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  1. Gianluca Bonetti

    Sodium, Potassium. Chloride going on the low side after two months on Magnesium?

    I'm actually wondering if these numbers need a slight change in the diet or they are fine, I started using Magnesium supplement about 600mg a day, sometime even 800mg, and I saw a drop on levels of those other minerals, especially potassium and sodium, below the two BW, one is LabCorp reference...
  2. Gianluca Bonetti

    shortness of breath/fatigue when H&H in range??

    it seems that when my Hemoglobin and Hematocrit get to the upper end I start having shortness of breath fatigue some type of dizzy, in a pronounced way when I exercising for sure, my face and neck become red, and I can't even lay down to do an exercise that I become super reddish, I went for a...
  3. Gianluca Bonetti

    Creatine intramuscular water retention + TRT water retention and elevated HCT in hot weather

    If I read the title of the post I'm writing I feel it is a good mix for something bad, is it right? creatine cause intramuscular water retention, so if i'm understanding well, this has nothing to do with elevating blood pressure that water retention from TRT may cause correct? I have read...
  4. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    I have been wondering, since last conversation with Doc. if I actually I'm using too much Testosterone medication, the low SHBG confuses me a bit, before talking to doc I had always thought that to feel well TT would be the number to look at, I was wrong, Free T would be the testosterone ready...
  5. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    just started Caber this am and wondering if anyone has some experience to share, sources says after ingestion level of Caber in the blood raise in 2-3 hours, half life is 60hr and if I understood well, Caber dose over the time may overlap increasing the lowering prolactin effect.
  6. Gianluca Bonetti

    supplements and drug interactions?

    my father in Italy was prescribed for HBP and Cholesterol Valsartan/hydrocloritize 160mg/25mg, Atorvastin 20mg and nebivolol 5mg, I'm insisting so much to give him 3gr daily of fish oil, magnesium, ubiquinol and a multivitimin without Vit K in it, I checked on line if there is any interaction...
  7. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    I just had my follow up with the great Doc. Saya yesterday, speaking about TT and free T, I had always believed that to achieve the benefits of TRT the number to keep in check would be TT, and low SHBG guys have in general this trouble and needs more feq inj to keep TT up, Doc actually told me...
  8. Gianluca Bonetti

    Pregnenolone empty stomach along with aminoacid ok?

    I have been taking Pregnenolone supp for sometime, but I just realized a couple of weeks a go that I may have done it all wrong, I was taking it with food! as I thought since it is an hormone would be OK, I found some posting from Gene Devine, and other online, recommending to taking it on empty...
  9. Gianluca Bonetti

    Fish oil increasing cholesterol and suppress immune system??

    I was searching on for a new and less expensive fish oil and I started reading about it, on the concern and cautions section consumerlab says, based on FDA recommendation, not to ingest more then 3gr of the combination of EPA/DHA to which max 2gr should be coming from supplement...
  10. Gianluca Bonetti

    COQ10 and Blood Viscosity

    does Q10 have any benefits on blood viscosity?
  11. Gianluca Bonetti

    High hematocrit/Donation/Blood Clot

    unfortunately my hematocrit is up at 51 and need to let some blood out, I found several post of people on the web who got blood clot from donating, now I'm really scared, I'm already not doing well with TRT for already about a year and seriously thinking to give up as it is becoming time...
  12. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    Hey Guys, I just got my last lab result, beside I have not been feeling optimal for about a year now due to my adrenal fatigue, or at least what I hope it is, even things like sex drive and motivation are gone, especially the last one. I'm also weak and really hard to exercising without feeling...
  13. Gianluca Bonetti

    how to take Acetyl-L-Carnitine

    I have always known aminoacid need to be taken away from protein meals on a empty stomach of course, but what about ALCAR? on or not info about it, and other websites recommend to take this actually with food, could it be??
  14. Gianluca Bonetti

    does Magnesium supp require Calcium as well?

    Hi Guys I decided to start supplementing with about 400mg a day of magnesium, on top of my 100mg provided from my multi, will this lower calcium absorption? as dairy I usually eat a slice of Swiss cheese in the am and at night a cup of cottage cheese or a yogurt
  15. Gianluca Bonetti

    Vit A/beta carotene supplementation help

    if there is a Vitamin I understood I do not need to supplement with is Vit A/beta carotene, from my reading we do get plenty from diet and researches prove that unless illness or deficiency supplementing with it can be actually harmful long term so I decide I don't want that anymore....too bad...
  16. Gianluca Bonetti

    Help on creating my multivitamin

    After reading all the research on and on vitamins/minerals I made a personal understanding that the vitamins mineral worth to supplement with are C,D B complex Zinc/Copper, calcium/magnesium, iodine. Unfortunately I can't find a multi that has the formulation I want...
  17. Gianluca Bonetti

    General use Stop Aging Now multi360

    I have used for years a high potency multivitamin, I switch my thought about it and realized it is a waste of $ and vitamin, so I have been searching for something less expensive but balanced and I very like this formulation beside the Vit E in there which I would not want, I was actually...
  18. Gianluca Bonetti

    what do you guys think about

    I have read Nelson suggesting so as I trust him I would trust this site, do you guys use it? I'm giving it a try but it seems hard for me not to think that some company may actually pay to favoritize their product, what is your experience? after all how can we sure that what is...
  19. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    Hi guys, I'm on progesterone 7.5mg caps twice a day to try to have my adrenals making more cortisol, I'm also taking pregnenolone, doc wanted to put me on hydro cortisone but I was a bit scared of the idea so we decided to try with Progesterone. The first week I noticed right away that I was...
  20. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    Hi Guys, unfortunately my TRT hasn't been going well for several months now and really trying to figure things out with the Doc, so I had my last conversation with Doc Dr John Crisler not long time a go, my E2 levels on June was 27 pg/mL on a scale 8 to 35, last blood work LabCorp tested for...