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    Anastrozole needed with Tamoxifen HPTA Restart?

    One thing Tomoxifan definitely does for me is Lower cholesterol. I needed life insurance and i took 10 mgs of tomoxifan for 3 weeks and it lowered my cholesterol significantly. If it didnt raise my shgc and lower igf-1, i would use it much more often. Tomoxifan also Does NOT raise T levels...
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    How does high estrogen cause poor erections and low libido?

    My concern with long term hcg is the possibility of decentisization which is not proven but speculated. Further, i took hcg at 1000 iu per week( 500 iu 2x per week) for 6 weeks and coincidentaly got eppididimytis and a swolen prostate. I dont know what the actual cause was. The fact that hcg...
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    How does high estrogen cause poor erections and low libido?

    Im not talking about crashing DHT, i am talking about using a very small amount of finasteride in conjunction with T just to bring DHT to a mid normal level from a very high level when using T. Example, if i use T and my dht goes to 100, a small amount of finasteride to bring dht to 50 ? Does...
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    How does high estrogen cause poor erections and low libido?

    Well, i do have some prostate enlargement at 51 years old. I do notice my hair thinned a tad but now that im off, it seems better. It was all injectable. I can tell you when my T levels were higher from 125 mgs per week, my dht went to 150 ! my estrogen never gets high though. I always wondered...
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    How does high estrogen cause poor erections and low libido?

    YBWV Can you explain the dht / estrogen theory with regards to my personal blood work? When my total T is 700’s, my estradiol is about 26 but my dht is almost 110. This is from 100 mgs of T per week when i was using,
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    How does high estrogen cause poor erections and low libido?

    High estrogen will effect a natural guy more so in that the high E will lower testosterone production due to the feedback loop. That wouldnt apply to men using T replacement. Another theory is that excess estrogen attatches to the androgen receptor preventing T from binding. I have heard this a...
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    What is your Testosterone dosage? Once weekly or twice per week? Was blood work done day of injection? Age?
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    6 weeks clean & sober! Stopped TRT.

    You were having frequent sex and good sex and you you still went on testosterone !!! Why would you do that !!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you are off.
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    Flomax giving me good erections

    Prostate issues destroy sex drive and affect erections. If you constantly have that annoying feeling like you you need to urinate, how the heck will you have a good libido! When you take flomax, it really helps relieve prostate ( BPH ) symptoms and that will help with libido. Also, flomax...
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    Flomax giving me good erections

    Im aware of cialis for that reason. Flomax seems to work better for me with annoying symotoms. I always take flomax at night and i can also take 5mgs of cialis in the morning if i want which gives me rock star status in the erection department,.lol
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    Flomax giving me good erections

    I need to ask my urologist but since taking flomax is am getting nice morning erections. If i dont take it, erections are weaker or dont happen in the morning so its definitely the flomax. I find this to be a rather welcome side effect. Anyone else experience this? Fyi, flomax doesnt really...
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    What Causes High DHT?

    Good post dragon bits. Whats interesting is that i started getting prostate issues after using hcg only for 2 months at 500 iu 3 times per week. I also got a mild case of eppididimitis during this time. Is it coincidence or did hcg cause eppididimitis and prostate issues?
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    What Causes High DHT?

    I was being somewhat sarcastic, of course you cant totally shut it down but you can get it to almsot zero. Again, dht is the main culprit. Estrogen can have some impact especially if it is high but all things being equal, dht enlarges the prostate. Estrogen could play a role as i said so i am...