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  1. Z

    Cream question

    So I posted a couple days ago about cream issues. Basically I use to do injections felt good but switched over to the cream because I heard it was the cats meow. Well early on it was great, my libido was sky high. And well actually that’s about it. Everything else felt normal. Fast foward 1 year...
  2. Z

    Cream levels super low

    Yeah it’s weird. When I first went on it, I felt like it was a godsend. My libido was through the roof. But as time as progressed- I’ve lost muscle mass and I just feel way more like my mood is all over the place. I felt way more even keeled on injections. Which is weird because people say the...
  3. Z

    Cream levels super low

    So I got my labs done becuaase I was feeling very tired and fatigued. Felt just like not good at all- basically how I felt pre test. Anyways my protocol is 2 clicks twice (200mg) a day once in the morning once at night. I did my 2 clicks in the morning and got my labs done 26 hrs later (no dose...
  4. Z


    Hello, I had my labs drawn a couple weeks ago. One thing I forgot to put in my previous post was my prolactin was a little high at 15. Can I lower my prolactin by lower my dose of testosterone? I’ve just noticed my libido is better when it sits around the 5 mark. Thanks.
  5. Z

    Estrone serum

    Yes I do as a matter of fact! Weird how that’s high but my e2 was normal
  6. Z

    Lowering estrogen

    Hey ya’ll, wanted to ask, is there a way to lower estrogen without the use of an AI or vitamins and zinc?? Like can it be lowered by just stopping your hormone does for a couple days? Thanks! P.S I’ve tried the search bar and didn’t really understand what I was looking at: as in was I searching...
  7. Z

    Estrone serum

    Could this***
  8. Z

    Estrone serum

    I had labs done the other day everything looked good. One thing I noticed that was high was my estrone serum—it was at a 70. My libido the last couple weeks has been really hit or miss. No morning wood at all. Good this be because of high estroserum?? My e2 though was 25.
  9. Z

    Injection question

    Will do, n thanks now I get it more. Do you think 27 gauge is still okay? Or will I always have to pull the skin for it to be sub Q?
  10. Z

    Injection question

    I’m really trying hard to figure this out lol. So if you don’t grab the fat and go straight in, it’s going to be IM?
  11. Z

    Injection question

    So injecting into the stomach doesn’t make it SUBQ? You have to actually grab the fat for it to be SUBQ?
  12. Z

    Injection question

    I know there is tons of stuff on here about this, and I have posted before about this. But one thing, So I spoke with my doctor about how I got myself 27 gauge needles. He told me I should have stuck with the 25 gauge needle because even though I am doing my injection in my stomach. With a 25...
  13. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    So then your injection would just be shallow IM? If you were hitting the muscle in your stomach?
  14. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    Does that take awhile to fill? Since I have switched over to 27 gauge. It takes forever to fill
  15. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    What size needle do use again? I’m using a 27 gauge.
  16. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    That’s interesting, wonder how that could be possible. About it converting all to estrogen.
  17. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    So in all of this, does method of injection at the end of the day really matter? After watching dr crislers video. I’m just trying to figure out how SUBQ makes a difference. I am doing it obviously. But at the end of the day doesn’t Testosterone convert all the same once it fully enters the...
  18. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    So so I have a 27 gauge needle now. Was using a 25 gauge. I assume with a 25 gauge it was IM then. But with 27 it should probably be more SUBQ? I’m pretty lean too. Not claiming to be like 7 percent body fat with an 8 pack or anything lol. But I’m a leaner person in the abdomen area.
  19. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    Stomach seems like it is a pretty good spot. I might go back to that spot. It’s basically been the most consistent without any pain. And now that I have 27 gauge needles I don’t have to feel like I am jabbing my stomach with a small knife anymore. 25 gauge needles i are only painless in the butt...
  20. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    I guess what happens. Is you see a guy like dr crisler who was basically a pioneer for the this stuff and you kind of want to follow there protocol perfectly. I have done injections everywhere and I am still trying to figure out the best spot. I have done upper thigh. But that was with a 25...
  21. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    Sorry but was is bumping? I commented on old threads about it, yes.
  22. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    What is bumping?
  23. Z

    SUBQ dr crisler method

    So I have been doing SUBQ injections in the stomach. My needle size is 27g 1/2. Anyways I was on YouTube the other day and saw dr crislers post on YouTube about sub q injections (may he Rest In Peace) he was saying when you inject your not supposed to grab the fatty tissue on your stomach. But...
  24. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    So you had high e2 symptoms and they just went away with taking an AI?
  25. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    Oh, sorry. Some people on this board just can get real mad about post, so I didn’t know if I like did that with you. I was kinda confused. So I apologize.
  26. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    Well you’ve mistaken my intent then. I didn’t know that this was a heated controversy in the excel community. I’ve looked up estrogen in the search engine. Maybe I have must have missed it. But I really have better things to do then create an online argument with a group of people. It was a...
  27. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    So your saying make the titles of post more personal?
  28. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    Did you do that by lowering your dose increasing frequency?
  29. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    And the reason I am asking is because it makes me wonder if my doctor is doing something wrong by having me on an AI. I only do .25 once a week.
  30. Z

    doctors on e2 (don’t worry about it)

    So after reading the TOT bible and also listening to some of Jay Campbell’s podcast. There is this belief that doctors shouldn’t be prescribed anastrolze anymore and that estrogen is something that doesn’t have to be looked at all. My doctor has me on an AI. But the way some of these doctors are...
  31. Z

    Effect of Calcium D glucarate on Nipple Tenderness

    Yeah for sure. It just sucks because I’ve heard people say it can do wonders for the libido.