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  1. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    Here's my 2nd semen analysis while on 1666 ius of hcg 3 times a week. My baseline or first analysis which was with no hcg was 2 million. The test couldn't analysis further due to a small sample. I will be asking to use 3000 ius of hcg 3 times a week and will be adding fsh as well.
  2. H

    Looking for published papers on trt+hcg + fsh

    I'm currently on 60 mgs testosterone cyp x2 week, along with 1666 IU'S of HCG. I want to add fsh, but my fertility doc thinks it's too early, although he will go along with it, providing I can find some studies to show him. He also would like the studies to provide to my insurance company, which...
  3. H

    looking for success stories on individuals who conceived while on trt

    So I've been on trt now for 8 years, and of recently decided to start thinking about fertility and children with my GF. I never knew how hard, frustrating, and down right nerve racking it would be dealing with docs, urologists, etc. None will write a script for hcg. Never been this down before...
  4. H

    Feedback from those who added hcg to protocol

    After 2 years of therapy, I'm starting to wonder if it's time to try adding hcg. My issue is after sex, I feel lethargic/tired/ mood tanks. In addition, my strength goes down and it's noticeable. I lose what little "pep in my step " I have so to speak. This magnifies if I have sex several times...
  5. H

    Being on trt cause insulin sensitivity etc?

    Hello everyone. I've been concerned for the last 4 or so months with the development of gaining weight at the top of my stomach. I'm not a heavyset individual and never had this problem prior to trt. It was sudden in development. It's like I have a bowling ball ( slight exaggeration) at the top...
  6. H

    Adding proviron

    Now I know that this is a trt site, but I was wondering if anyone has had success supplementing their protocol with proviron. As many of you know, I've struggled with estrogen related issues even before trt. After doing some research online, and speaking with the doc, I've come decided to add it...
  7. H

    New Blood Work - Does it Explain Weight Gain?

    Here's my latest blood work. My concerns are with my cholesterol. In addition to the weight gain I'm experiencing. It's going to the top of my stomach, not at the waist, like I'm forming a ball. Sorry for the double post. I'm injecting every day sub q 26 mgs of test. I also take arimidex as...
  8. H

    Ready to give up

    For everyone who probably remembers, I've always had issues with gynocomastia, even before trt. I've been on trt for approximately 9 months. I've been injecting sub q everyday 13 mgs for 5 months. I've started taking .5 of arimidex every 3 to 4 days and it doesn't help. I've went down now to...
  9. H

    Are my thyroid labs ok

    Hello everyone. Just looking for some feedback on my thyroid labs. Very much appreciated. T3, free 3.76 ref 2.52-4.34 T4, free o.87 ref o.55- 1.60 Tsh o.880 ref o.270- 4.200 Reverse t3 21.5 ref 9.0 - 27.o Again I appreciate anyone's feedback
  10. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Hello everyone. Here's my recent labs work. I've been trying to get my e2 up, but everytime I start backing off my arimidex, I start having chest issues in itching, hotness, and sometimes a shooting sharp "flash" for lack of a better term. I've put on a little weight, which I'm guessing is from...
  11. H

    Where to Buy Proviron

    Anyone know of any reputable places online to purchase proviron?
  12. H

    Cortisol results

    8am 0.333 ug/dl ref 0.122- 1.551 1200 noon 0.113 1330 hours 0.059 2010 hours <0.012
  13. H

    Everyday injection blood work

    Here's my recent labs as of today after 6 to 8 weeks on everyday injections. 10 ml of testosterone Tamoxifen 1/4 arimidex [as needed] T3,free 2.94. Ref 1.80- 3.90 T4 7.6. Ref 5.o- 12.3 Tsh 1.690 ref o.270- 4.2oo Thyroglobulin ab <1 ref 0-4 Thyroid peroxidase o.43 ref
  14. H

    What about the others?

