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  1. M

    Tesamorelin source?

    Anyone had luck with any peptide companies or compounding pharmacies for Tesamorelin?
  2. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Not much out there, all I'm finding is 10-25mg a week. Anyone have better guidelines for injectable dose for females undergoing doctor supervised TRT? Already tried the DHEA route but not much effect on T levels or libido.
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    Tesamorelin vs. Ipamorelin?

    Anyone have personal experience w/ Tesamorelin vs. Ipamorelin? Which one do you prefer? Based on my research these seem to be the top two choices currently, aside from growth hormone obviously.
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    Chest exercise after breast augmentation?

    My wife is heading in for breast augmentation at the end of the month. Some of the surgeon's we've met with recommend putting a permanent end to chest related exercises after surgery. Others have said that is not necessary. Implants will be silicone under the muscle, approximately 300cc which...
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    My Wife's High Estradiol

    Had my wife run some bloodwork. She's in the luteal phase of her cycle and I noticed that her estradiol is about 50% higher than the high end of range... Not sure if this is something to be concerned about or could simply be a case of 'estrogen dominance'. Guess we need to run progesterone...
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    Testosterone Acetate?

    Anyone tried Testosterone Acetate? Looks like it may be an ideal choice for those of us on daily or EOD injections. Short half life and none of the pain associated with Testosterone Propionate. Not sure if any of the brand names are sold in the US but I imagine any compounding pharmacy could...
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    Anyone found a way to order IGFBP-3 through discountedlabs or Nelson any chance of adding this to your offerings?
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    Extensive Bloodwork After 3 Months on TRT

    Got bloodwork back. Total t is lower than I would have guessed but free t looks good. Estradiol is in line with the addition of arimidex. Prolactin has come down nicely since discontinuing zoloft. DHEA-S and IGF are above range from 50mg DHEA a day. PSA is half of what it was at initiation...
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    Pregnenolone Blood Levels

    Those of you that have tested Pregnenolone, what are you aiming for level wise? What have you seen with and without supplemental Pregnenolone? I realize this may not be the most accurate or reliable test but seems to be the best we've got currently. Mine just came back at 42 ng/dL with...
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    Testosterone for Parkinsons?

    Any thoughts/experience using T or hGH for patients with Parkinson's Disease. Seen some crazy shit where they were injecting hGH into the brain but that's about all I've been able to track down... Trying to find another way to help my pops who was diagnosed a couple years ago.
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    DHEA Sourced from country other than China?

    Anyone found DHEA that comes from anywhere other than China? A number of brands are "made in the USA" but that means nothing as the raw material is still sourced from China. Even the higher end companies have responded that they are sourcing from China...
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    Total T >1500 (New Blood Test)

    Jesus. Time to reduce dose 20% or so? Currently on 200mg test cyp split into two subq injections, one Tuesday, one Friday. 500 IU HCG with each injection. Blood draw was on Monday. Total T >1500, Free T 39.3 One month ago when I was on compounded cream my Total T was 427 and Free T was 5.84 and...
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    To Wait or Not to Wait - Adding DHEA and hCG to TRT

    In my second month of TRT, started with compounded 20% cream and now on test cyp injections, 100mg, twice a week. Should I wait until I have follow up bloodwork and have fine tuned the dose of test cyp before I add DHEA and hCG into the mix? I've been tracking DHEA for the last five years...
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    Long Term Low Dose hCG Health/Safety Concerns?

    Any of you guys have concerns about using low dose hCG (~1000 IU or less per week) long term? I'm comfortable with the risk/reward profile of Testosterone but having a more difficult time getting on board with hCG given the even more pervasive lack of data/long term studies. Would like to...
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    Full Thyroid Panel for Wife

    My wife has had a history of Raynaud's phenomenon. Docs took her off thyroid meds after her pregnancy as they said she "no longer needed it". She couldn't explain why but didn't want to come off of it. Just had her run a full thyroid blood panel, what do you guys think? TSH 1.99 T4 5.2 T3...