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  1. V

    22 yo Good idea to try to T+HCG injections, as well as find doctor contemporary?

    Well thats disappointing but not unsurprising, too good to be true. On the other hand, though I know they're 2 different things, something I have heard that one tell tale sign of steroid use is that the shoulders develop in size and musculature very rapidly, because thats usually where its...
  2. V

    22 yo Good idea to try to T+HCG injections, as well as find doctor contemporary?

    Hello again everyone, I'm hearing a lot of things here from my last thread and am very enlightened as to what to do next. I'm taking Clomid and Arimidex currently, but I'm looking to try by best to convince my doctor to go straight into injecting. I'm hearing that HCG is another substance that...
  3. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Well tried to make an appointment but the only time they could get me in was 23 of July. What should I do until then? Theres simply so much medication pumping through me im not sure what to do.
  4. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    What typical reaction is that. What are you talking about.
  5. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    I guess I'll Just have to wait and see. Is there any known interactions between test and thyroid stuff and ssris and other anti depressant? I'm worried I'm having a bad reaction is all, never been this out of it and borderline suicidal. In a bit of a crisis. I'd like to move on to Injections to...
  6. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    You say "not necessarily bad" but what is the context of bad and good you're talking about? What does it even look like? I went to an Endo to get the test but haven't followed up. It's looking like there's a lot more here to it that's causing a perfect storm of severe anxiety and depression...
  7. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Ive looked at the labels, it is Clomid 50mg hes got me taking every day though, as I said, its half a pill. What is wrong with taking it every day? Whats gonna happen? The estrogen blocker is Arimidex, 1mg. Is this good enough, or am I better trying to get something stronger? What is the best...
  8. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Yeah, it's looking like I might have to set up an appointment to talk about it. I been going through some extremely bad depressive episodes lately. A lot of excruciating pain, left me frequently thinking of ending it. I'm in a hospital treatment center program right now with other severely...
  9. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Well that was my previous doctor, when I was 16-19 or so. He was probably being very cautious considering I was in the height of puberty changes and stuff. My current doctor is supposedly the best in my city, he's the one who's got me on the half pill to stimulate T production in the testes...
  10. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Well, this is some news. Bad news for the intense depression Im going through as well, been going to therapy for that, already got some intense feelings over the litany of other medical issues ive got. I been trying to fix my diet, mainly rice, ground beef and mixed vegetables. This is very...
  11. V

    22 Year Old Male. Just starting TRT but wondering if there's more I can do.

    Hello, this is my first post here. Im 22 and was diagnosed with hypogonadism when I was younger, about 16 or so. I was going through some treatment at the time of gel patches, but Im sure I dont need to elaborate on how annoying that was to you all. Thus my doctor and I talked and I was...