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  1. C

    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    Interesting, I said nothing that would indicate I was on this sort of cycle. And even if I were, obviously this sort of treatment was a huge success! This nurse sounded a bit older, perhaps there was some miss-communication, but I did not like being labeled a steroid ab/user. Whether or not this...
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    Yeah, November and will take effect on first of new year.
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    Its not that, I just have zero out of network coverage. Since I was originally diagnosed under my PCP who is in my network I should be fine when the time comes. I just figured if I could get the same care while saving a few hundred, why not? Chuck did email me back, says that was Dr. Carrolls...
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    I know right, the whole power cycle thing really struck me as odd. If anything I need to be in the gym, the only gains I have are in the belly, lol. Ill wait to hear back from Chuck, but I dont see this working out.
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    will do! I first made contact via the Carroll Clinic website. I received a email back asking me to pre-registar and to reply back letting him (Chuck) know when I had completed the forms. Since I have been a bit busy with Dr appointments with lower back hurting, I havent emailed Chuck back yet...
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    Can I PM you? just got off the phone with some lady from Carroll Clinic, it was interesting to say the least. I dont want to put it out on here for all too see, maybe I should though, idk.
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    I am actually in Dayton, east of Houston. Dr. Carroll is right by the Zoo, off of Hermann. He is not within my Network for my insurance, thanks though. Appreciate the reply, I am not big on anastrozole either but my body seems to need it. I felt OK with a higher E2, I actually had more...
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    I found Dr. James Carroll off the "How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole" Thread, linked below My PCP had given me a horrible...
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    Defy medical prescriptions

    How did you get Defy to use Empower? I also live in Houston, but my meds where shipped out of Florida, Hallandale Pharmacy.
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    Question for Defy Patients...

    I went to a nurse practitioner, cost $40. I did not want to take it to my Dr as I tried to challenge his TRT protocol and lost. Well I guess at the end of the day I won, I took my treatment to Defy.
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    DHEA - Does it make you Tired too?

    Perhaps it was a poor nights sleep then. As most of you know I am waking up around 3 AM every morning, also taking a long acting opiate daily. So there are many thing that could be going on here. Thanks for the reply
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    DHEA - Does it make you Tired too?

    My DHEA when originally tested for Defy start up was @ 130 with a scale of 31 - 701. I was sent 25mg DHEA Capsules from the compounding pharmacy to take daily. Since then Ive notice if I forget to take them for a few days my energy level seems to rise, and when returning to the DHEA I am getting...
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    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    was about to order that ZMA, when I see it is Zinc, Magnesium, and B-6. I have Magnesium and B-6 already. If I add Zinc Ill get the same results, may need to adjust dose of my B-6 and Magnesium to match the ZMA. Will do this until I drain the 2 I already have.
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    Blood Sugar Drop Causing Sleep Problems?

    Looks like many of us are having this trouble. I cant blame mine on TRT, as it was happening before, when my T levels were @ 101. Vince Carter mentioned eating a spoonful of peanut butter, if it is blood sugar related this may help...
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    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    That is crazy! When I awaken I will end up making coffee, reading forums, playing a game or something. After a good 1.5 hours I am able to crawl back into bed (on days off) and get another 2 hours of sleep easily. When I do this I feel great! Unfortunately as I am trying to go back too sleep...
  16. C

    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    Well I tried the peanut butter, didnt seem to work. I had woke up at 1 and ate the spoonful, was awake at 3 again. I do/did have low DHEA, I am taking 25mg daily. Any relation between the two, like one is low so the other is high? @rhino5169 mentioned checking the thyroid. If I remember...
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    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    I will bring it up at my follow up in a few weeks. I have not discussed this with them, or my PCP. I would like to use my PCP for the use of my insurance though. I just read that Melatonin is out of the system in 4 hours, and the reduction signals the brain to wake up. They make time release...
  18. C

