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  1. W

    Muscle and weight

    People have said I have lost weight but my BMI is still the same or increased some. Is there such thing as losing weight yet the BMI stays the same?
  2. W

    Understanding weight loss

    Today I tried a shirt that wouldn't fit at 160 lbs but fits when I was 168. Now I'm 174 and fits a little tighter around the waist. How does this make sense? If the shirt didn't fit at 160 and fits at 168. Why would it be tighter around 174?
  3. W

    Understanding weight loss

    It's not the shirts that stretched for sure because when it originaly did not fit it sat in the closet for a long time and after that I tried it on before washing it and it fits now.
  4. W

    Understanding weight loss

    Yeah the shirts fitting is a PLUS. Let me ask you something. Is there such thing as lifting weights while not having much if any muscle growth and yet composition changes?
  5. W

    Understanding weight loss

    When I weighed 163 some button up shirts did not fit at all. Now I weigh 170 and those same shirts fit really well. My overthinking or confusion is why do I measure the same then and now yet the shirts fit now with more weight? If its body composition shouldn't the the scale remain the same only...
  6. W

    Understanding weight loss

    I am working out but from home. I have a bench and leg extensions and dumbbells. I do push ups too. I normally do 4-5 sets with 15 reps 100 lbs benching and 40 arms, curl etc plus Bowflex Max Trainer for cardio.
  7. W

    Understanding weight loss

    Ok so i just measured my chest, arms, waist and its still the same as over a year ago. The shirts fit better but the weight hasn't decreased I understand about the body composition but if I'm changing shouldn't the measurements be less or more vs stay the same?
  8. W

    Understanding weight loss

    Well not necessarily lean but big. It takes lots of calories and protein to gain muscle size. I've wondered how the can get huge with such little protein and calories.
  9. W

    Understanding weight loss

    This may be the most dumb question ever. How come guys in prison are really buff and lean when they lack protein or do not consume as much protein? Plus I am sure they are on a calorie deficit since they have scheduled meals and I am sure do not eat as much.
  10. W

    Understanding weight loss

    Yes makes sense. I guess that is why I still weight 169 lbs after lifting and cardio for 14 months now. In the past when all I did was cardio and diet the scale would drop. Shirts fit better now including one from 20 years ago that never fit even at 155 lbs but fits at 169 lbs.
  11. W

    Understanding weight loss

    The way it works I guess is. If all you do is cardio and clothes fit you and the scale drops you've lost weight. Now if you do cardio and weights and shirts fit while the scale stays the same or increases you then lost weight and gained muscle, yes?
  12. W

    Understanding weight loss

    Thanks for the pic. It is a good illustration of fat vs muscle. In my case my biceps for example are the same size as a year ago with the caliper the ab fat is the same yet my clothes fit better. I don't know!
  13. W

    Understanding weight loss

    I measured my fat with a caliper many months and no change ago yet my clothes fit better.
  14. W

    Understanding weight loss

    How come some people say they've lost 10 lbs but gained muscle when you can't really tell how many pounds you lost since the scale stays the same or possibly goes up with the muscle gains?
  15. W

    Muscle and weight

    Thank you! I went to your link but bottom video is blacked out.
  16. W

    Muscle and weight

    What's tough?
  17. W

    Muscle and weight

    None taken. I lift at home. Nothing fancy as far as equipment. I bench 100 lbs 4 sets and use 20 pound dumbbells for curls and the bench bar for arms too. With the bar I curl usually 40 lbs. I do legs and shoulders too. I'm 45 and have bad shoulders so the up the weight more and more is a...
  18. W

    Muscle and weight

    Thanks. For me my clothes fit better like I mentioned but the scale is usually 167 to 170 back and forth since the beginning and I've been lifting for 14 months. Am I suppose to weigh more if I'm gaining muscle?
  19. W

    Muscle and weight

    I've been lifting for 14 months now. I'm not obese but overweight with a belly. What I want to in now is. Can I be gaining muscle that I currently do not see and that is why I'm losing weight? In other words I don't think I've really gained much muscle if any but I know I've lost because...
  20. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    Yeah but since you are a writer I figure you have heard of a bunch of stuff considering you have books out and all. I'll ask elsewhere for you to perhaps answer or maybe you don't know.
  21. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    Anyone here heard of Old School Labs supplements? Are they good or scam? They have thermogenic Burn.
  22. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    Then it will be Monohydrate for me next time once I finish the HCL.
  23. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    I don't know really which is one is better as I've only taken the HCL one but there seems to be different opinions on this. Monohydrate has been more researched but apparently you get 60 % more from HCL since it draws more water from the gut...
  24. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    A scoop is 1gram. I will bump to 3 grams then. I currently take the HCL vs Monohydrate because I hear the Monohydrate is harder on the gut.
  25. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    Is 1 scoop a day good enough? Also to be clear you take it pre workout and on days off? Someone told me daily period but want to make sure since everyone does it different.
  26. W

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    If I take 2 scoops daily pre workout and on days off for a loading phase. How many days do I continue with 2 scoops before I can take less? It's expensive to begin with.
  27. W

    Whey Q&A

    Man I notice after lifting my arms feel engorged. Is that part of what creatine does? By the way this is whey Q&A. If you feel my creatine questions need to be elsewhere please do so and let me know.
  28. W

    Whey Q&A

    Did you take it also on non workout days or only pre working out?
  29. W

    Whey Q&A

    And how about taking Creatine as a pre workout?
  30. W

    Whey Q&A

    Do you really need to consume 1g of protein per body weight?
  31. W

    What is the difference between compounded testosterone cream and compounded T gel ?

    I got my cream from EmpowerRX for the first time and man I love it. No residue whatsoever. Thanks for the suggestion.