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  1. W

    Injection vs Cream

    100 then 150 mg.
  2. W

    Injection vs Cream

    I'll consider it but I don't like needles. It's bad enough applying cream.
  3. W

    Injection vs Cream

    On the cream I am not using HCG. If I stop TRT will I be able to naturally produce some T like before?
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    Injection vs Cream

    I have been applying compounded cream for 10 months or so and only once I was able to get the total T in the 798 range. This time I got a 465 when Pre TRT I was at 429. What is the point then you know. Anyhow my Dr. is now doing shots at home or in office. What is a good protocol if I decide...
  5. W

    Why All Men Should be Tested with the Sensitive Estradiol Test

    Thanks. Idk if I've benefited from trt. I may just quit.
  6. W

    Why All Men Should be Tested with the Sensitive Estradiol Test

    That is correct. I will not keep taking the e2 until I get retested with the sensitive again. Like I said earlier maybe I never needed the e2 blocker. I don't care what number the standard is so long as the sensitive is normal.
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    Why All Men Should be Tested with the Sensitive Estradiol Test

    None really. Maybe i never needed the inhibitor. My dr goes by the standard test.
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    Why All Men Should be Tested with the Sensitive Estradiol Test

    On arimidex taking .5 on Mondays, Wednesday's and Friday's I had a sensitive result of 17 yet when I took .5 just on Mondays and Friday's it dropped to 5. This is alarming to me. Why would it be lower on a lower dose?
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    Carbs in Wines, Whiskeys and Beer

    Wine isn't as bad as beer since the hop in the beer is worse. Am I correct on this?
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    Creatine Question

    I need to lose about 25 pounds to be in much greater shape. When i lose belly ill lose man boobs too. Wife tells me too to not drink beer anymore but if any one or two. I think that's what is holding me back. I don't drink daily but on the weekend I can drink a 6 pack. My diet is protein...
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    Creatine Question

    I am confused. I know you have to eat a lot and have a good amount of protein to build muscle. What is better when you are overweight with a gut? Eat less calories and still lift to help burn fat even if you don't gain much and then when you lose weight start eating more calories to bulk up?
  12. W

    Creatine Question

    I take L Carnitine Tartate. Is is it good for muscle gain?
  13. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    Thank you for the info
  14. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    My cream is 150 mg. Is having total t in the 600-800 still low to build some muscle?
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    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    I workout 4-5 times a week at home. My diet is good and not so good at times but I think now that I am working out and eating better then in the past something's gotta give. I agree the 150 mg cream won't make me huge like steroids but I can build some muscle and burn fat. 601 total t is better...
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    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    By the way is 9 or 10 months on trt enough time to see body composition?
  17. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    That's reassuring. My wife says I am wider from the shoulders and chest as I have been lifting since April. I think I see that but its the darn ab fat that I shake my head on lol.
  18. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    Thank you for the info. I weigh around 168 and consume around 130 grams of protein a day but sometimes less. Based on my height and age I am suppose to stay below 1900 calories a day to not gain weight but sometimes I consume around 1400 a day. Is that too little in order to maintain muscle?
  19. W

    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    I never had symptoms prior to trt other then sometimes fatigue but I still feel the same from time to time on trt. Doctor put me on it because my numbers were 429 and then another time 350 or so. After trt the numbers were 799, 597, ad latest 601 with free t at 14. The 799 was applying on the...
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    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    Congrats, great story! For me I apply it in the morning after I shower except on the weekends I apply it and then shower later in the day. Why would showering first help absorb better?
  21. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    So I can still be building muscle and losing fat even if I still have a gut?
  22. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    If I do ab exercises will that help burn stomach fat? Aside from diet of course.
  23. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    Thanks. Now beer can hinder you from losing belly fat correct?
  24. W

    Does TRT cause weight gain?

    I have been eating much better and lifting weights and doing some cardio for 8 months. I have made some muscle gains but not really burning much fat around the abdomen. People have complemented me on losing weight though. Scale won't budge either.
  25. W

    Compounded T Cream - Apply to the Thigh?

    Is the thigh a good low fat area for compounded cream?
  26. W

    SHOULD I TRY ARIMIDEX? Labs attached

    I don't mean to hijack this thread but it could help Munchease. My doctor put me on AI .05 on M,W,F and on that dose for over 6 months my E2 standard was in the 30's. I recently checked my E2 this time with the standard and Ultrasensitive and I got 17 sensitive and 36 standard. I then decided...
  27. W

    Topical Gels/Creams Vs Injections???

    Compounded cream. It takes about 15 min to dry.
  28. W

    Topical Gels/Creams Vs Injections???

    Yes I am still experimenting. After I see what the thigh does I might try the rib cage lol.
  29. W

    Topical Gels/Creams Vs Injections???

    Thanks. I have been using the compounded cream for 7 months. The instructions for me is to apply on the inner arms area. Since I have kids I applied it to my back shoulder and the week off getting labs to my inner arms. My results was 799. Then I applied it only to the back shoulder and got...
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    Topical Gels/Creams Vs Injections???

    Where do you apply the cream?
  31. W

    Does DHEA boost Testosterone while on TRT?

    Yes that is in pg/ml. I too am worried that is why I am now going to take 1 mg weekly vs the 1.5 weekly that I was on.