    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    I have not, I havent been back to my Dr since getting off his 200mg once per month protocol and switching to Defy. I guess its time to face him. I will try this tomorrow at 3 AM when I wake up
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    Sleep... trouble staying asleep, awake at 3 AM daily

    this may be in the wrong sub, if so please move accordingly. thanks! For as long as I can remember I have had issues staying asleep. I know this was large in part due to my drinking at the time. Back then I wasnt sleeping, I was passing out. Even then I would tend to wake up rather early, not...
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    On TRT, Now With Defy - Labs and Protocol

    I decided to drop 5mgs of my methadone this morning, now down to 55mg daily :D How it works for me, Ill feel a bit off for 3 or 4 days, then it will be harder to sleep for about 2 weeks. After this time I should be adjusted to the drop. I have to kick this thing, it has been far too long, every...
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    On TRT, Now With Defy - Labs and Protocol

    this is the killer in switching from methadone to naltrexone To reduce the risk of precipitated withdrawal, patients are warned to abstain from illegal opioids and opioid medication for a minimum of 7-10 days before starting naltrexone. If switching from methadone to naltrexone, the patient...
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    On TRT, Now With Defy - Labs and Protocol

    Methadone Maintenance does the same thing as the Suboxone does to our bodies. You are also 100% correct, they do not tell you of these side effects, nor listen when you try to talk to them about it. At my clinic, they had a new counsellor who actually encouraged a few of us to get off the...
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    On TRT, Now With Defy - Labs and Protocol

    So you made the jump from methadone to suboxone? i am curious, as the last 70mg I have dropped from methadone I have done so with suboxone as a goal once I get to 35mg methadone. I am currently at 60mg methadone (daily) and I have been here for too long, it is time to lower again, 55mg is my...
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    high or low Estrogen?

    This is EXACTLY what happened to me! I went in for a blood test, it was injection day so I stopped my AI on my own advice. Within 3 days I was feeling so much better, by the time my results came back, a week later, I was feeling like superman once again. I was hit with a ton of bricks when I...
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    HCG Dosage Poll?

    400ui Mon and Thurs, along with 70mg Test C and .22mg AI that I stopped yesterday, hope it improves the way I am I feeling. Currently I feel like garbage, tired all the time, have no libido or sensitivity.
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    Nearing 3rd month of TRT and feel like I am backsliding

    I appreciate all the replies so far, Thanks! Yesterday I laid in bed and slept all day, this is what I have done the past 2 weeks on my days off. I am having to urinate often while at home. I mustve went 20 times yesterday, crazy! Also when waking up I am incredibly sore, though it isnt a good...
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    Nearing 3rd month of TRT and feel like I am backsliding

    I really didnt want to use this AI either. In fact I have been following your "Daily Injections of Testosterone" thread. I am wondering if this would relieve my need for the AI. When you say these symptoms can be caused by testosterone, this means Test is too high or low? Or the ratio of Test to...
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    Nearing 3rd month of TRT and feel like I am backsliding

    You know, if I am lower in range right now due to the AI, I feel it is too low. At the higher I was doing better yes, assuming I am lower right now. I did have sensitive nipples, and my face got rather oily throughout the day while at the 40.5 E2. Today my face doesnt get that oily, nor do I...
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    Nearing 3rd month of TRT and feel like I am backsliding

    I didnt post labs, as I dont have any from current protocol yet, testing monday for that. So the opiate will not kill off any test from my injections, this is good to know. I guess what I am asking, since I have a had a 2 week window where I was doing great, this is possible to achieve...
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    Nearing 3rd month of TRT and feel like I am backsliding

    A little back story here. Began TRT in December of 2016 with my PCP. I was on 200mg every 2 weeks, for the first 3 injections (6 weeks), then 200mg once per month. Reddit helped me see this protocol was horrible, and PCP refused to budge. Since the pharmacy kept refilling me with 2 X 200mg 1ml...
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    Auto Intramuscular Injector

    Ive been using the same style needles as Vince. Try holding the vial of Testosterone in your hand for about 5 minutes before drawing it up. Warming it seems to help speed up the process for me, in both drawing and injecting.