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  1. C

    Should We Be Managing Estradiol and Hematocrit in Men on Testosterone Replacement?

    I think part of what Dr. Nichols is trying to say, by treating with the creams twice a day there is no need to treat for elevated E2 as it is not a issue with his protocol.
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    So I found this while waiting for my flight. I know its a study on women, but one would think the effects would be somewhat the same in men.
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    I want to investigate this more thoroughly. After watching this video on Facet joints, it seem plausible to me that a higher E2 can mask some of the symptoms of Facet Disease. If E2 somehow acts as a lubricant, and this is taken away or greatly reduced, it only makes sense that joint pain will...
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    Starting TRT - Testosterone and HCG Twice Weekly

    The over all protocol looks fairly good, the use of HCG and splitting the doses into twice a week. The only thing I notice is 80mg weekly is the low end of a starting point. Most the time we see starts at 100mg per week, that seems to be the standard. I am 42, the same weight and am taking 140mg...
  5. C

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I have the same thing, in fact I cant even wear my wedding ring any more.
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    I just want the pain to go away so I can return to work. Yes I am getting paid my full 40 hours to sit at home, but I am bored to death! So many things I can do, but cant for fear of making this worse, or even getting seen doing something that resembles work.
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    Actually yes it does help, Thanks. Over 10 years ago I had twisted when a refrigerator dolly malfunctioned, I fell went to ER, they said I had a muscle spasm. Every year since then my back has "flared" up, taking a few days off cleared it up. This time it is not clearing, this time also...
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    No ED pills here, its not that it just hurts. I have a MRI that shows the problems, only I did not feel them before lowing my E2. E2 has always been high, for all I know its been high my whole life. I had a crappy PCP who just gave me a Test CYP script and told me to take 1 shot per month. Once...
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    Nothing out of the ordinary, I had really bad anxiety pre TRT but since getting on TRT anxiety is rare now. I do have somewhat dry skin, though it only shows around the nose/cheek/eye areas. All my other joints seem to be fine, they do pop after waking but thats about it. It just dont make sense...
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    At 50 I had pretty bad bloating and water retention. I was sweaty, felt fatigue as well. Overall since getting it down to 35 I feel much better. Its just the timing of all this lower back and the lowering of the E2 that seem odd to me. I doubt its related, just had to ask. To be clear, I did...
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    High/Low E2 Causing Lower Back/Spine Issues?

    This very well might be the dumbest question ever posted, but I have to seek out a answer. My E2 has always been somewhat high, around 50 or more. About 2 months ago my AI was raised to 3 times per week. After doing so I began to get lower back pain, not just a sore muscle, but severe pain...
  12. C

    On TRT, Great Two Weeks, Now Nothing

    you will also find that nearly everyone who has used the gel has gone to injections.
  13. C

    SHBG - First time tested, 26.9 is good?

    The third AI pill started mid March. Ive been on TRT 5 months or so, the first month was too low of dosage though. Both tests were at trough, same lab, same shipment of T, stored on the same location. I have been scratching my head on this to say the least. I havent been but will start doing...
  14. C

    SHBG - First time tested, 26.9 is good?

    Honestly, I feel OK besides some things that can only be explained by the E2 going from 48 to 35. One is penis sensitivity, its gone, left the building. And speaking of building, its almost impossible to build up to a finish. Some mild anxiety has returned, but I have been under a lot of stress...
  15. C

    SHBG - First time tested, 26.9 is good?

    Forgot to mention, I did not fast. In fact I had eaten a doughnut and drank a Starbucks Frappuccino on the way to LabCorp. I had no idea they were pulling these types of tests, it had no indication on the script that said fast for this lab work. Any idea why adding a 3rd AI pill into my...
  16. C

    SHBG - First time tested, 26.9 is good?

    This is my first SHBG test, just curious if it is a little low? I know someone will point out that triglyceride are pretty high, but they are up due to taking Naproxen. When triglyceride was tested in December, they were at 119. My LDL has also dropped since beginning TRT, so only makes sense...
  17. C

    Running out of Testosterone Before Followup

    I got a call as well, only they told me I need to go do labs.
  18. C

    Running out of Testosterone Before Followup

    With Defy as well, and this is my first refill time and follow up. My HCG was running low, as well as my AI (due to a increase a month ago) and I wasnt told I can call and order HCG and AI at any time. So when those run low, just call and order as needed. You can also order extra HCG, to offset...
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    Follow Up with Defy Questions

    Called Defy and made a order for HCG 11,000ui and 30 more AI capsules. Was easy, I was also told I can order more T on May 8th. I had thought I had to be seen in the follow up before I could order more T. Had I known that I couldve put my labs off until next week instead of rushing down this...
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    Follow Up with Defy Questions

    I learned my lesson on doing that, lol. Todays labs will reflect the changes Defy made 45 days ago, taking my AI from .22mg twice a week to .22mg three times a week. I have a feeling my E2 is still slightly higher than that "magic number" everyone seems to be chasing.
  21. C

    Follow Up with Defy Questions

    Got it, I will call today and order enough AI to last then. I think my HCG is also going to be cutting it close as well, will have to see about this too. I got the idea of the daily injections from your thread Daily-Injections-of-Testosterone Melissa had mentioned going to more frequent...
  22. C

    Follow Up with Defy Questions

    So this will be my first real follow up since starting with Defy. I had T and E labs pulled about 45 days ago that lead to an adjustment in my AI, increasing too 3 times per week .22mg Anastrozole. I had a 2 week period where I did not take any AI (thought E2 was crashed) but the addition of the...
  23. C

    HCG: Storage, Travel, Potency

    Interesting, this is exactly where my HCG is kept, the refrigerator door. I have 2 teenage kids, you can imagine how many times the door is opened/closed daily. However, after reading this I will be moving the box to a more stable location, thanks.
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    Dr. James Carroll - Houston Texas

    I appreciate the information. Ive already given up, even more so now, a $1,300 fee just to see Dr Carroll at The Carroll Clinic? That is absurd, I am a cash patient and was only looking to switch to get my insurance to pay for it. You should look into Defy, I think my combined treatment and meds...
  25. C

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I noticed both water retention and bloat. When I took my socks off at the end of the day, I had indentions in my lower legs/calves above the ankles. Also with the bloat, it was if I had lost 5 pounds directly in my gut, but I hadnt my abdomen just returned to normal once I went back on the AI...
  26. C

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I have my follow up coming with Defy soon. With my trough at 1130, I think that makes my peak at 1700 (judging from so my thoughts are to try and lower this by doing more frequent injections. Currently I am doing the e3.5d thing, but if I can drop the AI by lowering my dose and...
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    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    yes 1130 is my trough
  28. C

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    Thats why I stopped my AI, but I took bloods the day I stopped and turns out my E2 was at 48. The crazy part is stopping surely raised E2 even higher, but libido had returned along with sensitivity. thinking my Test level is too high, trough was at 1130 with free T at 24.5, injection was due...
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    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    That is what causes this? I think it kills libido too, when I came off of armidex (on my own) within 4 days libido had started to return. Back on the AI now, even taking more than before, and yeah I can confirm sensitivity has suffered and takes much longer to "finish".
  30. C

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I went through something like this. I felt as if my E2 had crashed, I was taking .22mg of arimidex e3.5d. I called my Dr, they ordered E2 test and as soon as I gave the bloods, I stopped the arimidex. I felt better after 3 days, and got libido back, though I noticed I was bloated. So my blood...
  31. C

    Prohormone Recovery: Need Help and Direction

    very hard to read. what is the prohormone you are taking, and where did you get it?