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  1. JohnTaylorHK

    No muscles soreness after working out ?

    If you jump rope, run, cycle or swim on your non-training days, you shouldn't get sore. Since I don't lift weights any longer, my tri-weekly cardio sessions make me feel very stiff (especially my back) on my off days. Jumping rope for a couple of minutes cures that. Soreness is a sign of injury...
  2. JohnTaylorHK

    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Branch Chain Amino Acids

    Hi Nelson. No, I haven't. Lustig was pretty unclear in the presentation as to whether the fact that BCAAs can only be processed in the liver actually caused NAFLD or not. My experiment would have only been for as long as the supplement lasted anyways. In the end, I decided to try a Lecithin-only...
  3. JohnTaylorHK

    Low-carb/low calorie diet Vs. low calorie dense, low fat foods?

    I lost 27lbs on a ketogenc diet. Keto is NOT a calorie restricted diet, there is no need to restrict calories. If I cook beef, I always pour the rendered fat back over the meat, often adding butter/olive oil if it seems a bit dry. Initially, you will lose water weight with the glycogen. Once you...
  4. JohnTaylorHK

    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Branch Chain Amino Acids

    I was going to find if there was any effect on my muscle mass or body composition. I'm about 12% body fat, was hoping to find a small decrease in that without losing strength. Originally I had read that there was some gain to be had in taking BCAAs before sleeping, due to the pulsatile nature of...
  5. JohnTaylorHK

    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Branch Chain Amino Acids

    Greetings All. I was watching some of Robert Lustig's presentations on Metabolic Syndrome and came across a reference to BCAAs and NAFLD. He more or less stated that "irregular" consumption of BCAAs could lead to metabolic syndrome, giving their consumption as one of a few dietary contributions...
  6. JohnTaylorHK

    56% increase is testosterone using a testosterone booster: Say What?

    Interestingly (at least to me) this looks like ZMA, (Zinc + Magnesium Aspartate) which I believe was patented at one time, with a few other things (notably Boron, though the exact chemical used is not stated, its probably decaborate which is cheap as chips). Now I tried ZMA at one point, and...
  7. JohnTaylorHK

    Working out on trt vs no trt

    Vince, you inject 50mg every day (EOD= End Of Day?)? Your butt must be like a pin-cushion ... :)
  8. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and working out. Benefits start at what point if any?

    Hi Westin, I would definitely recommend a solid gym program, gentle at first to avoid injury and increase your confidence. First-time gymmers that stay the course often have good gains and better gains than someone who "used to work out". TRT is mooted to give you better endurance and recovery...
  9. JohnTaylorHK

    CalMagZinc supplements anyone?

    Try melatonin to regulate your sleeping patterns. Namaste.
  10. JohnTaylorHK

    Drinking too much water, IV infusion and chronic fatigue

    Blackhawk, I wish you a full and speedy recovery. I also found more water (at 125lbs 3 litres is plenty for me) advantageous. Supplemental potassium didn't appear to have any benefit. I tend to dehydrate a lot if I am sparring, and take extra salt as it is mainly sodium that is excreted when...
  11. JohnTaylorHK

    Principles of Testosterone and hCG Injection Technique

    It's worth researching the Z-method or Z-technique to reduce wastage and any light bleeding at the injection site. I originally got this info from a College of Nursing training manual, but there are now several sites out there. Namaste.
  12. JohnTaylorHK

    The "old guy" workout :)

    As I get older, I have realised the importance of complete nutrition, eating real food, properly hydrating and getting 8 hours per day of quality sleep. I have all but given up weights now as not being necessary for me, though I'm still sparring 3 times per week. I do a lot of isometric work...
  13. JohnTaylorHK

    How much protein do you need to maximize gains in muscle mass and strength ?

