. You Gonna Learn Today

    Chasing the sweet spot

    I have a question/idea about chasing that sweet spot, mostly all of us look to experience. Since I started TRT, I've only felt that feeling twice. The first time was when I first switched from 200mg TCyp every two weeks to 200mg once per week. But then I didn't feel it after the first 2 days...
  10. You Gonna Learn Today

    Confusing discussion about AI's with my doctor's office

    I reached out to Empower about a week and a half ago to see if I could get my Anastrozole refill sent to me in a .25mg dose instead of the .5mg dose. They sent a refill request with those notes to my doctor's office to see if it would be approved. I called Empower back today and they told me...
  11. You Gonna Learn Today

    Questions about Testosterone Cypionate vial sizes and colors

    As most of us on the forum, I am using Testosterone Cypionate and injecting multiple times per week. With my previous compounding pharmacy, I was getting 5 - 2ml vials. Since I switched to Empower Pharmacy, I've been getting 2 - 5ml vials. After looking on GoodRx, I found a coupon for the 10ml...
  12. You Gonna Learn Today

    Latest labs

    I've posted my full details in my testimonial, linked below: However, I wanted to see if you guys could take a look at my labs to see if there's anything to be concerned about. Basically, I was previously on...
  13. You Gonna Learn Today

    TRT Success due to

    I'm glad I found this forum a few weeks back. Here's a bit about me and my background. I'm 39 years old and originally started on TRT in May of 2015. When I did my first labs back in April 2015, I had the following results: After reviewing those results with my doctor, at the time, he put me...
  14. You Gonna Learn Today

    What type of injectible B12 is best?

    I believe there are 4 types of injectible B12: Methylcobalamin Cyanocobalamin Hydroxocobalamin Adenosylcobalamin What kind is the most effective for energy boost, fat burning and mental clarity/focus? And also, is it ok to take any of these while on TRT?
  15. You Gonna Learn Today

    Do you always get sore after working out?

    I've been on TRT for about a year now, but have not really worked out the past 11 months because I still didn't have energy due to being on a low protocol. I've lost a few pounds here and there, but never really did any weight training until now. I've been weight training for about 3 weeks now...
  16. You Gonna Learn Today

    What do you say is someone asks if you are on steroids?

    New to this site and I'm absolutely loving the expertise, advice, and openness here. Thanks to everyone who participates in these discussions and shares your knowledge and experiences. Forgive me if this has been discussed previously, but I've searched different areas of this forum for about 30...
  17. You Gonna Learn Today

    Switched Dr's and now feeling AMAZING.....yet confused

    I was seeing a Urologist in the Houston area, but after a year on treatment of 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate every two weeks and nothing else I was not seeing any improvements and my TT only increased by 14 points (from 296 to 310). I was still feeling like crap and sometimes even feeling...