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  1. JohnTaylorHK

    A Five-Ingredient Nutritional Supplement and (HBRE) Improve Lean Mass and Strength in Free-Living Elderly

    I think that most will show improvement if they are deficient in any nutritional aspect that the proposed supplement provides, as long as there is no underlying health issue. Exercise, at an appropriate level, will also serve to improve the lives of most.
  2. JohnTaylorHK

    Injecting 2x a week vs 3x a week vs EOD

    I found that sometimes 4-5 days is better, sometimes 8 days is better. Whatever is best for your feeling of wellbeing (which after all, is what it's all about). Namaste.
  3. JohnTaylorHK

    Syringes without script

    Syringes are quite cheap here and freely available from medical supply stores, though quite expensive in regular high street chemists. Insulin needles tend to be 29 gauge 1/2 inch, for TRT I would recommend 23 gauge 1 inch. It entirely depends on how long you are prepared to take to draw the...
  4. JohnTaylorHK

    The human gut microbiome is a critical component of digestion

    Vince, Any practical advice? I tend to moderate my carbohydrate, but specifically eat around 100g of white potato every couple of days that I first cook and then cool, reheat when cold and then eat. This is supposed to modify the starch so that it is available for further metabolism by the gut...
  5. JohnTaylorHK

    Opinions on Thyroid resuts

    If the numbers are all at mid-level, like yours, I would leave it alone. If it ain't broke, don't fix it... On a side note, I am experimenting with Lugol's, and notice longer sleeping hours, but no better feeling of well-being. and no change in my hyperlipidaemia or tinnitus issues.
  6. JohnTaylorHK

    does Iodine influence hormone receptor activity?

    I have "Iodine, Why You Need It by David Brownstein" and "The Everything Guide to Thyroid Disease by Theodore Friedman". You can find the info you're looking for there.
  7. JohnTaylorHK

    does Iodine influence hormone receptor activity?

    Hi Vince, I just started Lugol's 2% and have been increasing drop by drop to 10 drops per day, 5 in the morning and 5 at night. Given that this is 2%, I'm reaching probably 50% of the recommended therapeutic dosage. Would you agree? I'm trying to ascertain the effect on my hyperlipedemia and...
  8. JohnTaylorHK

    Effect of Supplements on Endurance Exercise in the Older Population: Systematic Review

    This is quite a comprehensive metastudy. After first reading, I remain amazed that (a) we still know so little definitively about aging and (b) many studies produce conflicting conclusions possibly due to conflicting biases and lack of rigor in their methods. My own conclusion is that eating...
  9. JohnTaylorHK

    Blood donation and lower minerals

    I had some concern about Selenium levels in organ meats, and I'm not sure how much is needed and how often (e.g. chicken liver), but I definitely had a lot of improvement in eating one daily. It even brought the colour back to my (previously) white hair, and I've had no recession of my hairline...
  10. JohnTaylorHK

    Thyroid, Adrenal Fatigue, DHEA? Advice Please!

    Sorry to hear of your problems. It is my experience that thyroid issues are (as mentioned above) more important than one would think. I believe now that improper treatment of this is what may have caused the death of my older sister. There are Total T3/T4, free T3/T4, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone...
  11. JohnTaylorHK

    What are the symptoms of hyperlipidemia?

    Over the last few months I have been getting symptoms similar to a hangover: Dehydration (feeling thirsty all the time, especially on waking up in the morning), Tinnitus, increasing myopia, mild (background) headaches, some dizziness and short-term memory loss. The tinnitus I have had for...
  12. JohnTaylorHK

    Anxiety and anger on TRT

    TRT is available in most asian countries, i havent been to any where it is not. If you exclude external stressors, them you are left with "roid rage", a phenomenon which includes bipolar mental states, anger and depression. If reducing your dosage doesn't work, you need a different androgen. If...
  13. JohnTaylorHK

    MMR vaccine may protect from COVID-19 complications

    It's interesting to note that last year (Feb 2019), in the Philippines, there was a large cluster of measles cases "The outbreak is attributed to lowered vaccination rates, from a high of 88% 10 to 15 years previous to 74% at the time of the outbreak, allegedly caused by the Dengvaxia...
  14. JohnTaylorHK

    MMR vaccine may protect from COVID-19 complications

    I suspect the correlation is largely due to socio-economic issues. Vaccine uptake in disadvantaged communities will correlate with inability to social distance oneself etc, all for economic reasons.
  15. JohnTaylorHK

    Cardiovascular Disease and Reducing Saturated Fat

    I agree with what you say. Even foods listed as containing bad fats are actually those rich in simple carbohydrates. I don't like to think of myself as a "carbophobe", I enjoy many different types of carbs up to the limit which I have imposed on myself which gives me the best perceived level of...
  16. JohnTaylorHK