    (paralink) Nelson, what do you think about the consumption of protein powder? I know that it is a very controversial topic that you consume, it is very difficult for me in particular to reach the daily amount of drinking a shake. There are several differences between drinking whey protein*...
  14. JohnTaylorHK

    Can a keto diet cause elevated hematocrit & hemoglobin?

    I have been on a ketogenic diet for several years, but dehydration did become a problem, particularly with my boxing. Adjusting my diet to increase morning carbs put my energy levels (during sparring) through the roof. I still need to hydrate aggressively, but just measure the effect of this...
  15. JohnTaylorHK

    High HCT - trying to decide whether to get phlebotomy

    I'm not sure that you need to do anything if you are asymptomatic, but donating blood (if you are allowed) has many other benefits other than reducing iron levels. I have donated regularly for the last 45 years with no ill effects. I have also considered what I will do after next year, as the...
  16. JohnTaylorHK

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    TE, nothing else required, all else is a bust!
  17. JohnTaylorHK

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Start with 250mg x 2 on day 1, followed by 250mg every 4 days for 10 weeks. Then 10 weeks off, then repeat. After the first say, 12 days, try 250mg x 2 every 8 days as opposed to 250mg every 4 days. It possibly depends on your existing levels, but perhaps frequency is also important.
  18. JohnTaylorHK

    Is Meat Good for You After All?

    Meat+Water=Zero Carb Zen
  19. JohnTaylorHK

    Metformin Blocks Benefits of Aerobic Exercise on Insulin Sensitivity and VO2 max

    It really is a great book, and has interesting info also for non-diabetes (or not necessarily diabetes) related issues, e.g. chapter 22 on Gastroparesis. Recommended read.
  20. JohnTaylorHK

    What are a few good first steps to reducing water retention?

    How about your diet? Reduced carbs is known to lower water weight. Namaste.
  21. JohnTaylorHK

    A must read on Statins.

    Alternatively, statins (IMVHO a very useful tool) are often over-consumed. Due to the 20 or so hour half-life, many users are taking twice as much as they need. Less is more. Namaste.
  22. JohnTaylorHK

    No muscles soreness after working out ?

    Seems the harder you push yourself at whatever your discipline is, the greater the training effect, after which there should be a change in reaction. Recovery times are traditionally 2 to 4 days. Some can train everyday without any soreness, though you would need to consider overtraining...
  23. JohnTaylorHK

    Alkaline Water Facts

    If you are concerned about blood acidity, then it is "tightly regulated", and drinking alkaline water will not achieve anything. See Acid–base homeostasis - Wikipedia If you think alkaline water will reduce stomach acidity, then it won't. You need to drink a MASSIVE amount of water (that would...
  24. JohnTaylorHK

    Low Dose Nandrolone

    Hi Jim, what is your TRT protocol, please?
  25. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and itchy scalp and upper body ...Nitric oxide?

    Totally avoiding carbs is mostly impossible. Although my diet is ketogenic, I get a small amount from the odd apple or banana, plus things like Cocoa nibs etc. One problem I have is eating enough, as meat, cheese etc fills me up. I aim for 2,000 calories per day, and am 120-125 lbs.
  26. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and itchy scalp and upper body ...Nitric oxide?

    Glad low carb is working for you Tank. What carbs do you eat and what volume? Do you try to keep to a dietary percentage? Namaste.
  27. JohnTaylorHK

    Why Running (Still) Sucks...

    I also lift weights for less that 45 hours per week. Much less in fact, maybe 3 hours per week. (LoL) In the 80's I competed in half marathons. Did a lot of damage to my joints, and definitely lowered my fecundity. At the time, the "experts" said I could never have children. Since I stopped the...
  28. JohnTaylorHK

    TRT and itchy scalp and upper body ...Nitric oxide?

    Possibly diet related? I get the same symptoms on my keto diet ("keto rash"). More pronounced when I eat carbs yet some sources say "eat more carbs". Mainly it's scalp, upper back and chest, sometimes wrists and forearms. I find it only happens when I sweat. Showering after daily gym is...