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    Anxiety Attacks Recently For No Apparent Reason

    When I changed my protocol, which made my levels swing I had a few anxiety attacks. Haven't had an issue since I went back to my previous protocol and stayed there.
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    Anything Different About Working Out on TRT?

    Another fantastic program is Growth Stimulus Training. Do a search on Amazon. I've been using this program with various modifications for 3 years now. Fantastic results. And for me I was in your same shoes before TRT, even weighing my food, with little benefit. With TRT all my lifts increased...
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    So confused over dosage. 250mg/mL 0.25 mL injected 2X/week = what???

    200mg is considered a higher dose with 250mg being the highest dose prescribed for TRT purposes. And dosage is highly dependent on a person's individual characteristics. Many have high dosages and are not Bodybuilders. Just depends on how your body reacts to the hormones.
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    I'm Tired of the Tears

    Gman, albumin was 4.8 and yes it was Quest. I've been on this same protocol for over 2 years and thus far no major issues other than Hemocrit wanting to rise up. Yes it is a whopping dose, but it works for me. And my Doc has no issues with this protocol. Mountainman, you are exactly right, ha...
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    I'm Tired of the Tears

    I take Test Cyp made at a local compounding pharmacy. Comes in a 10ml vial too.
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    I'm Tired of the Tears

    Thanks guys. I do take DIm from time to time. I agree, extremely happy that all the other areas are in check and dealing with the emotional effects isn't really a big deal. Last Labs were in July from this post. 250mg - 2 Yrs Labs Attached
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    I'm Tired of the Tears

    Merry Christmas guys. I know my E2 numbers run high, but so do my T levels based on my protocol. Never taken an AI and have no symptoms of high E2 except tears. I freaking she'd a tear at an emotional commercial. If I dare watch an emotional movie I better have a box of tissues. I cried more...
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    BPH - Enlarged Prostate After being on TRT

    Flexible spending account. You pay $$ in before taxes off your paycheck and then you receive a reimbursement for elgible expenses. Beneficial for lowering your year end taxes if your plan offers it. I don't trust buying from the overseas pharmacy's thus I use a local pharmacy. Because it is...
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    New to TRT, Libido & Erection Strength

    Many go through a Honeymoon phase when starting TRT. After the body adjusts things tend to level out. Many also try to chase the honeymoon phase by constantly adjusting dose and trying to find the so called sweet spot. I say find what works for you and stick with it. Don't make any fast changes...
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    BPH - Enlarged Prostate After being on TRT

    If you have a FSA plan find a good compounding pharmacy that offers Tadafil. Then use your FSA. Works for me.
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    BPH - Enlarged Prostate After being on TRT

    Second what Vince said. I too noticed a difference trying to pee after TRT. After daily Tadafil no issues.
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    How to improve penile sensitivity?

    Give L-Arginine a try, at least 1000mg. It worked for me for a while and then tapered off. Not sure if my body adjusted to it or what, but for a few months sensitivity was amazing.
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    Nashtide is gonna lean bulk...

    If you are serious about hitting the goals you've set there are a few things I think would recommend. You need to understand what your TDEE is based on your current activity level. Goggle emma-leigh macros (i think this is a good one to use, but there are others out there too). Once you get...
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    250mg - 2 Yrs Labs Attached

    Started in 2016, so just a little over 2 years, with same protocol.
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    250mg - 2 Yrs Labs Attached

    Well I got my labs back and visited the doc today. Extremely pleased with lab results. Doc was also pleased with all the values and no changes required. I was somewhat bashed when I shared my protocol and labs exactly one year ago...
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    1,000 T low point

    You may not need an AI. I know several people who have a higher T value and use no AI. Let your E2 settle out and see if it fits.
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    ExcelMale Upgrade: What improvements would you want to see?

    TapATalk, several other forums use this base and it works great for mobile applications. Allows you to log in once and browse all forums that you are linked to.
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    Pre-bedtime protein

    If looking to also add calories give this a try. Several spoon fools of cottage cheese, at least one spoon of vanilla greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter, and about 1/2 scoop of chocolate whey protein powder. Mix well and oh my, almost like ice cream. If it is too thick just...
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    Thigh pain 4 days after injection

    This exactly. Ventroglutal is awesome and now my go to spot.
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    Prevent High Hematocrit

    There is still the debate that the high Hemocrit numbers (from being on TRT) are nothing to be concerned with. I'm not stirring the mud on this one and giving my own body the test currently. Haven't given blood since Oct. and my labs are in July, so interested in seeing the numbers. Currently...
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    Soft / No Erections

    Everyone is different, I take a daily 5mg Tadafil dose in the morning and in the afternoon I take 1 gram of L-arginine. After adding the L-Arginine I saw a Huge difference in erection quality and sensitivity. I only take it on work out days and when I miss about 4 days of workouts and don't...
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    Question for guys doing high dose cypionate

    I'm a little confused. What exactly do you mean by toasting your organs or not healthy long term?? I completely agree that guys that cycle Test at very high doses >2000ng T and combine with anabolics are going to have detrimental problems with organs, enlarged liver, enlarged heart, etc...
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    I simplified my Nitric Oxide stack!

    I think the main NO effects come from the following: Daily Tadafil 5mg in the morning Workout days: Prekaged Preworkout (contains 6.5g of L-Citrulline), as well as other goodies. Workout days: 1g of L-Arginine Other supplements that I take: Orange Triad - Multi Vitamin Fish Oil Vitamin D DHEA-S...
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    I simplified my Nitric Oxide stack!

    My preworkout contains L-Citrulline and i think I receive benefits from it. However, I started adding 1G of L-Arginine on work out days and OMG a huge change for me. Vein visibility improved during work outs and after, but the best part is the change in Erection quality and sensitivity. I am...
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    What trough level do you feel best at?

    I'm in as similair boat as you. Higher total test than most, E2 high per labs, but feel fantastic. Going on the same protocol for 2 years now and labs continue to support the protocol. I'm staying with the protocol until labs or my Dr. tells me something different. The only thing that...
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    Change of frequency and feeling rough!!

    If you felt great at 2 shots, then why are you worried about Estrogen? The only reason to be concerned with a high E2 number is if you feel like crap to go along with the high number. If you feel great no change should be made. Don't treat a number on the lab sheet. You can either stay the...
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    If you are feeling great, how often do you pull labs?

    My doc now also has me on a once PE year check since I am dialed in and feel great.
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    Is there a Study showing higher doses of replacement testosterone?

    I guess I am one of the odd few. I've been on a 250mg/week dose now for almost 2 years now. I've never needed an AI and I feel fantastic. My E2 is high on labs, but I don't have any of the side effects. Last year I dropped my dose down to 200mg for about 5 weeks to save on $$ towards the end...
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    Huge increase in libido with DIM

    Try adding in 500 mg of L-Arginine in the afternoon. I take this with my Pre-workout mix, and on those evenings, a huge difference in erection quality and sensitivity...
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    Huge increase in libido with DIM

    If you look at the actual DIM content between the two Smoky Mountain has a higher percentage then Nature's Way. I have pretty high E2 values due to my T dose. I don't take an AI and never have. So I use DIM to help with E2. Maybe it is pyscological but with the Mountain brand I saw less water...