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  1. fireeater49

    Calling All Long-Term TRT Users! How is Your Libido and Sexual Function?

    1. 57 2.15+ years 3.70mg test cyp x E3D 4.7 - 8 , was higher and lower during the years 5. 8-10, been varying at times 6. 9 7. 8, more when I drink a lot of water points to consider Life shit happens and my reaction to it greatly influences the above items regarding libido and etc, I take many...
  2. fireeater49

    Trimix users: can you still have normal erections?

    Just my 2 cents. IF your on anything else like anti depressant meds or anti seizure meds that may influence the ole north and south pointer. Case in point, myself been on TRT for over decade (now 56) and run things at the higher end with NO bad medical issues. However, I got shingles. Among my...
  3. fireeater49

    cypionate dose protocols for woman

    Curious. Are these doses for females listed above with test at 100mg per ml or 200mg per ml? Wifey is on 100mg at 10mg per week
  4. fireeater49

    Exercising with newly installed pacemaker

    Thanks! Yes, I have to remind myself to be smart lol
  5. fireeater49

    Exercising with newly installed pacemaker

    Yes he has restricted me. Been on treadmill and doing calf raises and single leg press. Surgery was done 9 days ago, stent put in 10 days ago. I am keeping it easy but was planning ahead. Granted my dr is not weightlifter so I am left to figure it out. He would like me not to lift heavy anymore...
  6. fireeater49

    Exercising with newly installed pacemaker

    problem was found in my 30s. thought cpap would fix it since it resembles sleep apnea. EXTENSIVE family history of cardiac problems (Most before 50) Not sure if COQ10 would have helped in short time but maybe if I had been on it at 30 (now 54)
  7. fireeater49

    Lovn StrongLifts 5x5

    keep at it, it works. had two rotators cup surgeries within 15 months. started 5x5 for bench with just bar. keep slow and steady. got to do 345 for 4 before pacemaker lol all at 190.
  8. fireeater49

    Exercising with newly installed pacemaker

    Brothers! Looking for articles that will allow me to keep training even after my pacemaker was installed. Reason installed was long times at night (5-8 sec) my heart would stop and keep in the rate of 20s. Had this problem (although not as bad) in my 30s.History. Avid weight lifter +30 years...
  9. fireeater49

    thoughts on how to lower test levels

    Hey brothers, If you guys do not mind just look over these 2 set of blood works and give your thoughts on reducing my test levels. For the sake of simplifying the problem consider that both set of lab blood work measured CBC, CMP, TSH, LH, FH and all were almost identical to each other and...
  10. fireeater49

    SQ journey

    Almost forgot my PSA went from 2.4 to 1.8 Only thing I am doing different is using cinnamon in my shakes (2) and morning oats and cialis 3mg once a day. Yippeeee
  11. fireeater49

    Test to Estradiol ratios

    I have read ( forgot where ) that it should be a 20 to 1 ratio. Again, its just a numbers game.
  12. fireeater49

    SQ journey

    All right sports fans, just got off phone with doc and gave me some quick notes on my BW. This is just a couple of high points. The last set prior to this set of BW was done by IM and the most recent set was SQ separated by 8 weeks.Protocol was the same just method of delivery was different...
  13. fireeater49

    5 mg daily cialis question

    Bro I can appreciate that you want Gene Devine's stack ( which is very good I must say ) but get your blood check. I assume your on TRT so maybe rule out some estrogen/SHGB etc etc issues on your blood work. Just taking 3 mg of liquid cialis is for me is great. Good luck
  14. fireeater49

    Test Results: Low Free Testosterone

    Took the words out of my mouth about follow up with free T4 and T3 and the associated tests would help give more insight to problem. Also look at your personal life situations that you may be going thorugh but not realize that it is possible taking a toll on you. Hormone testing is fantastic but...
  15. fireeater49

    Deca for joint pain?

    Thanks again! Will try this route of info with dr this time!
  16. fireeater49

    Deca for joint pain?

    Have heard (through various other TRT media outlets) that Deca at trt doses would help the "older" lifter such as I with my chronic joint pains. Any opinions? My dr says that I should quit lifting heavy. Now I will not drag out my definition of heavy and I realize that he is looking out for me...
  17. fireeater49

    SQ journey

    Thanks I appreciate it. Good idea on the 27 gauge currently I am using 30 gauge and brother it takes a while.
  18. fireeater49

    SQ journey

    Hello new guy here. Been on TRT for over a year with the 3.5 day 60 mg IM test cyp with 250 iu HCG before test day protocol and love it. Took awhile to get doses right (more is not always better!) but now for the last 3 weeks I have been doing SC instead of IM. Been getting labs the day...
  19. fireeater49

    confused on how to proceed with my trt

    Brother, shot what labs and results were taken. Need TRT protocol that you were on. Hang tight, it will all be alright
  20. fireeater49

    SubQ Injections and blood test

    Hello new guy here. Been on TRT for over a year with the 3.5 day 60 mg IM test cyp with 250 iu HCG before test day protocol and love it. Took awhile to get doses right (more is not always better!) but now for the last 3 weeks I have been doing SC instead of IM. Been getting labs the day before...