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  1. Nocalves

    Estrogen vs progesterone

    I think it is not an issue with absorption.. After vocation I used the same vial 0,5mg/ ml I used to use befor. I had to increase my dose up to 0,7ml/day so I moved to 5mg/ml and my dose was 0,75mg/day, only than my e2 started increasing (from 13 to 50pg/ml) but my progesterone started...
  2. Nocalves

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    What si the estradiol convertion vs. injection?
  3. Nocalves

    Estrogen vs progesterone

    I am on 140mg/w daily dose test E. I am extremly sensitive to anything, what can possibly lower my estradiol. When I am just on test, my tst vs. E2 level seems to be ok, but I don’t feel good enough, my progesteron is low, my pregnenolon is low and also my DHEA is low.. Few months ago I was...
  4. Nocalves

    how much protein a person should take a day

    It is not that simple. It depends on your age, activity, calories input, digestion, recovery requirement ect.. According to that it should be 1-3g per kg of total BW.
  5. Nocalves

    Adding HCG: What will I notice?

    What is your dosing?
  6. Nocalves

    Any low e2 guys use injectable estradiol?

    I am on estradiol enanthate and still managing the dose.
  7. Nocalves

    At what point would glucose levels on HGH become a concern?

    If you are on keto, there is no better option .. Yes try Metformin, start low at 500mg and build up to 1,5g if needed.
  8. Nocalves

    At what point would glucose levels on HGH become a concern?

    Fix your diet untill your recovery will be successful, also consider some kind of glucose disposal agents or Metformin while using HGH.
  9. Nocalves

    Hormone fluctuation depending on the dose frequency.

    I spotted few months ago, when I ran 40mg test enanthate (250mg/ml grapeseed oil) EOD, my level of test and e2 was significantely lower 48hrs after injection then few hrs after. Now I am on 20mg test enan. (100mg/ml in castrol oil - for slowing realese) ED. I tought the level will be really...
  10. Nocalves

    Help Low E on TRT

    20 mcg daily, but my E2 is still little bit higher.. As long as I am on trt I more and more think it is about test: estradiol: progesterone .. I feel more progesterone needs more estradiol. Suprisingly I felt best sexual function 90-100 pg/NL of e2..
  11. Nocalves

    What does low shbg actually mean ?

    And nightmare for those with low SHBG
  12. Nocalves

    Help Low E on TRT

    I am on Estradiol enanthate. It is extremely hard to optimaze level, but I feel I am really close now. If it is in good level, sexual health is fine.
  13. Nocalves

    Help Low E on TRT

    I do not say zinc make erection or libido worse. It works as AI. I suffered from crashed e2 for two years, belive me made my homework properly.
  14. Nocalves

    Help Low E on TRT

    Zinc would lower e2 even more..
  15. Nocalves

    Exogenous growth hormone and IGF-1

    I would say few days (2-3). Some say, it could drop below the base line, but I never had that issue.
  16. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    I am on estradiol enanthate and now I try to find ideal dose. 14 ago I pined 1mg and my e2 went up to 212 pg/ml and it took 14days to drop it back to 54 pg/ml. It was Interesting to track how I feel day by day while my e2 slowly went down. My trt is 20mg test E ED and I have to say I felt best...
  17. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Some report from using injectable progesterone 1mg daily. my avarage estradiol on my trt (20mg tst E ED) was 35pg/ml - this level depends on my topical progesterone and injectable estradiol enanthat, progesterone lower my e2 so if I up my prog, I also have to up my e2. 14days ago I upped my...
  18. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    How did you dose this small amount? What mg/ml your e2 valerate was?
  19. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    On 20mg topical prog my level was 0,4 ng/ml. I try to get up to 1ng/ml, now I am on 1mg daily injectable, lets see where my levels will be. 20mg topical droped my e2 from optimal level to almost undetectable..
  20. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    I run estradiol enanthate, but now I am in adjusting state. It is really hard to find ideal dose due to long ester.. I am also on injectable progesteron, which lower my e2 a lot.
  21. Nocalves

    Defy Medical alternative

    Thank you Gman86. Is that ng/ml right? What is optimal level?
  22. Nocalves

    Defy Medical alternative

    What is the avarage dose of injectable progesterone?
  23. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Classic low e2 symptoms: low energy, dry skin, achy joints, low libido with ED, horrible mood / depression..
  24. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Yes. Mabye via increased progesterone from Pregnenolone..
  25. Nocalves

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    As I wrote, hgh worked, hcg worked, going completely off worked.. Anyway now I I add progesterone or Pregnenolone, my e2 crashes. So now I added injectable estradiol and I am trying to find right dose
  26. Nocalves

    Testosterone cream (recipe - ingredients - composition)

    Just put oil with dissolved tst on your skin.
  27. Nocalves

    Testosterone cream (recipe - ingredients - composition)

    I dissolve everything in DMSO and works well..
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