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  1. keithc2485

    Severe Testicular Atrophy and Want to Try HCG

    does any one have experience with ?
  2. keithc2485

    Severe Testicular Atrophy and Want to Try HCG

    hey everyone.. SO , I am on 100mg of Cyp. a week , been about 2.5 years. Since then , the severity of my Testicular atrophy has gotten pretty bad. I want to start an HCG cycle to help, but my Endo wont work with me. He said "sure you can take HCG, or Clomide but, you have to stop Testosterone...
  3. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    I inject 2x a week also at .25ml so it would be way easier ... EasyTouch Insulin Syringe - 28G .5CC 1/2" - BX 100 Easy Touch Insulin Syringes 28 Gauge | Total Diabetes Supply
  4. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    Ill have my pharmacy switch me to them then . I honestly never knew i was able to go that small . Very much appreciated buddy ✌ As for my missing half of week... Would u use the androgel if you were me?
  5. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    I appreciate ur feedback. And genuine help . im going to re try drawing with the 25g . Thanks
  6. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    thanks. i get what ur saying . i will def try that. the air bubble would be fine. going into the muscle it is safe just would cause a little bit of pain if anything.... also interesed in the small Gauges , but as i replied just a minute ago to the thread I forgot to Mention that I Draw out...
  7. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    .IM sorry I forgot to mention I switch Tips.. im Piercing the vial with a very big 18g filter tip to draw , then re attaching the 25g tip to inject.... i never could get the oil out with the 25g tip... so thats why after 3 pokes its dripping so much ... can I actually draw with just a 25g ?
  8. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    thank you for the advice guys.. .IM sorry I forgot to mention I switch Tips.. im Piercing the vial with a very big 18g filter tip to draw , then re attaching the 25g tip to inject.... i never could get the oil out with the 25g tip... so thats why after 3 pokes its dripping so much
  9. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    Hey guys, Really need some help, I have been on TRT for 2.5 years .... currently 50mg 2x a week for over a year now out of a Single dose 1ml/200mg vial Since sticking the rubber top 4x , by the 2nd or 3rd stick its dripping out alot I am losing so much medicine (almost 1/2 of the vial) my...
  10. keithc2485

    Saw Palmetto for Hair growth ? is it safe on TRT>?

    thanks. others mentioned the shampoo walmart sells . nizoral . guna look into that. im only 34 this year, and this hair loss was rapid!! over about 1 year , but i still have a lot left . just the front hair line has thinned like crazy , i use toppik hair fibers and looks great! but i would like...
  11. keithc2485

    Saw Palmetto for Hair growth ? is it safe on TRT>?

    thanks , i will def. look into it.
  12. keithc2485

    Saw Palmetto for Hair growth ? is it safe on TRT>?

    Does Saw Palmetto Affect Testosterone? We know all the type about it and what it does- High levels of dihydrotestosterone are associated with hair loss, while high levels of testosterone are associated with hair growth. Some men take saw palmetto so their body’s level of dihydrotestosterone...
  13. keithc2485

    Has anyone ever regretted TRT?

    For me try saved me . My total t was about 140 and free was about 11. ... In 2016. . . and I've had every thyroid panel done T3 T4 I did the whole 24 hour urine in The Jug test I tried every test and everything else is normal this is due to past medications that destroyed my body's ability to...
  14. keithc2485

    Thoughts on Timing of Labs

    I had posted in another thread my labs which were very high 24 hours after my injection... i take 200mgs every 2 weeks... i do 50mgs Mondays and Thursdays ... The Total T was 1,271.6 High ..and Free was 45.9 High and T Serum level was 1,147 High Estradiol -28.1 Good... ... Doc was curious...
  15. keithc2485

    Time of day to do the blood work when on trt

    So...I just got blood work done for surgery and they did the testosterone total and free i guess since they saw it on my med list...and I had injected 50mgs the day before at 6pm....and had the test done the following morning at 10am..... I am on 100mgs of cyp a week... I do 50mgs every 3.5...
  16. keithc2485

    pifzer depo t 200ml vial rubber stopper crumbed inside. can i get runfunded?

    does any body know if i call pfizer and read them the ndc number and product number of my broken vial ,will they replace it? my evil pharmacy ripped me off so bad yesterday.... i called and told them its was defective and after months of covering this , they told me last minute we wont cover...
  17. keithc2485

    can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?

    switching back to cyp. injection 2moro few questions ? carrier oil, timeing ? :cool:ive switched back to the test. cyp. injections. i start tomorrow Sunday..... im doing 50mgs 2x a week sunday and thursday.....well thats what the endocrin said to do...... So unlike last time my timing was...
  18. keithc2485

    Cypionate Carrier Oil Allergy?

    do pharmacies make plain carrier oil to mix with to dialute? Im restarting my Test. cyp injections, but this time im doing 50mgs 2x a weeks ...and its a little hard geting the right amount in the syringe ....does anybody know if they make "blank" oil to add to make it an even CC? would...
  19. keithc2485

    does spraying alcohol on application site after drying help absorbtion ?

    o ok. i just thought maybe since its alcohol based that the extra dried on top of the skin would absorb wiht more alcohol.... lol.... .well thanks for the response
  20. keithc2485

    does spraying alcohol on application site after drying help absorbtion ?

    for androgel after it dries does anyone know if it would make a difference to spray the area with alcohol and get all the dried glaze wet again ? it crossed my mind, has n e one done this b4? if so let me know your thoughts thanks :cool: Scruffy
  21. keithc2485

    Teva will make generic topical testosterone

    anyone try other generics then perrigo gels?? :confused:i use perrigo;s gel.....12.5mg 1% gel pump...... i see endo pharma ,teva, and upsher smith also make the "generic androgel 1% pump or packets ..... has anybody had experience with any of these... I personally Hate perrigo pharma ...
  22. keithc2485

    Anyone else using Perrigo from Wallgreens?

    I hate that company so much . Perrigo is terrible in my opinion.... I was getting Pfizer and westward 200mg 1Ml single dose bottles.... for years.. got the Perrigo shiiit did my normal injection of 100mg ever 7days and in 15 mins my heart rate went up to 156 bpm and my bp went to 135/114 and i...
  23. keithc2485

    How to Increase Absorption of Testosterone Gel

    do u feel the glaze is not good to happen? i have to use 8 pumps of andro 1 % so its alot of gel I dont want to rub it to much i just move it evenly and let it dry. it dries hard and glazed.... any help ? thank you. i see my endo the 21 of may. i hope to go back on injections. tho i had...
  24. keithc2485

    How to Increase Absorption of Testosterone Gel

    so seeing frost is bad? and applying on back? any thoughts? :):):confused:1. so , then frost is bad? so many people say so many things..... 2. I use androgel 1% i have to use a lot 8 pumps.... i was told not to rub it in and just let it dry... but it drys very hardened....and frosted...
  25. keithc2485

    can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?

    it was cotten seed..... same oil is pfizer used..... perrigo used cotten also .. but that was the one that did me in..... i do HOPE to switch back to the injection.... it helped me so much.... this gel is like half assing it..... im doing it now liek i said til i see the the endocrine....... i...
  26. keithc2485

    can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?

    thanks FeelingLost for the reply just to clarify tho.. :cool:thanks FeelingLost ..... so just to clarify , it wasnst every day .. just sex days? and ur levels were ok ? thanks again
  27. keithc2485

    can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?

    thanks. . yes i know... i was on injections for 2 wonderful years .. but i had a bad reaction march 1st.... and went to the ER ... after my injection my BP and heart rate went flying high 150/114 and HR was like 153bpm or something... idk why... 2 years of great effects.. but it scared the...