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    Clomid question

    Hello, How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin...
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    Trt restart

    What if someone quits TRT (TestCYp + HCG ) after 3 months of use, to get some base blood work? Will the old LH and T levels come back?
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    TRT helping severe pains

    Anyone here eliminated pains after being on TRT?
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Thanks everyone and being very new to TRT I learned a lot from you guys. Taked to Dr Saya and I am so greatful that he got me in quickly. I am overseas and had to stay up like past midnight to talk to him but it was worth it. He put me on 4 weeks of 200 iu HCG per day to jump start my system...
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    Testosterone levels with HCG

    Any one on HCG only, is it even possible? How much of T levels does it increase? Is HCG only associated with high HCT or RBC?
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    HCG only for low HCT,E2 and RBC

    Can I lower my Estradiol, HCT and RBC by discontinuing TestCYp. Defy wants me to go HCG ONLY for 2 weeks then clomid for 4 weeks with some medication for high prolactin. They don't want me to do phlebotomy coz of low Ferratin..... Can I also keep my testorone up with HCG only, ? Anyone in mine...
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    High RBC and HCT when traveling

    I am overseas and not coming back till 1/15. I just got my current blood work from defy and my HEMATROCIT is 53, HB (17.7), RBC 6.25 out of 5.80. E2 sensitive 48.2 , prolactin again came high as 29. Should I be concerned about HCT and RBC specially when I am damn low in Ferratin..... Should I...
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    Sensitivity to light and blurry vision

    Hi, I have blurry vision in left eye and my eyes are very sensitive to light since on TRT. My left eye has weakened and need glasses now. In my life time I got flashes in my eyes but just 5 times in my life time nothing in last 15 years but I got them 3 times in last one week. I had high...
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    How to balance low ferritin and blood fdonations to decrease hematocrit elevations caused by TRT

    Guys, anyone here with low ferratin? I normally have HCT amd HB In higher ranges even before starting TRT. I did my first donation after being 5 weeks on TRT and at that time my Ferratin was 59 (50-400 range). After donation I am at 30 (almost gone). According to dr. Saya my pain and aches can...
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    Vision issues - High Estrogen

    I have seen issues with my vision since being on TRT but I have high estrogen. Anyone here in my situation had blury vision that corrected after controlling the E2?
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    Any concerns about long term anastrozole use in men?

    Anyone here using it for 10 or more years? I am reading that some doctors are concerned about its long time use?
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    Acne and high BP with high estrogen?

    Anyone who controlled acne and BP with estrogen by taken AI?
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    Affect of anastrozole on lipids?

    Anyone here that have negative side affects on HDL or LDL. My LDL is a little high (109) but HDL is very low (38)....I think. I read that it should be more than 50 in the 60 range? I have not started AI yet but thinking.....
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    What should be the next step? Stay on TRT?

    Note: I was never tested for prolactin or SHBG by Defy before starting the TRT. In order to lower my E2, I just recently changed from IM to sub-q on the following protocol: 1- HCG 350iu: Thursdays and Monday (twice a week) 2- TestCyp 60 gm Fridays and Tuesday (twice a week) E2 levels improved...
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    AI (armidex/anastrazole) bone ssues

    Guys Anyone with hip, knee / bone / muscles after being in AI? I had a very bad reaction to Cipro an antibiotic and don't want to go that way again. I read on the drug and it shows those as common side affects. And blood clots is also reported as a reaction even in smaller doses.
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    Splitting an AI (anstrazole capsule)

    Hi, my E2 Sensitive is 55, 27 hours after the testcyp Injection and 51 hours after an HCG. dr at Defy gave me 0.50 mg AI capsule and I don't want to use all 0.50 as a matter of fact I want to start low, may be 0.25 mg. I have two questions:- 1- how can I split a capsule, anyone with...
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    Redness in the stomach area...

    I do my TestCYp and HCG subq in the stomach area. Somehow since the last TestCYp injection it's red and hard in the lower righ corner. Is that normal, what can it be, I hope it's not an infection or something?
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    Low HGH?

