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  1. N

    Expiration question on compounded dhea and pregnenolone cream

    For those who purchase from a compounding pharmacy, what’s the typical shelf live when you receive it? I’m curious how long the product is good for after it’s compounded. Thanks
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    Vitamin B6 toxicity

    I’ve developed a neuropathy thought to be from B6 toxicity. B6 levels were three times the max of the normal range. After a thorough neuromuscular work up, this is the only identifiable possible cause. Gabapentin is the only thing that takes the edge off the pain. Opening the thread to alert...
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    Viome test

    Does anyone have experience with the Viome microbiome test?
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    Sustained Release Pregnenolone

    Is SR pregnenolone necessary? I'm not sure of the kinetics or the half life of pregnenolone and its metabolites.
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    Is anyone using Thyrovanz? It's a desiccated thyroid product. I'm interested in how it's working for you.
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    Antidepressants hormonal effect

    I've recently stopped taking an SSRI (escitalopram) and have since noticed high estrogen symptoms. Is there any evidence and/or experience that this drug or dru class can effect estrogen levels or estrogen response?
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    Sup3r DHEA transdermal by Olympus Labs

    Has anyone experience with this product? Thoughts on its formulation? SUP3R DHEA BY OLYMPUS UK
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    Carpal Tunnel Therapy

    Is anyone willing to share their experience with carpal tunnel therapy. I am planning on surgery and I'd like to hear how it went for others. interested in how painful it was, how was the recovery and outcome? Was PT necessary? How much work did you miss, etc. Anyone have success with other...
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    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome discussion

    I'd like to begin a dialog on carpal tunnel syndrome to include diagnosis, causes, and treatments. I've read that sub clinical hypothyroidism could be a cause. I'm curious about what treatments have worked. Is surgery the best option? Chiropractics have told me that they can help. Lots to...
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    Long term testosterone cypionate use and the liver

    Since the liver has to metabolize the testosterone ester, is there risk of liver damage from long term use? Some references cite the possibility of cancerous and/or benign cysts.
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    I've learned that there is some association between hrt and tinnitus. Has anyone had this experience? If so, have you modified your treatment and found that you can reduce the tinnitus? Perhaps we can explore this association and any other aspects of tinnitus. Any insight would be greatly...
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    Cortisol results interpretation and stress issues

    My salivary cortisol results are as follows: 200ng/dL 6am 200ng/dL 11am <50ng/dL 5pm <50ng/dL 10pm I'm curious if these level are adequate for a normal response to stress. I am having a difficult time coping with stress.
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    Empower Rx Pharmacy

    Empower Rx Pharmacy I received my first prescription from Empower Rx Pharmacy. Below summarizes the experience: · Immediate contact from the pharmacy when they received the Rx. · Pharmacist was professional, courteous and knowledgeable. · Pharmacist...
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    Prions in hcg

    There are a couple of studies that have identified the presence of prion proteins in urinary derived hcg. I'd like to know your thoughts on the risks of using uHCG. Links are below. Detection of prion protein in urine-derived injectable fertility products by a targeted proteomic approach -...