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  1. Z

    Effect of Calcium D glucarate on Nipple Tenderness

    So for starters I apologize if this on the wrong forum. Secondly I looked up info on this and couldn’t really find anything. So my doctor told me to add 1000mg of calcium d glucarate daily to my routine. Well 2 days after taking it my nipples got real tender. I stopped for a week and it went...
  2. Z

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    Thanks for all the responses, I’m glad people were able to have a good discussion with this. I guess my last question is, would it better to stick with EOD injections or go to ED injections to keep hemocrit on a decent level? Or like everything in the TRT community is it person to person? Thanks...
  3. Z

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    So tomorrow I am going in to donate blood. The lady said they test my hemocrit first. Like is there a number that I shouldn’t donate at? Like say it’s 50, should I maybe tell them I don’t want to donate? Because someone was saying if your hemocrit is to low you can’t get erections.
  4. Z

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    So did you just go back to every 3.5 days for your injections? I was reading omega 6 and baby aspirin can decrease it. But giving blood is the main thing. But that makes me nervous because I am worried I might pass out. I have never donated before.
  5. Z

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    Can you lower hemocrit by doing daily injections?
  6. Z

    Finishing really fast

    Thanks, it literally just started a couple days ago. I have had itching all over, like uncomfortable itching. I am starting to wonder if that’s related to high hemocrit Protocol 40mg EOD sub q injection (stomach) 1000mg calcium d glucrate 500mg ashwahganda twice a day
  7. Z

    Hematocrit - The Cause of My Problem?

    So after mass research I am pretty certain what my issues are. I have had pretty each skin that’s been uncomfortable. Along with chest pain, and it seems with the itchy skin it’s having a high hemocrit. Is there anyway to lower it? Should I just take a break from my testosterone?? I only do labs...
  8. Z

    Finishing really fast

    So the last two days I have sex with my wife I literally have been only able to last for like 30 seconds to 1 minute. Mind you I have always been a guy who can go for atleast 10 minutes or more sometimes. I almost feel like premature ejaculation is worse then ED. Could it be my testosterone is...
  9. Z

    Testosterone Injection protocol Switch from EOD to ED

    Did you feel more like just stable mentally and physically on ED as well?
  10. Z

    Testosterone Injection protocol Switch from EOD to ED

    So basically it helped out with consistentcy? That’s my issue, some days I’ll feel great with a bunch of energy a high sex drive. Others I feel like doing nothing and sex just seems blah
  11. Z

    Testosterone Injection protocol Switch from EOD to ED

    So I am on 40mg EOD of test cyp/prop. Was just wondering if people like ED injections better. Also was wondering because does ED give you the most consistent feeling in your mood? Thanks
  12. Z

    Alcohol - Depressed and Weak Following Binge

    So yes, there are post on this forum about alcohol and TRT. But nothing I could find in this forum and nothing specific to mine. Anyways I have been pretty dialed in the last 3 weeks, it took almost 2 months to get there. The other day I went out with my buddy and got pretty drunk. Had like 5...
  13. Z

    EOD question

    Was wondering with EOD injections what your dose per week equals. Say someone was doing 30mg EOD would that equal 120mg a week? And if you go up by 10mg does that just add 30mg per week. So say it was 40mg EOD would that equal 150mg per week? And so on. Because some weeks it’s 3 days a week...
  14. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    Do you steer clear of an AI? Yeah and my sub doc was telling me. Are dopamine receptors only can really handle no more then 3mg of suboxone per day. So like yeah it’s not dangerous to be on 8mg. That’s what I was on until I started tampering down. But she did say that 3mg a day will get most...
  15. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    So you have been on trt for 9 months? I am tapering off suboxone as well. I heard it gets tough when get below that 1mg mark.
  16. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    Are you currently at 6mg or is that what you have tapered down too?
  17. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    Have you felt your libido come back (if you lost it) has your energy picked up at all since doing the trt with suboxone?
  18. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    Interesting study. It sounds like methadone is way worse.
  19. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    Yeah what I am asking more so, is can you still have the benefits of trt even if you are on a low dose of suboxone. I am on the suboxone to keep me away from opiates obviously.
  20. Z

    Trt and suboxone (specifically)

    So I made sure to look if anyone has posted about this before, was unable to find anything about suboxone. I saw people post about opioids but not suboxone. I actually couldn’t find a lot on the internet either. I’m just wondering if there are people on here who are on testosterone therapy and...
  21. Z

    Test on scrotum???

    Like honestly every post I have read from you, not including mine. You just come off real condicending and rude. The reason I have seen most your post is because when I go on here and look at peoples questions you’re always posting something that makes you sound like you know everything and no...
  22. Z

    Test on scrotum???

    Dude you complain a lot when people post stuff. Like you seem angry. No one on any post said why the did it (test on scrotum) If your going to Respond to a post that is just being rude. You are obviously and angry person...
  23. Z

    Test on scrotum???

    I have been reading a lot of guys who say they are on injections but also do the cream on their scrotums. I was just wondering why essentially?
  24. Z

    MWF protocol

    That’s good to know. I know every body is different: but it’s good to know you don’t need to use an AI. My new doctor doesn’t want me to use an AI anymore. He prescribed them for me. But he said only take a small dose if I absolutely have too. I feel like if I have to, i might just lower my...
  25. Z

    MWF protocol

    Are you guys staying away from the AI while doing this protocol?
  26. Z

    Testosterone Vial Expiration

    What a lying sack of shit that lady on the phone was then. I knew it didn’t seem right. She was basically telling me it’s bad after 28 days. And it just didn’t make sense. These pharmacy’s are evil at times I swear.
  27. Z

    MWF protocol

    I just started this week on my new MWF 50mg each injection. The first week has been okay. I am going to avoid an AI if I can. I was just wondering if their are any members on here who do specifically 3 days a week and how it’s been going for them??? Thanks!
  28. Z

    New protocol

    Yeah you see that’s where I know my new doctor doesn’t know shit either about trt. He said 17 was perfect. But I have read a lot of guys saying mid 20s is optimal. Obviously from person to person it varies. Idk my dose has been upped but with the injections in smaller doses i am hoping that can...
  29. Z

    New protocol

    Yeah I def will. I didn’t know e2 in the teens was like a bad thing. But idk I know my body very well. And for me it wasn’t working well. And I am really starting to be super in depth about my research. And from reading books listening to podcast from drs being interviewed. It sounds like a lot...
  30. Z

    Testosterone Vial Expiration

    It’s cheaper for a 10ml vial