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  1. Keith Willse

    B12 injects

    Welcome Rachael :D Why are you taking Deplin ?Adjunct with a SSRI for depression? Inflammation/high homocysteine? Are you taking B12 in addition to Lipo-C ? Do you know that Lipo-C already contains 1000mcg/mL of Methylcobalamin...
  2. Keith Willse

    Vasectomy - To Snip or Not to Snip?

    My doctor offered to surgical corrected it but I declined due to the risk of addtional scare tissue. The sperm granuloma itself will not fade with time but the dull ache and pain has with anti-inflammatory medication. In short, no more pluming procedures unless it is absolutely necessary.
  3. Keith Willse

    Potential Benefits of Sermorelin and growth hormone releasing peptides

    CJC-1295 is an experimental substance. I am not suggesting the use or abuse of these peptides, as they are not for human consumption. In my research, I have seen/heard that the following combo is ideal. CJC 1295 NO DAC (MOD GRF 1-29) with IPAMORELIN. Google this combo, you will find some...
  4. Keith Willse

    Vasectomy - To Snip or Not to Snip?

    1. I was on my feet the same day but I followed the post-op instruction and stayed off my feet for 3 days with frozen peas and corn :eek: All in all, It took a good three weeks before I returned to my normal lifestyle. 2. IMO, the procedure can be more traumatic to patients with a...
  5. Keith Willse

    New Gadget

    I got a shipping notification today. Polar is now shipping the loop and mine is on the way ;)
  6. Keith Willse

    Vasectomy - To Snip or Not to Snip?

    I had one five years ago using the following technique. Feel free to post your questions and I will gladly answer them within reason. ;) I will tell you if I had to do it over, I would have chosen the scalp technique.
  7. Keith Willse

    AI of Choice

    @JWSimpkins, Yes I mean a 10th of the standard 1mg dose. :D @robs2nd75, I get them compound that when in a troche ;) I could never split a 1mg tab that small.
  8. Keith Willse

    AI of Choice

    I personally do not like Irreversible steroidal inhibitors (Aromasin) and would never use them. When required and all other options have been exhausted. My AI of choice is Anastrozole in the lowest possible dose. For example .1 twice a week.
  9. Keith Willse

    Eat the whole damn egg!

    Excellent Post Dave Barry, Thanks :D
  10. Keith Willse

    Melanotan 2 (best tanning product out) and PT 121

    It’s off topic from the original post but it relates as PT141 (Bremelanotide) was developed from the MELANOTAN II peptide hormone. PT141 CAN be a game changer for men who lack a response from PD5 inhibitors. It’s not Tri-Mix by no means but it works, it has a pretty safe profile in my...
  11. Keith Willse

    got labs back, starting new regimen monday!!!!

    Quest also has a program which is called Quest Cares Uninsured Patient Program. Quest Cares Uninsured Patient Program •For appointments or to find other local locations, call 1-800-LABTEST (522-8378) or online at •Locate the nearest patient Service Center (PSC) in...
  12. Keith Willse

    got labs back, starting new regimen monday!!!!

    @ Dr. John, It is the LAP Program. Lab Corps LabAccess Partnership (LAP) Program NOTE: To access the LAP program, patients must pay the discounted fees of the ordered laboratory tests in full at the time of service. Patients with prior unpaid laboratory charges may not be eligible for the...
  13. Keith Willse

    Subcutaneous Administration of Testosterone

    Dr Eugene Shippen started the whole Subq injection route for testosterone. It's a shame there is no study data on this but I'll bet his notes are worth more than any study.
  14. Keith Willse

    Exercise Can Increase Liver Function Tests

    If you have recently started a vigorous workout routine in addition to your TRT/HRT (Which I highly recommend, if you are able) make sure you inform your physician and or clinician as your base line chemistry can and will change. I have personally seen a clinical significance with my ALT and...
  15. Keith Willse

    Distance Medicine

    This is out of scope for TRT and really only used in large institutions but the following videos will show you "long distance medicine" in health care today. These technologies are cutting edge and will truly change healthcare.
  16. Keith Willse

    Broncos v Colts!

    Secondary shut down the receivers for 2 and half quarters.... Game Over :D
  17. Keith Willse

    Good Fats vs Bad Fats

    @ kallu, Fat is a must for the intestinal absorption of lipid-soluble vitamins. It is also the key source of metabolic energy and the building blocks of all cells in the body.
  18. Keith Willse

    New Gadget

    I already own the Nike Fuel band and it's been a big disappointment. :( I will say the aesthetics and cool factor are good but that's about it for the Fuel. I already purchased the Heart Monitor ( I it got from Target of all places ) for the Polar Loop and I can't wait to get my Loop ;) I...
  19. Keith Willse

    B12 injects

    No problem, glad you got the clarification you needed :D Just make sure you keep it out of direct sun light.
  20. Keith Willse

    Excellent Website

    This website has some very good information. Check it out as they even recommend Nelson's book! Testosterone: A Man's Guide ;) If you don't own a copy of Nelson's book, I would highly recommend it as it has some very good and helpful...
  21. Keith Willse

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Looking good Gene, I'd say your PIC says it all ;)
  22. Keith Willse

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Looking good Gene, I'd say your PIC says it all ;)
  23. Keith Willse

    B12 injects

    @ Brooksy Chuck , Based on the label of the bottle, if it were me, I would put it in the refrigerator and protect it from light. You might want to double check with Defy. Cold— Any temperature not exceeding 8o (46o F). A refrigerator is a cold place in which the temperature is maintained...
  24. Keith Willse

    prolactin too high?

    @tmckenzie I hope it works for you ;) just make sure you are monitoring your prolactin levels. You do not want to drive it to low. Low prolactin can compromise immune function...
  25. Keith Willse

    Eat the whole damn egg!

    I agree 100 % good post :D The protein in egg whites are not as nutritious without the yolks. The yolks balance out the amino acid profile, making the protein in the egg whites more easily absorbed by our bodies. Here's a pretty good study...
  26. Keith Willse

    B12 injects

    @ Brooksy Chuck If you're getting your methylcobalamin (B12) from APS their new formula does not require refrigeration. Storing instructions should be printed on the bottle.
  27. Keith Willse

    prolactin too high?

    I understand your frustration. Balancing hormones takes time, dedication and a good open minded physician. Hang in there, you're in good hands with Dr. Saya. :D Keep us posted on your progress.
  28. Keith Willse

    prolactin too high?

    Take a look at this article. I don't want to get off topic but you said uric acid is high. It may be nothing but it's worth investigating with your primary care physician.
  29. Keith Willse

    prolactin too high?

    Do you happen to have a set labs from when you were feeling like a new man? It would be very beneficial to correlate your feelings with the clinical data. Also when your TT was 130 did your physician run any additional labs besides TT? Last but not least, I would follow up and investigate the...
  30. Keith Willse

    Penile constriction rings to improve ED

    @ Carlos, I moved your post to a new one so it doesn't get buried in content. It's your own thread now ;)
  31. Keith Willse

    prolactin too high?

    Can you elaborate on this a little more " I was good till about a month on trt, then it backed off, then 3 months ago it took a severe nosedive along with section trouble."