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  1. Vitamin_C

    Able to wife pregnant

    42-year-old male, I have been on TRT for 10 years at 180mg/week; I have also used HCG throughout at 1000 IU/week, split into two doses. My wife and I are having our baby girl tomorrow, so it is entirely possible to conceive while on TRT; I am a big fan of utilizing HCG as well. I was prepared to...
  2. Vitamin_C

    Decided to do a SA, fertility options?

    I am a 40M who has been on TRT for about five years. My fiance is 29 and wants to have children. I decided to get a SA done to check on my swimmers. My current protocol is 120mg of Test Cypionate/week and 1000IU of HCG/week. Motility: 16 (>=32%) pH Semen: 8.5 (7.2-8) Sperm count: 3.4 (>=15.0...
  3. Vitamin_C

    Looking for studies

    Hey guys, I am a senior graduate student for my nurse practitioner, and I am doing my DNP project on improving TRT. For my literature review section, I wondered if you guys came across any studies showing knowledge gaps with providers and patients to TRT, as we know many TRT horror stories...
  4. Vitamin_C

    Strange case at my clinic

    Greetings, I have a TRT patient at my clinic and the fellow providers nor myself can figure this out. I have a patient who had a total Estrogen level of 20,240, with a TT of 420 and FT of 12. I had the other provider to run sensitive estradiol on him and he is pitifully low at 3.4, I had them...
  5. Vitamin_C

    E2 in single digits again

    My E2 is back into single digits again but this time as opposed to last time I have no low E2 symptoms, no ED, no joint pain, no overt anxiety, I was actually really surprised to see my E2 was low this time around, weird how the body works.
  6. Vitamin_C

    Vit C's crashed E2 update w/labs

    Greetings gents, I crashed me E2 about 2.5 months ago doing a Sustanon blast (300mg/week) with Anavar (60mg/day) + Primo at 400mg/week. Anavar was ran for 6 weeks, the other two compounds were ran for 10 weeks. Prior to this I had been dialed in with my TRT protocol for over a year (120mg/week...
  7. Vitamin_C

    Testosterone and Estrogen showed possible neurogenesis in the amygdala

    Also possibly with cell proliferation Also testosterone has been shown to make approaching a social threat easier
  8. Vitamin_C

    Crashed E2 update

    Hey guys, so I was going nicely on .25mg of Adex per week and 120mg of T. I stopped drinking, lost some belly fat and then started to notice some low E2 symptoms (joints, ED, libido etc.) Went to my PCP and my sensitive E2 was 8. Dropped the Adex, waited about 3 weeks and started off with .25...
  9. Vitamin_C

    Near Estrogen crash

    Greetings gents, long story short my prescriber and myself have been making tweaks to my regiment. We upped my Adex dose from .5mg a week to 1mg a week and needless to say it was going well until about 3 weeks into the new regiment when I started to get noodle penis, libido slashed in half...
  10. Vitamin_C

    Testosterone and immunity

    Greetings gents, I am currently in grad school for Nurse practioner and I want to work with testosterone and delivering the beneficial effects for men. I have been on TRT for about a year and a half myself, I am 34 years old. I was doing some research in my pathophysiology course and noticed...
  11. Vitamin_C

    Nagging, persistent joint pain.

    Greetings fellas, I have been on TRT for a year and a half and my current regiment is 100mg per week in bi weekly sub Q or shallow IM injections with 250IU of HCG bi weekly as well. I have just recently added .25mg twice weekly of Arimidex due to sensitive E2 coming back at 68 during my last...
  12. Vitamin_C

    my latest labs 6 months into new protocol

    Hey guys, I like to update you all on my protocol. I am currently a Doctorate Nurse Practioner student who wants to specialize in mental health and hormones. I am currently on TRT, unable to break out of the 400's since my late 20's, I am currently 33 years old. I started on topicals, highest...
  13. Vitamin_C

    Varying total testosterone levels on my protocol.

    My current protocol is HCG 250 twice per week and 62.5mg of Test Cypionate (Perrigo) shallow IM or sub Q in fat pads above glutes tue/fri. I use a 27g 1/2 inch syringe. I have received 3 sets of labs from this protocol. I have seen Total testosterone as high as 1074 and as low as 830. My E2...
  14. Vitamin_C

    Latest labs before I start with Defy.

    I experimented with topicals for about 2-3 months, highest concentration I went was 20% at 100mg per day, this did not raise my TT higher than 500 (which is near my baseline). I decided to go back to Cypionate at 120mg per week injecting 60mg Tue and Fri along with 250IU of HCG M/W/F. My...
  15. Vitamin_C

    Vitamin C's latest labs, switching protocols.

    Greetings gents, first I would like to announce that I have been selected to the University of Arizona's FNP program . My goal of going into anti-aging medicine and becoming a prescriber is now a reality. I have been on TRT for nearly 4 months, started with topicals at 50mg and got no...
  16. Vitamin_C

    Estrogen lab question

    My TRT doc is pretty good but does not do the sensitive estrogen test. My latest estrogen labs showed : Estradiol 21pg/ml L (26-61) Is there anyway to convert this to sensitive or no? would I actually be lower on the sensitive test pertaining to estrogen? I am on 10% t-gel at 100mg per day...
  17. Vitamin_C

    Latest labs after 2 months on TRT

    Hey guys, I've been on 50mg of 10% T-gel and 500 IU of hcg per week in divided doses. Just got my labs back: My latest labs came back after 2 months on 50mg of 10% t-gel per day. TT 541 Free T 90.6 (35-155) SHBG 39 (10-50) Estradiol 21 L (26-61) TSH 2.75 T4 1.2 (0.8-1.7) T3 3.5 (2.0-4.8)...
  18. Vitamin_C

    Any concerns with long term HCG use?

    I do 250 iu twice per week along with my T-gel. I know there is a lot of data about the safety and effectiveness of testosterone replacement over long periods of time in men, but with hcg the longest study I have seen was a two year study that didn't observe any negative effects. Now I know...
  19. Vitamin_C

    T-gel and lotion question

    Hey guys, would I run into an absorption issues if I put on lotion on my arms/shoulders, went to bed for 6-8 hours, and then applied my T-gel to my shoulders?