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  1. W

    Weekly shots

    I wanted to also mention aside from more energy and better sleep my Ferritin levels have gone up since I started doing the once a week Cypionate compared to when I was doing MWF injections. I use to have a 12 ferritin and this month 59. Not super high yet but a big improvement.
  2. W

    Weekly shots

    I would say better too. Before I'd toss and turn after waking in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. Now I feel more rested because I remain asleep more.
  3. W

    Weekly shots

    Its been a month going from 100mg on MWF to once a week with Cypionate and I think this protocol is working as I no longer feel exhausted. I have more motivation. I was doing the MWF because my SHBG is low like 17 but this shows sometimes less injections is better despite of SHBG.
  4. W

    How much Sam e for mood/depression?

    Thank you! Today it killed my gut with pain. Is there something that can be done to avoid stomach issues? I have same brand as in the link.
  5. W

    How much Sam e for mood/depression?

    Thank you for the information. I started 800mg yesterday from 400mg. I'll see how it goes. Also on an empty stomach is great for the absorption but is there a way around stomach discomfort?
  6. W

    How much Sam e for mood/depression?

    I was on 400mg for one month and felt nothing. Today I started taking 800mg and will see if it works. How much sam e do you guys take and is it safe to take a much higher dose?
  7. W

    Weekly shots

    Likely it will level out in a few weeks I hope.
  8. W

    Weekly shots

    I drank like 17 oz of water prior. Here is the lab.
  9. W

    Weekly shots

    Two or 3 weeks ago I started doing 100 mg of cypionate once a week vs my old MWF schedule. This past Friday I had labs done from my GI doctor unrelated to TRT and the hematocrit was included and my hematocrit is 54.1. This was around 40 hours after injecting. Is this level ok for now until I've...
  10. W

    Weekly shots

    I just started once a week cypionate for the fist time after doing MWF. I'll see how I feel.
  11. W

    Weekly shots

    What is with no esters? Sorry if it's a dumb question just learning since I'm on cypionate.
  12. W

    Weekly shots

    I see. Doing it MWF around 14 hours after the shot I had around 660. Is that peak or trough?
  13. W

    Weekly shots

    Yes I do check HTC and everything else at the same time. I just meant peak may provide an answer as to why other values could be off.
  14. W

    Weekly shots

    Thanks but isn't it good to check peak too? That way if the hematocrit and e2 is raised it's because the peak.
  15. W

    Weekly shots

    When is best to get labs if you do once a week? I inject in the evenings.
  16. W

    Weekly shots

    Since I am doing MWF micro dosing. Can I start the once a week today and every Friday or best to start Monday since I got a dose this past MW?
  17. W

    Weekly shots

    My trough was around 670 and free to 22. My highest dose has been 150mg lowest 80. But I've never done once a week.
  18. W

    Weekly shots

    Guys I have been on Cypionate 100mg on MWF for many months. I realize micro dosing can be better to avoid peaks and valleys but I feel most days worn out and can't sleep at night well. If I try the 100mg once a week instead could that maybe help me with energy levels and sleep?
  19. W

    Peak Testosterone Forum

    Anyone here know if the Peak Testosterone Forum is down temporarily or permanently?
  20. W

    SAMe Improves Fatigue, Depression, and Protects the Liver

    Can you come off SAMe safely anytime unlike with SSRI?
  21. W

    Are All Endocrinologists Idiots?

    That is interesting. My primary care doctor saw me Monday and said if I felt good on my total of 1,065 to continue. (Cypionate 100mg weekly). I you're Endocrinologist thinks for your age (55) it should be no higher the 400 then why do TRT or better yet how can you even do TRT.
  22. W

    High E2

    Why would your E2 be 180 with a 100 mg per week dose of T?
  23. W

    Testosterone and E2

    Hello Cataceous :) Sorry man, not that I doubt you just me and my stubbornness I guess. I see the calculations now. 60/5x7 =84 weekly or 12 daily. 60/3.5 = 17 daily or 120 weekly. If I do 50 E5D 50/5x7 that's 70 weekly or 10 daily. Averages of course! Some elementary math from a preschooler...
  24. W

    Testosterone and E2

    Thank you! So in my case 60mg every 5 days is 120?
  25. W

    Testosterone and E2

    I agree but since the sensitive was not performed this last time I rather wait before I make any changes. This may be a dumb question but...I know if someone takes for example 50mg once a week that's every 7 days but.. how about when it's 50mg evey 5 days? Isn't that considered 100 weekly?
  26. W

    Testosterone and E2

    Yeah, I am going to stay on the same protocol and repeat labs in 6 weeks with sensitive e2 this time.
  27. W

    Testosterone and E2

    Around 2.5 months for each dose. Yes never skipped a dose.
  28. W

    Testosterone and E2

    When I was on 80 mg every 5 days my e2 standard was 62 and sensitive 50. Now on 60 mg every 5 days my standard e2 was 72 but don't know this time around what the sensitive was because Dr didn't add it. I can suspect it would be around the 60's. How come my E2 went up instead of dropping since my...
  29. W

    Is feeling sore after lifting weights tearing the fibers for growth?

    Good info here I may start doing the twice a week vs once a week that I am currently on. Yesterday I did bicep curls this time more weight and went up slowly and lowered slowly for each rep. I hope to tear the fibers with better control.
  30. W

    Is feeling sore after lifting weights tearing the fibers for growth?

    Guys I understand that after you lift you can expect to be sore and because of lactic acid buildup. What I want to know is if soreness is because you tore the muscle fibers to stimulate muscle growth or no you can be sore just from lifting alone without any muscle tear/growth?