    Hello everyone. I'm writing this after now 17 weeks of trt therapy. First off, this is not meant too be of any discouragement or cast any doubt, or be negative. This is my personal experience and I'm sharing it with you. After 17 weeks of trt, which after reflecting upon, I began to question...
  15. H

    9th week and phone consult

    So I had my first consult via telephone which was pretty informitive, and awesome too. Went over my numbers and decided on some changes. I'm staying at .5ml 2x a week, and taking my ai the day of /day after(.25) Added was 25 mg of pregesterone at night, I was at o.7. Range was o.14- 2.14. I'm...
  16. H

    Thyroid labs/igf-1

    Here are my final labs before my phone consult with defy. After Friday, I'll be starting my 8th week on trt. Igf-1 binding protein 13. Ref 5-34 T3,free 4.00 high. Ref 1.80-3.90 T4,free 1.06. Ref 0.55-1.60 Tsh. 1.211. Ref 0.270-4.200 Thyroglobulin ab...
  17. H

    low progesterone/ high prolactin?

    Progesterone 0.7 ref. 0.14-2.06 Sbh glob. 45.02 ref 13.30-89.50 Prolactin 6.7 ref 2.64-13.13
  18. H

    5th week update

    Hello everyone,hope your weekend is going great. I thought I'd post a little follow up after being in my 5th week of treatment. I went from 160 mg once a week, to 80x2 a week. I also take 200 mg dim/.125 arimidex,often just as needed. I do suffer from I would describe as hot flashes,which don't...
  19. H

    first injection

    Well,today was hopefully the start to a better me.its been a journey in just the way I ended up here,which was a simple go ogling of symptoms. Any way,as expected it was kinda a trial and error,but I did it.dont laugh,but I couldn't figure out how to replace the 20 gauge needle, 1 inch long...
  20. H

    should I be concerned

    Hello everyone.i hope your weekend was,awesome.i got a some might know from previous posts,I suffer from some pre existing gyno.i had my consultation and my prescription of 160 mg once a week should be here on nervous,rather scared,that once a week injections without no ai...
  21. H

    What Could Cause Gyno When Estrogen is Low?

    Hello guys,just wondering if anyone had any ideas what would be a cause of gyno in a male who has low estrogen?it runs in my family,as it's evident in the males. I don't know my prolactin levels yet,although I'm not having any discharge whatsoever. I do have chest fat on sides, not...
  22. H

    had consult today

    Met with Dr at defy,briefly went over symptons,labs. I'll be starting with one shot weekly of 160 mg. Also talked about primary testicular failure/also secondary. Wish me luck!!
  23. H

    final labs before thur consult with defy

    Here are the labs I was waiting for,hopefully the knowledgeable can give me some insight until I speak with crisler on thur. Lh. 5.1. Ref 1.4-7.7 Dhea 5.270. Ref 1.33o-7.786 Dhea sulphate 385 ref 120-520 Estrogen serum fract. 12.6 ref 10.o-42 Estrone 19.8. Ref. 9-36 Total...
  24. H

    Large Decrease in Testosterone Blood Levels During the Day

    Just curious,how many others have numbers plummet as the day goes 7 am and fasted,I'm at 425 total,however by noon,I'm at 276.these were however done on different days via diff.labs. Anyway,my appointment with Dr crisler is for the 31st,which seems too far ready to get back on...
  25. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Just curious if anyone is using cabergeoline as part of their treatment/ai?I was at a clinic today and the doctor stated that is what he prescribes his patients.i might be spelling it wrong.thoughts?
  26. H

    my tests so far

    Not all tests are in,but here's what I got back so love for any input on these. Anion gap 5.2. 3.6- 11.o Hepatic function panel Bilirubin, dir. 0.20h. 0.03- 0.18 Insulin 5.8. 1.9- 23.0 Automated diff Neutrophil 63.0. Lymphocyte. 25.3 Monocyte 6.0...
  27. H

    new member from nw indiana saying hello

    Hello everyone.thought I'd say hello.what a wonderful place with such a vast amount of knowledge. I'm so glad I've come across this site where I can learn and share my experiences. As a 36 y.o male whose quality of life isn't what it used too be,I started searching my symptoms and that's where I...