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  1. S

    Huge increase in libido with DIM

    I used nature's way but found that Smoky Mountain brand is a higher dosage of DIM. I've had good results using this DIM product.
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    Donating Blood to control Levels

    I was told that giving Whole blood will provide better control over Hemocrit and Iron levels.
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    Calories and putting on muscle mass?

    Since you are fairly new to the iron, I would really recommend a good coach. At least to get you started out. For me I found that gains are much better if I'm following a fairly strict program that utilizes progression in both weight and reps. My favorite is a book I got off Amazon, "Growth...
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    Restarting after 8 years of TRT

    Have you tired Cialas (Tadafil), coupled with L-Arginine and L-Citrullene? I know you will probably get several recommendations, and have probably already had several. After the TRT honeymoon, my libido dropped to undesirable levels. Doc prescribed Tadafil, which did help. My pre-workout...
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    Injection leakage

    Try holding against the skin with your other hands two fingers when you pull the needle out. Then use your cotton swab and apply a little pressure to the area.
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    Why some women orgasm easier than others (#blessed)

    You start out very slow gentle to get her worked up, around the ear and neck. Work your way down to the hot spot. Again work slowly with your tongue all around the hot spot. Once nice and wet, insert at least one finger, maybe two slowly while licking the clitoris, almost like a dog licking...
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    No Libido at age 41, LAB RESULTS posted here.. help?!

    Many guys on TRT also supplement with either Cilias or Tadafil. I had similiar symptoms as you describe, and Dr. added 5mg daily Tadafil and I also 200mg DIM daily. Changed my injection to twice per week instead of once. This cured my problem and I didn't need an AI either and my E2 is...
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    SubQ Injections - Injection depth and site

    Ventrogluteal is the best I have found. You can do a search on here. Several good threads.
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    Working toward physique competition, working out while on TRT and recent DEXA scan

    ANBF Does, with a doctors letter and a polygraph.
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    Someone educate me on this supposed E2 ratio

    Just my opinion, but I think the ratio becomes more important when both levels are higher. If an E2 number came back at 40 - 50 many would say it is too high and would recommend an AI, but with a higher T level > 1200 (and no real E symptoms), the ratio comes into play. I don't remember the...
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    Anyone know about Genetic Predisposition Test

    Just thought I would post an update. First Chest Scan is complete and everything looked normal. Was looking for any signs of clotting and overall lung condition. Urinalysis also came back with good results. Next two tests are Leg/Body scan's to look at Vein health and possibility of vein...
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    First time T cyp users questions.

    Try rubbing the area down right after injecting. I always inject VG and rarely have a problem. Sometimes the area can be sore after but resides within a few hours. I'm using cottonseed oil vs grapeseed, not sure if that makes a difference or not. Could be a mild reaction to grapeseed?
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    Anyone know about Genetic Predisposition Test

    Thanks guys for the responses. Since the test is already done I guess she will follow thru with the other remaining tests. And Vince you are exactly right, it is simply to determine if preventative measures are required.
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    Anyone know about Genetic Predisposition Test

    My wife took this test through our GP who recommended it based on his research and workings with another doctor. Apparently a vetted lab an practice, I don't have the name of it just yet. I will say that I think highly of my Doc and don't think he is a quack, but this testing is new to me...
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    I just need to Vent

    Just a quick update, I decided to go in late to work this morning and let's just say it was worth the wait!!! I'm a happy camper once again. :o Nash, thanks for the comments, all of her hormones have been tested and the only thing that was needing help was the thyroid, so they continue to...
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    I just need to Vent

    Thanks guys and Mountain Man you are exactly right. Upon first starting TRT we had that exact discussion and sex was a whole lot better for about 6 months, but then slacked off. However, as you stated I know she is Pres-Menopausel as she has hot flashes and she just recently got her Thyroid...
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    I just need to Vent

    TRT is going fantastic at about 1.5 years in. I am pissed about sex!! I've been married 19 years and have never cheated. Had one really solid opportunity about 10 years ago and said No. Nov. 3rd was leaving for Deer Lease and she started menstrual cycle a few days before so no deal. Can't...
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    This has to be the first forum without an off-topic "What music are you listening to?" section...

    I like Harder Christian Rock first: Skillet, Red, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Thousand Foot Krutch Second I go to Pandora and listen to Strenghth Training Station, which consists of a lot of good Hard rock such as: GodSmack, AC/DC, Disturbed, Fuel, Saliva, Staind, etc. Rock On..
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    Injection locations making me sore.

    I've found the best place to pin is ventorgluteal with a 1/2" long needle. Check out this older post.
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    Can an 1150 Total T crash your libido?

    Agree with others, give it some time to settle out before making to many changes. Might also consider where your DHEA levels are at. Do you need to supplement this area? I saw what I think is an improvement after I added DIM to my protocol, but I realize that doesn't work for everyone.
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    Is this workout routine outdated

    A good workout routine will include variation in rep ranges and weight (ie Microcycles) across several weeks. There are several to choose from various websites. One of the more simple ones that I have used for over a year is Growth Stimulus Training. Simple, yet very effective. You can get...
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    What percentage men on TRT uses an AI?

    I also don't use an AI, with 250mg dose of Test. However, I do use DIM, which is a natural product. I agree with others that your body adapts after some time with a higher E2 level. Last checked I was in the 60's on the Sensitive Test.
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    Does anyone notice a difference switching from Nature-throid to Armor thyroid?

    My wife was on Nature Throid and having great results. That product is now back ordered so they switched her to Armour Thyroid. It is terrible compared to the Nature one. Stomach cramps, fatigued all the time, said she feels like she has the flu. She is anxious to get back on the Nature...
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    Creatine Question

    I have found that the HCL Creatine works better for me than Mono. I don't get bloated at all with HCL, nor any gas. CreaPure would give me stomach issues. Preworkout contains HCL and I add 5g HCL to my post workout Whey Protein shake.
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    Have to lower my Testosterone dosage

    Agreed, after another month or so your body will adjust and you will see a more natural decline.
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    Where to Donate to Harvey Victims (and How to Avoid Scams)

    I'm not to far away from you guys, (East of Beaumont). Prayers for all of Houston and all those along the Coast effected by Harvey.
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    Body hair removal - best (inexpensive) methods?

    For the hard to reach back try ManGroomer. It works pretty well with fresh batteries, For chest and arms I use standard hair clippers on a #1 setting and also have a body groomer that I occasionally use. This provides a close trim and not necessarily a slick surface like shaving, which I have...
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    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    I think you might have me confused with another poster on this thread. In no way have I compared myself to Nelson. Although surprised he never commented on the thread. Cheers.
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    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    I do not, the doc hasn't tested for SHBG as in his opinion there isn't a lot of value in that number anyway. (Not much you can do to control it I guess). I suspect it must be fairly low though for me to generate the lab values that I have.
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    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    Well said user_joe. I got on trt based on my my t levels and doctors recommendation. My dr runs higher doses than most and I didn't argue with him. And I'm still not arguing based on my current lab results after a year. If labs say otherwise then adjustments will need to be made. I do view...
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    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    Not that it is much different, but you keep referencing my 2016 labs at 1778, which actually wasn't during the trough. 1632 is the current value.