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  1. keithc2485

    can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?

    hello. with summer coming it may be hard some days to apply and shower in enough time for a day at a pool or beach... would it mess my cycle up if say 2 or 3 days out of the week I applied it say 5 or 6pm? but the rest of the days in the AM ?? any feedback would be great. thank u...
  2. keithc2485

    Gels: Application and Absorption

    is 5 hours long enough to leave gel on? or if its left on longer will i get more in my blood?
  3. keithc2485

    what is the amount of time needed to fully get all ur gel into the skin b4 showering? and PM apply ?

    :cool::confused::oQuestion about time for androgel 1% to set in..... is 5 hours enough time to leave on? then moisturize 1 hour after applying.. then shower at 5 hours? or should it be left on longer if possible ? with summer coming, its going to be hard during the day to have it on and go to...
  4. keithc2485

    Gel Testing and Contact

    Can I USE my AndroGEL in the PM somenights and is 5 hrs long enough>?? :cool::confused::oQuestion about time for androgel 1% to set in..... is 5 hours enough time to leave on? then moisturize 1 hour after applying.. then shower at 5 hours? or should it be left on longer if possible ...
  5. keithc2485

    Levels normal but PROLACTIN off the CHARTS.....

    im sure ur right about the opoid, also question about when to take test. :)thank u for u responce... i am having erections orgasm/ all that..... just some serious ALOT... im tryng everything to calm down . from meditation, to healing, to thearpy, to talking here, to working...
  6. keithc2485

    Levels normal but PROLACTIN off the CHARTS.....

    thats what i thought..... my anxiety has been thrw the roooof! and im getting erections daily and all that . so sexually im fine...... just some headaches..and a lot of stress...........
  7. keithc2485

    Levels normal but PROLACTIN off the CHARTS.....

    here is a copy of my current blood tests... from last week.... on 50mgs of androgel a day ...before i freak out and think i have a tumor on my putuatoary gland (sorry i suck at spelling) i want to point out i am on an opoid.....which i know can raise prolactin......also i have been under severe...
  8. keithc2485

    Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption

    just a clarification , doc? :cool:i did not know it was safe to put on the forearms .... its so hard to find any doctors who know anything about testosterone ..besides how to write it....thanks but just to clarify, should I rub it in , or let it soak in ? i had read rubbing to hard can break...
  9. keithc2485

    Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption

    question about lotion application times? so , ive read in a few foums that , you dont have to wait the full hour to apply sunblock? and just to do it within 10 minutes after it dries? what ive been doing is applying the generic 12.5mg 1% gel to my sholders and upper arms / not rubbing it in...
  10. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    again thank you.. i just want to point out. I have no problems injecting . i have done it for 2 years. this happened out of the blue.
  11. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    i understand your concern thank you, but its a little more complicated..... :ofirst i dont mean to sound harsh or rude, but i just woke up ....... ok. . thank u but no thank you.... i cant believe this .... i wake up every day with the choice to go out and use . i used to be homeless, and on...
  12. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    just another hater. . u dont know me. i asked for help about hormones. not my medications for my other health problems. i run into ppl like u every day. if i was abusing these drugs and gettting high that would be a problem.... but im not. i take the bare min. of them to stay calm. and getting...
  13. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    ok buddy. whatever u say. lol. i live my live fine. all im having problems with is my hormones. so lets just drop it .i am terrified to inject again cuz my heart rate went up to 154 beats per minute. wouldnt u be ? but at the same time I wish i could continue... .... ok thats what i ment...
  14. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    thank you systemlord I did not know that... i will get my dr. to get that test done.... and if you have anyhting to say about me being on methadone. save it. this site helped me so much years ago..... i just listed the drugs im on becuase i wasnt sure if it was interacting..... and i feel very...
  15. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    I think i worded this wrong....... I ment inject my testosterone. recovery part of my life is fine ok... that was wrongly worded.. and u ppl are very judgy.....I HAVE 8 years sober.. (save the but ur on methadone speech) i havnt used any other drugs besides what im prescribed. AS PRESCRIBED...
  16. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    I think i worded this wrong....... I ment inject my testosterone. recovery part of my life is fine ok... that was wrongly worded.. and u ppl are very judgy.....I HAVE 8 years sober.. (save the but ur on methadone speech) i havnt used any other drugs besides what im prescribed. AS PRESCRIBED...
  17. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    I think i worded this wrong....... I ment inject my testosterone.. for anyone who saw my post that said i was "dieing to inject" i ment I am up set that i cannot use IM testosterone right now... ok nothing else!!!! jeez
  18. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    :(i stopped IM route due to after injecting march 1st , my 100mg dose.....having my heart rate go up to 156bpm or so and my bp was 134/114.......and i was rushed to the ER i thought i was having a heart attack....... ive had panic attacks before bad...but this was different and got worse and...
  19. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    why i stopped IM test. :(i stopped IM route due to after injecting march 1st , my 100mg dose.....having my heart rate go up to 156bpm or so and my bp was 134/114.......and i was rushed to the ER i thought i was having a heart attack....... ive had panic attacks before bad...but this was...
  20. keithc2485

