Your in the right place brother.
I don't know the answer to your situation specifically, but lots of very knowledgeable people on excelmale.
Kind regards,
That's what I would recommend.
Basically be honest if asked, but there's no reason to go there telling them your life story.
TRT shouldn't be a reason for denial of donation.
Social withdrawal in general early adolescent boys was evaluated by primary parents.
Salivary testosterone was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
A higher risk of boy’s social withdrawal was related to a lower testosterone level.
The association...
Also, their website: Nebido® international website - has tons of amazing information on T that goes beyond promotion of their own products.
Highly recommend.
Your describing a lack of perfusion. I'm guessing your HoTN and tachycardic as well.
Did you have a Hgb drawn?
What's your blood pressure?
Heart rate?
I'm almost starting to think you're trolling us. I actually hope that's the case.
If not you need to go back to the ER snd demand they test...
Welcome to ExcelMale!
It's a great community with lots of good info.
Be sure to check out Do Not Get Banned: Read the Excel Male Code of Conduct
Glad you're here!
Kind Regards,
David Becker, RN, CCRN
If you're getting it from anywhere other than a physician, I'd be concerned it's fake.
Test is so cheap that you wouldn't think there would be this issue, but that is unfortunately not the case.
Black and tarry means its coming from high up (typically the small bowel). The reason it's black is because it's had time to sit, fester, and decompose as it works it's way down the GI track.
Black stool isnt something to play a guessing game with. You need to go to the ER ASAP.
Ive had patients with black stool talking to me totally fine one minute and the next minute I'm doing CPR - more than once.
Stop what you're doing and go to the ER.
@Mark Saur no problem man.
I remember when I first learned this I felt the same way. I calculated every one of my pantients eAG for like a month straight. Very useful.
Beautiful numbers. Good work man.
It's amazing to me how many doctors have one size fit's all protocol and are set in their ways. This post is yet another example of how such a thing doesn't exist.
I see this sort of thing first hand everyday at the hospital. Long gone are the days of...
You can actually use A1C to figure out your Estimated Average Glucose (eAG) over the past 3 months. Pretty cool actually.
The formula is:
28.7 x HbA1c — 46.7 = eAG (in mg/dl)
I had a patient in the ICU one time with an A1C of 16.
That means they were walking around with a blood sugar of over...
Haven't quite finished reading yet, but this book is nothing short of amazing.
I hope it doesn't sound like im blowing smoke up your ass, but what you do for the community with your quality content and ridiculously cheap lab testing is in my opinion underappreciated.
I've read over 20 books...
This maybe true, but it touches on something I've learn helping men with low T:
The problem is that most men are walking around in an unoptimized state.
I believe 99.99% of men have "baseline" testosterone level that is artificially low.
The problem is that unless you have specifically...
This is correct.
In terms of reference range and calculation I used:
A Simple ‘Free T’ Calculator
Which is based off the math from:
A critical evaluation of simple methods for the estimation of free testosterone in serum. - PubMed - NCBI
Thanks for catching my error @Aki !!
Hemoglobin can drop significantly related to hydration.
I'm an RN in an ICU and I see it everyday. Someone might have a Hemoglobin of 10, get like 3 liters normal saline, and recheck labs show hemoglobin of 8 something.
We call this a dilutional drop in hemoglobin.
Your drop from 17.2 to...