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    Lower back pain

    Does vit d lower or raise ?
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    Lower back pain

    Bit of a funny one I’ve been getting lower back pain for last week I’m not sure if low or high e2 is causing it ? Been reading some people get this with either high or low I got bloods last Friday , but they messed them up so now got to wait to get some fresh ones it gets to the...
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    Dhea and pregnelone

    Interested * Auto typed
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    Dhea and pregnelone

    Just read up on preg helps with anxiety and better sleep reason I was infested in it I’ve ordered some 25mg tablets will put them aside and just see how I go on the Dhea first .
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    Dhea and pregnelone

    Will do Will keep to 25mg Dhea and keep u posted Thanks again
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    Dhea and pregnelone

    What’s your reason for this Vince ? Thanks
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    Dhea and pregnelone

    Hi everyone I’m on 122 mg of test sust a week daily Im injections . Im looking to add Dhea and preg to my protocol ? I’ve just added Dhea at 25 mg in the am . But not sure what dose to add of preg? I’ve got 100mg tablets but don’t want to start at that dose , so just bought 25 mg tablets ...
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    Need a little help

    Yeah will keep u posted , I only dropped the hcg dose as didn’t want it to high and e2 levels start to rise to much I don’t really need the hcg tbh as don’t want any more kids , but find hcg can make u feel better if get the right dose Does seem to help with other hormones Defo feel better...
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    Need a little help

    Thanks for the reply’s What is the best sleep rem or deep ? Looking at getting one to see my sleep patterns I’m a terriable sleeper as got a over active mind and drink watch to much caffeine Want to see if the life changes help Thanks
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    Need a little help

    What Fitbit watch use Vince ? Might look into this my self As my sleep is terriable but been worse over last couple of days Thanks
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    Need a little help

    Ps I’m going to try cut back on caffeine next year That’s my new year resolution as well as a couple more
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    Need a little help

    Thanks for the link Vince , will have a good read My sex drive before the change over was amazing had always have been never had trouble with Ed maybe sometimes lack of libido now and then , but who don’t , life and stress and kids and bills etc … My wife has always said I’m to much at times...
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    Need a little help

    Thanks for the reply Vince But been on 5 mg of Cialis for a while now and never seem to get back pain with it , I starting to think it’s just a hormone in balance froM the change over I’ve upped my hcg back up to 1000 and can feel a little ball ache , so happy with that tbh Problem is...
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    Need a little help

    Getting lower back pain as well in bed before getting out of bed at the moment as well
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    Need a little help

    Ps Signs I’m getting at moment Sleep has gone bad Where before was sleeping better No morning wood Getting headaches in morning more Little foggy head Not urinating as much Can get little patches where I feel I could cry out of no where , this can be high or low with me estrogen
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    Need a little help

    So I’ve been running 17.5mg to test e and 1000 hcg a week 5 mg of Cialis a day and my zinc before bed Balls started to ache as not run hcg in years and years So dropped the hcg to 500 a week Been feeling really good on this But pharmacy can not get test e so put me back on sust I’ve...
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    I think maybe my estrogen was low already or not on the high side From cdg I got a quick boost of libido then dropped off the next day Then bad head aches and kinda brain fog and wiped out Same as what I got from dim But was taken with high dose of zinc So might be a mixture of to much...
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Maybe it’s the dim flushing out the bad estrogen? Gave blood tonight think my rbc was little high Thinking maybe that causing the headaches Will see how I feel in a week then try dim again
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Maybe it was yellow at first as flushing out the bad estrogens? I will give it another go again But maybe start at a lower dose 100 mg instead of 200 and slowly increase
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    I ve stopped don’t think dim is for me Given bad headaches and kinds a wired feeling Maybe it take time for the body to adjust Or it’s making my estrogen to low
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Hi Vince What’s the update on the dim Still positive?
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Yeah been reading into dim a lot laterly And seems to make peoples urine yellow Glad your libido is up So what’s your total protocol now with dim In it Vince I’ve been on dim for 2 days but started cdg which I have dropped now As only want to do 1 thing at a time Doing 200mg of dim and...
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Maybe it crashed your estrogen levels? And your levels were fine before going on it ? What dose was u running as well ?
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Hi Vince I’ve got these now to see if help as has dim and loads more ingredients as well
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Have I had blood work with out all these supplements? Was there a difference at all in how u felt and on blood work ?
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    I see your calcium d is very high dose 3000 mg Heard the dosage is 500 mg to 1000 in men When do u take your supps Take it u take at different times As zinc is best 30 mins before bed With mag
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    Wow I thought I went mad with my vits , mins and supps I take quite a bit But not as much as yourself I might try a few extra of your list I take Multi vit Vit d 3 5000 Cod liver oil 1000 Vit b6 50 mg Vit e 400 ui Kelp 500 mg Nac 600 mg I’ve got zinc pico 50 And bottle of...
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    No hcg or ai Any supps That’s a really high dose What’s you bloods come back like ? I’m doing 122.5 a week Ed injections
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    What is your trt protocol then don’t mind me asking ? Thanks
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    yeah dim is worth a try And will give it a go see if makes me feel And understand where your coming from about leave estrogen alone but if it’s in a unhealthy range it has to be addressed My levels are not to high tbh but could be better That’s why I want to try the naterual approach...
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    ExcelMale members thoughts on dim?

    The nuke one should be here first so will try that first Vince at 150 a day and see how I feel and then maybe try 2 caps : 300 mg a day Was thinking of trying dim and cdg at same time But would prefer to try one supp at a time First dim and see how I feel I tryed cdg and was ok then...