Search results

  1. Lancealot

    HGH Juvetrope

    Hey guys, Got an email today with info for Juvetrope hgh. I don't know much about it but it looks legit. If anyone is interested you can check it out at Looks like 10x10iu with ba water for 299$. That seems awful cheap for real hgh.
  2. Lancealot

    Mixing HCG

    Hey guys, Got a question about mixing hcg. I get mine from aps pharmacy in florida and they send instructions with the order that say: for 3500iu to mix 3.5ml bac water. My actual prescription says to mix 7ml bac water in vial. So now I'm wondering which one to do. This is for a 3500iu bottle...
  3. Lancealot

    Labs cost from Labcorp/ insurance

    Hi all, I just received my EOB (explanation of benefits) from my insurance for my latest labs. It list what labcorp charges insurance and what they agree to accept in payment. I had panel of 12 tests that totaled $1,816.00! Long story short, Labcorp agreed to accept $146.32 from insurance and...
  4. Lancealot

    Latest labs

    Hi all, Just had my latest labs done Friday 1-15. Started TRT 9-26-15. As a reminder I inject 50mg Tcyp+170iu hcg; tue a.m. and fri p.m. and no ai. My doc likes my estrogen to be in the middle or lower "range", so I did take .25mg adex Thursday evening for the test as my E is usually in range...
  5. Lancealot


    Hi all, I posted my latest labs in bloodwork section but wanted to post in this section on A-dex. Just wanted to share my experience with taking adex and how it affected my E levels according to bloodwork. Maybe it will help someone else that has questions. My doc wanted me more in range on the...
  6. Lancealot

    New labs

    Hi all, Went in for my 4 wk labs. These were taken on last fri before injection so this would be a trough measurement. As a reminder, I inject 5omg T and 170iu hcg on tue a.m. and fri p.m. Doc wanted me more in range on estrogen so I took .25mg a-dex Thursday evening about 7pm then had blood...
  7. Lancealot

    A-dex question

    Hi all and happy thanksgiving, Have a ? about adex. I need to get my E a little lower for an upcoming labs. I'm planning on blood draw fri afternoon. I inject 50mg T and 170iu hcg tue a.m. and fri p.m. If I take .5 mg anastroloze say Thursday night would that be enough time to bring estrogen...
  8. Lancealot

    New Labs

    Hi guys, Just got labs from discountlabs. T total 879 (348-1197), Free T 25.8 (6.8-21.5), E sensitive 38.7 (8-35). These were taken day of injection before injection. My last labs that had doc concerned: T total >1500, Free T 33.4, E 51.4 (not sensitive test) were taken day before inject so I...
  9. Lancealot

    Trouble posting

    Hey guys, Not sure if this is posted in the right place. I'm having trouble posting on this site for some reason. If I start a new thread the first few words type fine then I have to push keyboard harder? Then if i write my question and hit preview the post will be missing a lot of text...
  10. Lancealot

    4 week labs

    Hi guys, Been on TRT 4wks now and just had some labs done to see where im at. I take Tcyp 50mg (2xwk) in shoulder and 170iu hcg (2xwk) in stomach and no AI used. I inject Tcyp+hcg tue morning and fri evening alternating left and right sides. I have had total of 8 injections before labs. I did...
  11. Lancealot

    Quitting tobacco

    Hey guys, I'm in the process of trying to quit using tobacco. (Snuff). I've used copenhagen snuff for about 25yrs. I have cut back to 2 chews a day which is good for me. Nicotine is a powerful substance! Just curious if anyone on here has tried to quit nicotine and had any luck with the array...
  12. Lancealot

    What size syringe/needle is best?

    Hi all, Just started TRT 1 week ago today. Im going with subq injections for now. So far used small 31g 5/16 1cc (select brand), 29g 1/2 .5cc (covidien). The 31g took a little time to load and had to really push to get oil out. 29g was a bit better. I combine 5omg tcyp+175iu hcg 2xweek and...
  13. Lancealot

    Starting TRT

    Hi all, Getting ready to start TRT. This is the protocol the doc recommended for me. 2oomg Tcyp/once wk+250iuhcg/twice wk and 1mg/wk anastrozole divided in 2 doses. She wants me to do hcg for 7wks then off 3wks to let body produce its ownT. She also gave me 31g syringes for hcg and 23g for...
  14. Lancealot


    Hi all, Had some more labs done that NP recommended. After reading the stickys I see she missed some test that I should have had. Anyway just a quick refresh: 42yo, 250lbs. Labcorp- Total T:268, Free T:6.8(6.8-21.5) Estradiol:21.1(7.6-42.6) LH:4.8(1.7-8.6) Prolactin:21.1(4.0-15.2). I had a...
  15. Lancealot

    New guy here, Ohio

    Hello all, I recently found this site after searching for info on lowT. A lot of info to absorb! Been reading and absorbing all I can. Some back round on me: 42yo, 250lb weightlifter in good health. Workouts starting to suffer and had a lot of symptoms of lowT so went and got checked. Labcorp T...