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  1. D

    Uk sensitive E2 labs

    I recall Nelson recommending a lab in the Uk that had started carrying out the E2 sensitive test over here. My Doc is very knowledgeable but she runs the normal female protocol e labs and then adjusts for a male. I'm not sure how accurate these are. I can normally detect when things are not...
  2. D

    Natural alternative to Arimidex

    Jerry Brainum recently posted an article about a natural substance that was as effective at controlling E as arimidex but with no sides....I think it was an amino acid. Cant find the article now.....have any other members come across this substance and if so can they remember what its called and...
  3. D


    My recent labs have shown my Hct & Haemoglobin are at the upper levels.......3 years on T and they seemed to have settled down around this docs happy. What I have noticed is my GFR rate has dropped to 77 ...i'm guessing this would be normal if the platelets have thickened up its going...
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    just had some labs done and my levels have crept up to 50.5 ....I am normally under 50. Researching this I have picked up on a couple of items and wondered if any other members have come across these. If you dig deep enough you can find a connection between high e2 and increased I...
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    Any feedback on this one would be appreciated. I have been reading up on Metformin as an off label anti aging product and thinking of adding it to my protocol. In theory it helps with insulin resistance which would help maintain body composition (and has anti cancer benefits as well.) Its the...
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    Primarily organic Coconut oil... Before I started on my meds I used to take this it has many beneficial qualities. My doc told me to cut back on saturated fatty acids and even though mct's are treated differently by the bod ..they are when all said and done a saturated fatty acid. Do...
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    Arimidex potency.

    Question. How long does arimidex keep its potency for. I have 1 mg tabs that I have quartered. I did this earlier this year and now they seem to be having little impact. These were purchased I think around 5 years ago so I'm not sure when the official package expiry date was. Thanks guys
  8. D


    Is there any way of telling if an ED problem is being caused by Stenosis of the spine or ones therapy not hitting the marque... Had lower back injuries in the past...but my back seems good at the mo other than the odd twinge every now and then. I am squatting once a week...but I don't know if...
  9. D

    Dutch Test

    My new doc reckons I should have the my levels tested by having the Dutch Test carried out as it more accurate here in the UK to track my E2 and monitor the peaks & troffs of my levels throughout the day...... Have any other guys looked at this to see if its worthwhile or am I wasting my money...
  10. D

    Niggly headache

    Whats the members views on niggly headaches. I have been treating these as an indication that my e-2 is on the rise. Wake up with a muzzy kinda headache. I normally respond by taking a .25 or .5 dose of arimidex. When you look at the signs to watch out for with e-2 some guys are prone to a...
  11. D

    Sunshine !

    I have noticed a reaction since starting on my meds just wondering if any other members had noticed it ... Been on T-Gel & arimidex now for around 8mths....)apart from the 4weeks change of meds and my subsequent crash) Over here in the UK we don't get a lot of sunshine. As I used to workout side...
  12. D

    Controlling the load !

    As I progress with my therapy things are improving in the bedroom department...starting to feel like my old self again. Any tips from the members about hanging on to the load...just don't seem to be able to last that long which does me no favours with the wifey...any recommendations would be...
  13. D

    Intra workout carbs

    I am running a low carb regime. Focusing on protein and good fats.(just about to hit the big 60). My goal is to put on size (lean) and achieve the best shape I can for a guy of my age with the mileage on my clock...still got a annoying layer of fat around my midsection...which is slowly...
  14. D


    Hi Guys Just got my DHT labs back and they are above range.... 2.190 nmol/L that anything to be concerned about....from what I can gather I think its positive. Free T is 18.4 and normal T 22.6 Should I adjust my protocol or keep things on track ?...........PSA numbers were 1.37. Thanks...
  15. D

    Update on my journey...and my new meds.

    Well had my meeting with my new doc here in the Uk....full panel of labs done. But that old chestnut the E2 test has reared its head again. It looks as though the E2 test that was ran was the usual female one that did not register an E2 reading for. But my HDL has dropped and LDL risen so I am...
  16. D

    Progesterone in Men

    Hi guys I have sacked my GP becuz as I have mentioned before...she is clueless... promised me a full set of labs in March & all got was my T level checked again...waste of space ! So I have booked up a meeting with a private doc to take over control of my therapy. In the correspondence that was...
  17. D

    Saw or avoid.

    I have read contradictory research on the above SP. The Life extension team reckon its a must to run it whilst on T-Gel therapy to avoid prostate problems. But other research indicates that it can push up E and also block Andro conversion. The latest research I have read on prostate issues now...
  18. D

    Blood sugar.

    On checking my fasting blood sugar levels they are coming up on the high side 6.5 yesterday morning which is near the top range for pre-diabetes. Before i started my T-gel they ran pretty high any way. My doc didn't seem to think it was anything to be concerned about but as previously...
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    Frosting on skin after gel application

    After my doc agreed to up my Testo-gel to 2 x 50 mg sachets a day starting from Jan, I am using one on waking and one after my evening shower. I have noticed I am getting a frosting over my skin where I apply the Gel. After reading Dr Johns book TRT this looks as though it might be poor...
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    Gel Dosage

    Morning Exm. Had my blood test levels checked after 3 months of running testo-gel and they came out at 5.4. So still well below par. My doc here in the Uk is as clueless as usual. She refused to get my e levels checked as she said it was unheard of in males.:mad: Eventually she agreed to double...
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    Follow up bloods

    Clarification ? Hi XCL Male community. I started on T-Gel around 9 weeks ago and called my doctors surgery yesterday to book in my 12 week bloods. To my surprise my doctor called me back late afternoon to talk things over. It was a very interesting conversation which I believed showed her...
  22. D

    Anti estrogen.

    Hi guys......just about to start with testo gel....will I need to run any AI's with it just in case... Its been a long drawn out saga to get to this stage with my local docs not having a clue about these things ended up seeing a Harley street specialist who ran a rake of tests ....spent big...