    Testosterone Injections Increase Muscle and Strength Better than T gels

    As for using androgel 100mg qd , after 2 years of 100mg IM every week, will those results be lost from the 2 years? and will the gel continue to sustain me at all if used properly and working out everyday?
  21. keithc2485

    does anyone know of a good TRT doc IN NNJ area?

    thank u i will reach out to them
  22. keithc2485

    does anyone know of a good TRT doc IN NNJ area?

    i mean i havae no choice, i guess i will have to i guess.... depending on how much it is... im not working right now. but id love to here what info u have . thank you ... so sure
  23. keithc2485

    does anyone know of a good TRT doc IN NNJ area?

    i have struggled to find a smart enough dr. to not just prescribe me the the drug. i need guidance and monitoring , and no dr I can find knows a damn thing ....if anyone knows anybody in the NNJ area. that would be great....thank you
  24. keithc2485

    HELP! crazy heart palpitations and raise in BP after last injection...been on TRT for 2 years.

    I HAVE had severe anxiety all my life. and have had it under control since going on TRT. like i said my life was great. this just struck like lightening out of the blue. ....i take benzos for anxiety, which work. and clonidine. also i meditate. just such a sin i had to stop the TRT injections...
  25. keithc2485

    HELP! crazy heart palpitations and raise in BP after last injection...been on TRT for 2 years.

    thank you for responding........i see, im baffled . I am now hooked up to a 30 day heart monitor and stopped injections and went back to gel ......i didnt want to but , i dont wana freakin have a heart attack...... Heart issues run in my family.... I take Methadone and Klonopin which is why...
  26. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    will my body never produce T again on its own after 2 years of TRT? im sure u saw all my alarming posts...
  27. keithc2485

    Very Worried - Potential Cardiac Issues & TRT

    very sorry for the long pror posts and blood work but im very worried.... i stopped cold for 14 days :( and have been back on the gel 50mg a day for 5 days now.... the prolactin is very high, i was taking Vitamin E daily to lower there anything else I could do. since I am a methadone...
  28. keithc2485

    HELP! crazy heart palpitations and raise in BP after last injection...been on TRT for 2 years.

    :confused: I am starting this to see if anybody has any of these symptoms , or can give me some answers . the doctors sure cant. read below to hear whats happening to me. hello again.....i cant believe im back here... after 2 amazing years on TRT , i have hit a really rough patch, also with...
  29. keithc2485

    Heart palpitations, normal?

    hello again.....i cant believe im back here... after 2 amazing years on TRT , i have hit a really rough patch, also with HEART PALPS and high Heart rate. Long story short as possible. in 2015 i started with androgel 1.62% it got my numbers up ...but then medicaid NJ stopped covering it, and...