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  1. H

    Magnesium Supplements? Biotest ZMA?

    I take 200 mg mag malate before a workout (lifting) or the same amount of either mag asporatate or taurate if it's a HIIT workout and my heart rate will get up around 160-170 (I'm 65 years old). Mag Glycinate is best before going to bed. Type "Thomas DeLauer types of magnesium" into a youtube...
  2. H

    Question about t3 and t4

    Search youtube for Dr. Ken Berry with thyroid. I've seen 2 or 3 good ones by him including options to the synthetic T4, and the blood work parameters needed for a good diagnosis. T3 can be off due to issues in the gut or liver also.
  3. H

    Expiration Date for TRT/HCG

    This topic brings up a concern I have with test cypionate... it's in cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil and all industrial seed oils are inflammatory and very prone to oxidation. Cottonseed oil is even worse than the "edible" oils like canola and soybean because as I understand it is not a food...
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