Search results

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    Ageforce - supplement patches

    Anyone used products by this company I searched the forum and couldn't find any posts. Lots of supplements offered, all delivered via transdermal patches. Wonder if they work?
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    Custom vitamin formulations based on blood/saliva labs

    Does anyone have experience with a company that formulates custom vitamin/mineral formulas based on your blood and saliva labs? I've heard of these but cannot find much on them. The concept seems to make sense.
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    Comparison of testosterone clinics in the United States

    I would think Defy Medical would stack up well.
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    Comparison of testosterone clinics in the US

    I would think Defy Medical would stack up well.
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    Safe ways to Lower DHT but keep optimal T levels

    I do Test Cyp and HCG. What info from my labs would you like me to share? Thanks!
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    Safe ways to Lower DHT but keep optimal T levels

    My DHT levels have gone up and I'm concerned about hair loss. Any ways to lower DHT, keep T levels optimal, and NOT take meds like Finasteride/Proscar?
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    Oxaloacetate - reducing brain fog

    Anyone have any experience with Dave Asprey's products? I'm curious about his upgraded aging supplement: Looks like Oxaloacetate is the key ingredient.
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    Potential Benefits of Sermorelin and growth hormone releasing peptides

    I started on Sermorelin via Defy last year. Was taking 50cc per night and blood work showed no movement on IGF-1. Upped dosage to 75cc and will test blood later this month to see if it moves the needle.
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    IGF-1 levels low - how to boost?

    Thx for your replies. Taking 50 g of DHEA and my levels are in optimal range. I did switch from hgh to Sermorelin overnight, take 50cc nightly, and it has been around 9-10 weeks. Maybe it takes longer?
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    IGF-1 levels low - how to boost?

    Been on TRT for 3+ years, very happy with it. IGF-1 levels have always been around 100. Previous Doctor had me on hgh and this boosted IGF-1 to 250 range, right where he wanted. I'm 48 and decided I should delay using hgh so I switched to Sermorelin two months ago. Just got blood work back...
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    Potential Benefits of Sermorelin and growth hormone releasing peptides

    Been on TRT for 3+ years, very happy with it. IGF-1 levels have always been around 100. Previous Doctor had me on huh and this boosted IGF-1 to 250 range, right where he wanted. I'm 48 and decided I should delay using hgh so I switched to Sermorelin two months ago. Just got blood work back...