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    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    My fasting glucose is usually 88-93. Now that I am on a low dose of crestor, my fasting glucose juped to 103 and Now its 105.. again, doc isnt concerned but I am. this could lead to more body fat and other issues. Statins ( many ) increase glucose but heart docs seems to brush it aside aas long...
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    Worried about my creatin levels

    Every so often my creatin levels are elevated. This time it was at 3.2. The top of the range is 2.7 with lab corp. last time it was 2.1. Another time it was as high as 3.5. Another time it was 1.8. my doc never even mentions it. My gfe or what ever its called should be over 59.. mine was 61. It...
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    My Thyroid improved ?

    My last blood test my TSH was 2.42. Now it is 1.94. my Free T4 is 1.23. looks good I suppose. