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  1. W

    How many MG is each pump of Androgel?

    With the cream my level has been 799 or so. Sometimes though I feel exhausted in the late afternoon. Is there a chance the levels significantly dropped by then? If the answer is yes. Won't you really feel the drop with shots since there is a gap in between the time you give the shots?
  2. W

    How many MG is each pump of Androgel?

    I may switch from compounded cream to Androgel. Currently I do 4 clicks of the cream to get 200mg. If I use Androgel will I use it up quicker to get 200mg?
  3. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    Thanks. I'll consider that if this cream continues to be mixed like this.
  4. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    How much for syringes and testosterone? Also where do you inject?
  5. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    I hate needles. I can't imagine being confined. Plus I hear with shots you have highs when given the shot and lows until your next shot. With creams it's consistent provided it absorbs.
  6. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    Yup so I then have to rub it off and what comes off is powder. I think I have no choice but use it and clean up the mess until I get labs done in 2 months. Then even if the results are great I need to try something less messy. I may try Empower next time.
  7. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    It's more then shinie for me. The pic is the alcohol gel cream.
  8. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    Well the pharmacy changed the cream for gel cream one. The issue is the gel dries and looks like dry ice on my skin. The recent cream is not pasty like the previous but dries and leaves white power behind. It's frustrating because they can't get the consistency right. It may be absorbing but...
  9. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    What's your current dose? Empower told me for 200mg it would be more then what I currently pay but they needed a script to give me the price.
  10. W

    How to Increase Absorption of Testosterone Gel

    How do you apply the compounded gel cream? When I was using the cream I would rub over and over till the cream almost vanished. Do I do the same with the gel cream or just spread and rub once and let air dry?
  11. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    I got the alcohol gel/cream yesterday and applied it this morning and when it dried it left residue. Does this mean the dry part is the part that did not absorb?
  12. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    Is the gel better then the cream? Pharmacy is going to compound gel for me sine the cream leaves too much residue?
  13. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    Pharmacy is going to change my compounded cream for the gel because the cream I received recently leaves residue almost like caulk. Answer: T gels are alcohol based and cannot be applied to the scrotum for those who want to raise their DHT. Compounded creams do not have alcohol and can be...
  14. W

    Gaining muscle and measurements

    I am using an ab wheel to tighten the stomach and back.
  15. W

    Gaining muscle and measurements

    Thanks! Even biceps have fat?
  16. W

    Gaining muscle and measurements

    But won't muscles grow with current fat? In other words see increases with the biceps as an example yet have a gut?
  17. W

    Gaining muscle and measurements

    I don't know. Most shirts fit me better now. I figured if I was gaining muscle my biceps or other parts measurements would be more and not stay the same. Am I wrong?
  18. W

    Gaining muscle and measurements

    This may be a really dumb question but is there such thing as gaining muscle yet you measure the same? Example my biceps look fuller yet I measure the same as a few months ago.
  19. W

    High E2 symptoms with normal E2 test? Take adex or not?

    I agree with the others. Do not take Adex. I went through something similar. Doctor started me on TRT and put me on Arimidex and always tested with standard test. For over six months I had a standard E2 in the 30's and 40's on it. Later she did the sensitive test and I had 17 then another time...
  20. W

    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Now with the pulls ups I am still trying to conquer that. I can lift myself halfway up but for maybe 2 reps. I am doing reverse curls with the barbell to strengthen my arms to later be able to lift my own weight. I agree too on not having to max out. I am 44 and need to avoid injury and I think...
  21. W

    Eat Meat. Drink Water. Zen, and the Art of Zero-Carb Living

    I don't do Zero carbs either. I take protein, carbs and watch calories. I try to stay away from fast food and fried food. When I consume carbs its just a fruit here and there and yogurt. NOW sometimes I eat pizza and eat a big meal at a restaurant with fat/carbs and while I feel guilty later I...
  22. W

    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Like yesterday I worked on my arms and today I feel sore. I can go back in 4 days and work on arms again and I don't feel sore. Does that mean I need to up the reps/weighs to make sure there is always soreness?
  23. W

    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Are your muscles suppose to feel sore the next day or so after working them out? Sometimes I feel sore other times I do not. I want to make sure I am not wasting my time thinking I am building muscle when I am not sore.
  24. W

    TRT situation

    Have you checked your E2 using the sensitive test? I felt weak for a long time before and on trt. Doctor had me taking AI .5 on M,W,F and the standard always came back in the 30's until I checked with the sensitive and had a 17 and another time 5. Ever since I stopped the AI I've felt better and...
  25. W

    Belly fat wont go away

    How many times a week should one do abs?
  26. W

    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Thank you and yes I will look it up. I feel my arms swell after I do many reps. I guess I am doing it right if I feel the pump like you mentioned yes?
  27. W

    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Thank you Madman! This is indeed some excellent solid information you shared here and I appreciate it. I will have no choice for now to lift lighter since I have sciatic back pain from time to time. I try to stay between 1500 and 1800 calories a day to lose fat and hopefully build some muscle...
  28. W

    Do I still need protein if I'm trying to tone vs bulk?

    Thanks for the advise. Making gains can be frustrating at times. Yes Nelson looks awesome. Glad I found this site too.