    Cardiovascular Disease and Reducing Saturated Fat

    Wholeheartedly agree. I would like to add that there is a wide range in what is considered to be a low-carb diet. In my experiments, I have tried levels between zero and 80 grams carb (I'm 128lbs, 12% body fat). I found 80gms or less to have the most beneficial effect on well being and energy...
  17. JohnTaylorHK

    Plant Based Diet and Testosterone Levels

    IMVHO, and having tried just about every diet that has ever existed over the last 10 years, the problem is that there are very few rules to follow for good nutrition (good news), but very few food scientists/nutritionists agree on what they are. Pre-1977 (1983 in UK), the general advice was to...
  18. JohnTaylorHK

    boron for SHBG

    OK, I estimate I'm getting 10mg per day, a value I chose since upper limit is supposed to be 20mg/day (NHANES III). I have had a marked decrease in aches and pains since starting this, so I guess I'll continue. Namaste.
  19. JohnTaylorHK

    boron for SHBG

    Hi Vince, where do you guys get boron supplement levels from? Very interested in this as I make my own and don't want to over/under supplement. Namaste.
  20. JohnTaylorHK

    Insomnia help. I have been on TRT for 15 days and can barely sleep.

    Yet here I am. Whilst everyone else is bitching and moaning and not using their brain, I am finding out what's right for me, what has worked for a long while for me, and offering that info for free. Namaste.
  21. JohnTaylorHK

    No Gym: Quarantine check in and learnings.

    I only go to the gym for sparring, which I miss. My daily routine consists of isometrics and calisthenics, neither of which need any equipment/gym. Lockdown has increased my resolve and therefore intensity. I have experienced some improvements in this short time. Namaste.
  22. JohnTaylorHK

    Insomnia help. I have been on TRT for 15 days and can barely sleep.

    I had this also, and for me it was pretty hard to diagnose. I take 3mg melatonin every evening around 7PM, and it helps. What I found was that this is a hormonal thing (duh!) and that regular meal-times, regular sleeping times, moderate exercise, no alcohol (easy for me as I am teetotal) was the...
  23. JohnTaylorHK

    Keto vs. Plant Based Diet

    That's rather like saying "cowpox vaccine should not be used for smallpox" or "remdesvir should not be used for covid-19". A diet found to prove that a major macronutrient is totally unnecessary for human health surely may have other therapeutic benefits also? BTW, keto is also used for chemo...
  24. JohnTaylorHK

    Keto vs. Plant Based Diet

    Agree about plant-based diets, I couldn't manage it. I did, however, find great success with a ketogenic diet, and still follow (just) today, after 3 years. For detractors, a "fad diet" is where you follow a regime because it's fashionable, rather like someone who buys a BMW to show his...
  25. JohnTaylorHK

    Why the Coronavirus Seems to Hit Men Harder Than Women...Estrogen Levels?

    I think testicles get us into a whole heap of trouble...
  26. JohnTaylorHK

    Daily Step Count and Step Intensity With Mortality Among US Adults

    As a general rule, I could be described as a lazy SOB. My morning calisthenics and isometrics take less than an hour for a full body workout. If you add 4 minutes of Tabata jumping rope my cardio is also nicely taken care of. These days, especially under extended community quarantine, I walk...
  27. JohnTaylorHK

    Anabolics/hormones for nocturnal leg cramps?

    It seems you have already tried magnesium, though I would say that there is a lot of variation in both the chemical formulation, bio-availability and personal reaction. I use Magnesium Citrate, and find it works OK. About a year ago I had very bad cramping at night, and was often unable to walk...
  28. JohnTaylorHK


    So I will start 3g (1 tsp?) per day from start of next month, thanks...
  29. JohnTaylorHK


    I tried this many years ago, but I didn't feel any advantage then. Now I am wondering if this will give me any benefit. I am 125lbs almost constantly, and pretty shredded. Any recommendations for dosage if I were to retry it?
  30. JohnTaylorHK

    How normal people get their protein macro?

    For longevity, short-burst HIIT and calisthenics (isometric flexion/holds) are optimal IMVHO. The exercise doesn't burn calories, you will burn more fat lying on the couch. The post-workout afterburn is where it's at, and the above regimen is optimal for that, taking much less time and minimal...
  31. JohnTaylorHK

    How normal people get their protein macro?

    I have read lots of research on the subject of "How much Protein is right for me?". Most of the technical analysis comes back round to the 1g per lb of body weight, although I think this is well over what is required for the non-athlete. The RDA of 0.8g/Kg bodyweight (0.36g/lb) was intended to...