    Any one here on human growth hormone (HGH)? I am on TRT for 3 months and the recent blood work showed IGF-1 as 105 out of 175 and HGH being less than 0.1. Is that bad for a 45 year old or normal Or Is that value wrong coz TRT suppresses HGH like LH values?
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    When to test peak?

    I take HCG 350 iu on Thursday and MOnday sub-q (behind the upper arm) And TestCYp 60 mg on Friday and Tuesday also sub-q( in stomach). Till two weeks ago I was taking both as IM. The sex drive has vanished, I wonder why, I have lots of fat in my stomach area though or does it take time? When...
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    High BP, HCT Now Insomnia

    Gentlemen I have some sensitivity in the breast area, high BP form before and on Sunday I played soccer. Had the energy but when I came back had a protein drink then couldnt sleep properly at night, hardly 3 hours. This morning pains but I don't feel tired to sleep. I lowered my dose from 80 mg...
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    Keeps on going

    Guys on 60 mg twice a week and 350 iu HCG twice per week. Doctor lowered my dose from 80 mg twice per week after my estrogen was way high. Now based on the blood work that I did before lowering the dose:- 1- defy gave me AI with DIM. .50 mg after each 60 mg TestCYp. 2- take injections sub-q...
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    Blood Work?

    When is a good time to get the blood work done if on TRT for high estrogen levels? I take 60 mg or Test Cyp twice a week and 350Iu HCG twice a week. TestCyp on Tuesdays and Fridays and HCG one day before the TestCyp. Should I get it checked the same day of the TestCyp injection (after the...
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    Hello, Anyone with low bun/creatnine ratio after being on TRT. My creatinine/BUN ratio has decreased from 12 to 8 (9-20 range) in 5 weeks. Is there a reason that can justify it? My Anion Gap has also increased from 15 to 18 (8-14 range). Is it because my body needs more protein or something...
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    Unexpected Estrogen Spike

    Hi, When I started on TRT almost 6 weeks ago my doctor prescribed me 160mg of testcyp once a week plus 350iu HCG twice a week. My doctor also told me that since my sensitive estrogen was at 10 there was no need of a blocker. In week 5 I started getting anxiety, high BP (140/95 on av.) and no...
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    Blood Clot/Stroke

    Hi, After my HCT and HB going up, I have a few concerns what are the chances of blood clotting/Stroke with TRT, what precautions should one take, I started aspirin but don't know if it is good? Also if I take HCG twice a week will my brain get used to the new HCG and not make mine if I quit...
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    Blood Work ending month 1

    Hello, I just completed my one month of TRT: 350iu twice a week, 80mg TestCyp twice a week. Did take my last dose of HCG on Wednesday and TestCyp on Thursday and did blood work on Friday. Now some of my values are high and I have high BP, it went up, I have stopped TRT for the time being as I...
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    Blood Test

    I did my blood work a on a Saturday (morning) while the last dose of test Cyp was on Thursday night and HCG on a Friday prior to the test, will it show right testosterone levels. When is the best time to get blood work done?
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    High blood pressure

    I used to be 120/80 range and now 135/95 after being on the following for a month, I see that BP is a known side effect but what do I do for it, is there a natural way or by dose reduction? 160mg of testcyp twice a week 350iu of hcg twice a week Thanks
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    Crashed !!!!

    Hello I am on HRT = 80 mg of testcyp twice a week and 350iu of HCG twice a week. I take TestC on Thursdays and Monday and HCG a day before each injection. I am on the protocol for a month now. I was feeling better with the sex drive reaching like I have never felt before (for about a week)...
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    Testosterone (HRT) and LDN

    Any one on both?
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    Injection in Nerve?

    Guys, I am new. Today I had someone inject Test CYP in my gluet area. The person told me that he pulled after inserting to check if it was in a nerve and there was no blood according to him. But after it was done I saw blood on the tip of the injection and some blood on the area where it was...