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  1. D

    TRT and exercise-- does it use your T faster?

    I am TRT on a once weekly protocol right now. I go to the gym to work out--- usually weight lifting, but super heavy lifting. Question--- I know that exercise is supposed to help increase your body's natural T level. But if you are on TRT which meas your body is no longer producing its on...
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    TRT and venous leak

    Are there any guys on this forum who are on TRT and dealing with a venous leak at the same time? I'd be interested in hearing your experience and knowing how you judge the right TRT regimen.
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    Would like to know why some men choose more frequent injections at smaller does like twice weekly or E3D. Thinking of going to twice weekly

    Greetings all. I am on a once weekly injection schedule with 150mg of T cyp on Mondays, then .25mg anastrozole on Tuesdays, and .1mg anastrozole on Fridays and Sundays. This causes my T to range from approx 1200 at peak and 500 seven days later before next injection. Is this a normal swing...
  4. D

    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    I have been on TRT for about 4-5 years now. I am thinking of going back to twice weekly injections. Have been doing once weekly for about 1.5 years now. I inject .75cc of T cyp on Mondays, take .25 mg of anastrozole on Tuesday or Wednesday, then .1mg anastrozole on Friday and Sunday. When I...
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    Question TRT , venous leak, and penile implants

    Is there anyone in this forum who has dealt with a venous leak and chosen to get a penile implant? Would you be willing to share your experience? I am on TRT but have been diagnosed with a venous occlusive leak which prevents me from keeping an erection. For a long time I was wondering why my...
  6. D

    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    I'm curious to know if there is anyone on this forum who does weekly injections and it works well for them. I know that most recommend twice weekly or more. I'm asking because I started TRT two years ago with once weekly injections and did OK in the beginning. Then had E2 issues. Recently I...
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    Symptoms of high and low E2

    I'm wondering if some of you would be willing to share, what are some of the symptoms you've experienced with high and/or low E2. I've had difficulty stabilizing my E2 levels. And when they are too high or low (particularly when they are too high), it affects my arousal and erections...
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    Your Experience with Defy

    I am new to the forum and just starting posting. So far the information and discussions have been very helpful. I'd like to pose a question to the forum users. Would you mind sharing what your experience has been with Defy Medical? I've heard so many people mention this place and I am...
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    Weekly vs. more injections

    I have been reading this form for some time but this is the first time I've joined and started asking questions. I've done this because I have been able to relate to a lot of the posts. Does anyone on here take weekly injections, or have taken them? What was your experience? I started on...
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    Free T question

    While on TRT, I've noticed my free T levels can be in the 190s 230s on a scale of 30-150. It even reached 325 once. Is that OK? Everything I've read says that you want a high amount of bio available free T.
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    Why does anastrozole lower my T levels?

    Hi Guys, I am new to the forum and this is my second post. I've been on TRT for two years now. I wish I would have known all the things I learned on this forum when I started TRT. Here's a question. Most of the reading I've done and posts I've seen mentioned how an AI (like anastrozole or...
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    New to Forum with some questions on TRT regimen.

    I have read a number of things on this forum to try to educate myself on TRT. I've been on TRT for about two years and wish I would have known some of the things I've learned when I started TRT. Recently, after doing a lot of research, I switched to E3D injections hoping to control E2 and...