Search results

  1. E

    Modalert Has No Effect on Me Anymore?

    Hello- Years ago I had a friend with a prescription for Modalert 200 and one day he gave me one one and I cleaned the entire house and washed and waxed 2 cars on on a Saturday. I use that as an example of how well it worked, this is not something I would take every day, just on the occasional...
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    BPC-157 and/or TB-500 Results?

    Has anyone had positive results using either BPC-157 or TB-500 (or both, as you can buy them in combination) for healing an injury? In researching these compounds one finds a lot of almost too good to be true anecdotes of healing various injuries, but upon a bit more digging I found a few...
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    Low EGFR?

    My last two sets of blood work showed low EGFR levels (57 and 58) when there has never been an issue previously. I have no comorbidities. No high BP, no diabetes, no family history of kidney disease, I don't smoke, only drink occasionally and that would be a glass or two of wine, never hard liquor.
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    Anybody Else a Thyroid Med Non-Responder?

    First off, I want to wish everybody on this forum a great Thanksgiving. Anybody else here that doesn't respond to Thyroid meds? T3 or T4 or a combination of them? I have persistent and slowly worsening symptoms of hypothyroidism: Often feeling cold, I tire easily, I always have sore...
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    Some Solid SHBG Science

    Its good to see some research that goes beyond the bro science. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: New Science Questions Old Beliefs I have super low SHBG (averages around 10) and TRT has been a fail for me in any sense of feeling better than pre-TRT. Feels like I am interjecting water at any...
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    New Research Confirms We Got Cholesterol All Wrong

    A comprehensive new study on cholesterol, based on results from more than a million patients, could help upend decades of government advice about diet, nutrition, health, prevention, and medication. "No evidence exists to prove that having high levels of bad cholesterol causes heart disease...
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    Defy is selling Ibutamoren (MK-677) - anybody try it yet?

    I see that Defy Medical is selling Ibuamoren (MK-677) on their online patient store. We have a lot of guys with Defy Medical here so I am curious if any of you have tried this yet, and if so, what do you think?
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    The benefits of inositol-stabilized arginine silicate as a workout ingredient (Nitrosigine)

    Nitrosigine I have read a lot of what sounded like "bro science" about this supplement but a Google search turned up this study in PubMed. Not a big study with N=16, but it made me curious enough to order a bottle from Amazon. Has anyone used this and if so, what were your results?
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    Low SHBG: T Gel along with Injected T has Helped Somewhat

    As many members already know, my 5+ years of TRT benefits on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 the best, have been a 1 at best. (I am not exaggerating) I have genetically low SHBG and its the hand that I have been dealt, so I have been trying anything that I can think of to try to help. The latest...
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    Anyone have any success with neurotransmitter support?

    I am curious to see if anyone on this forum had had success with neurotransmitter support? Specifically in case where guys are not feeling any benefits from TRT? I understand the concept of using supplements such as L-Tyrosine or NALT to provide a dopaminergic/adrenergic boost, but all I have...
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    SAM-E has been a huge help for my joint & tendon soreness

    Now this is just my anecdotal experience, but about 5 weeks ago I started taking 1600 m of SAM-E a day (800 morning, 800 evening). I started taking it for reasons unrelated to joint and tendon pain, so this effect was a surprise. I am 51 and I notice that when I train hard its my tendons and...
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    Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?

    I see this advertised all over these days for everything from crippling injuries, neck pain, knee pain to penis enlargement (seriously - Google Priapus Shot) and I would be curious if anybody on the forum has even used it and if so, what were the results?
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    Omega-7 Protects Against Metabolic Syndrome

    Great info here on Omega 7 from Life Extension Magazine
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    Even taking skin-cancer risk into account, scientists say the sun is healthy

    Very interesting study done on 30,000 Swedish women over a 20 year period.
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    Citruline Malate 30% off at Powder City this weekend only

    Just an FYI
  16. E

    Pregnenolone creme

    FWIW - I started using 10 mg of Pregnenolone creme just before bed around 90 days ago and it helps me sleep a lot better. I don't have true insomnia but I tend to wake often during the night and not always get right back to sleep. Progesterone has helped my sleep quite a lot. I have had blood...
  17. E

    Shout out to Discounted Labs!

    My compliments to Discounted Labs and everyone working there - they turned around my latest blood work in 24 hours! I did not even think that was possible. Had a draw on Monday around noon (Pacific Time) and had my results in my in-box on Tuesday!
  18. E

    TRT has been underwhelming for 4+ years - Low SHBG

    TRT for me has always been underwhelming even though my blood work is fine, I eat well and exercise 5 to 6 days a week. Libido was far better when I had low T than it has even been since. Tri-mix works, but with my low libido I don't really care much about having sex. No appreciable muscle gain...
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    Agmatine Sulfate Benefits: Muscle Pumps, Nootropic, Pain Relief, Increased Insulin Sensitivity

    Hi All- I have recently started using Agmatine Sulfate as a pre-workout supplement and the muscle pumps are unbelievable. I have used (and still use) Arganine, but never really felt any actual "pump" in the gym, whereas with Agamatine at a dosage of 2 grams before an arm workout creates pumps...
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    Nelson, the Moderators, and this site are Invaluable!

    Nelson, the Moderators, and this site are Invaluable resources to guys either on TRT or looking to get on TRT. I have been on other TRT sites, but none of them seem to be truly dedicated - its like they do ___ AND TRT as opposed to TRT being the focus. The reviews and recommendations of...
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    This site is a terrific resource!

    Nelson & Moderators- This site is a truly terrific resource. I have been on other TRT sites but this one is by far the most useful and most user-friendly, and with the best information on doctors, clinics, pharmacies, etc... Fantastic work guys - I really appreciate all that you have done here.
  22. E

    Thyroid Test Results

    While nothing is flagged as out of range here, I would be grateful if someone can help interpret these test results. I have been on TRT for 4 years and I never really felt the promised effects (fat loss, muscle gain, improved libido, no more ED, etc...) and the various docs always give me a...
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    Eliminating the Top Causes of Insomnia

    I found this article 2 years ago and by following many of the recommendation, it has made a huge difference in how well that I sleep.
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    New to forum, not new to TRT

    Hi All- I am 50 now and I have been on TRT for the last 4 years. I am one of the "lucky" guys with low SHBG so TRT has never lived up to the hype for me, but I do feel a bit better on than off, so I stay on. Over the last 4 years I have tried every protocol and they all feel about the same -...