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  1. Charliebizz

    What happened to empowers version of atrevis base (hydro gel)

    Has anyone got any info why we can no longer get the hydrogel base from empower. (Before anyone comments it is a cream). My numbers were much better on the hydrogel then hrt base personally.
  2. Charliebizz

    Curious your opinions

    Saw this video today and very curious on your opinions especially @madman
  3. Charliebizz

    Random thought about our max t set points.

    So some of us have trouble with higher levels of t. And I was having a convo with another forum member that got me thinking. Back when I tried clomid, my fsh and lh were maxed out and I only got up to 500-600 tt levels. Obviously I didn’t feel good on clomid cause free t sucked from clomid...
  4. Charliebizz

    Using micro dose ssri to boost allopregnenolone

    I’ve read a few interesting things on low dose ssri boosting allopregnenolone. And not acting as an ssri at all. I’m the past I actually did better on trt with low dose lexapro. Now I’m going to give low dose Prozac a shot. Here is an article that put me on to it...
  5. Charliebizz

    Trt-clomid-low shbg

    Hey a low shbg guy. A few years ago I used clomid for restarts. And just to avoid trt. It always raised my shbg a good amount. I was wondering if you used a small amount of clomid while on trt would it still be able to raise shbg ? Or would the exogenous testosterone mess with it's...
  6. Charliebizz

    Shbg/free t?

    I have a weird question I do t know if I'm going to be able to word it right. But I'm curious why free testosterone is so import if shbg transports androgens to the cellular targets. This paragraph is from a study on pub med. I can be completely off on my interpretation. classical hormones...
  7. Charliebizz

    Dht levels

    Sorry if this has been asked before. But does anyone know how long after cream administration would dht stay elevated? I'm trying Injection/cream combo. Was just wondering if I could get away with using the cream on the days I'm not injecting (inject m-w-f) Probably sounds strange but I've...
  8. Charliebizz

    Daily Intramuscular injections.

    Hey guys I'm currently on m-w-f injections. Ive actually started to feel way better on shot days on Im vs sub q. However through years of testing my t levels drop off quite a bit 24 hrs post injection. I respond very well to lower doses. 90mg a week has my ft slightly over range. And TT around...
  9. Charliebizz

    How many low shbg guys use A. I

    What's up guys. I'm wondering how many low shbg guys use an a.i. I've never felt 100% dialed in on trt and have been at this on and off for over 10 years. I feel decent on 90mg of test e a week split mwf. I've tried many different frequency and doses and this has me feeling ok with tt of 500...
  10. Charliebizz

    Change in stance.

    What’s up guys. I love excel and everything we stand for let me first say that but I do have to change my stance about the ******** group trt and hormone optimization. Although I did see that they had some knowledgeable stuff being posted I let all the negative shit I was seeing get to me...
  11. Charliebizz

    Thyroid help.

    Anyone have any insight how I can get my body temp up. I walk around usually 97.0-97.5 I have cold intolerance. Cold hands and feet. Trouble losing weight dry skin. And do not respond well to trt. A few years ago I had high rt3 and tried t3 only. Also tried it with hydrocortisone. Both were a...
  12. Charliebizz

    200mg + a week trend.

    Anyone else seeing this new trend around the net of guys starting at 200mg a week or more. And claiming they feel great and no sides. Also high e2 and high hct isn’t of concern. Seems to me like this is playing with fire but what do I no. Personally I’ve only went up to 120 and haven’t felt...
  13. Charliebizz

    Testosterone gel and tattoos

    What’s up guys I started androgel about 5 days ago. I have full sleeve tattoos on both arms. Does anyone know if it’s safe to use androgel over tattoos. I’m not worried about it damaging tattoo as much as harming me health wise. I could be thinking way too into it but was just curious if anyone...
  14. Charliebizz

    Shbg and transdermals.

    I’m a low shbg guy and was a patient of dr crislers for years we tried everything we could for my low t levels except transdermals. Currently I’m at 211 total t. I have low shbg. 12-15. I did horrible on all kinds of injection protocols. I stayed away from gel because of small child and another...
  15. Charliebizz

    Why Can't I Tolerate TRT From a Mental Standpoint?

    I would like if this discussion doesn’t turn into an “us vs them” type of discussion. But it seems a small minority of people on these boards can’t tolerate trt from a mental stand point. Trt has very small positive effect on me physically. I feel slightly more energy and less fatigue. But...
  16. Charliebizz

    Pituitary microadenoma question.

    Hey guys it’s really hard to find any clear answers about micro adenomas online. I have a 3mm microadenoma on my adenohypophysis. It also says my pituitary is of normal size and contour. Could that be causing low hormones since that is the part of the pituitary that controls lh-fsh-tsh-atch. Or...
  17. Charliebizz

    How safe is trt long term without backfilling.

    Like title says. What if you have trouble with hcg dhea and safe is it long term to have the other hormones trt only effect lbs shutdown long term. So far for me personally hcg seems to cause a lot of problems with me. I was getting fatigue and anxiety. Dhea seems ok so far but...
  18. Charliebizz

    New Member - Labs Included

    Hey guys. Been lurking for a while and am a long time member of a few other well known hrt/trt forums. Would like a fresh take and some different opinions on my issues. I'm gonna try to keep it as short as possible. I'm a 33 year old male Ive always had some kind of issues going on since a...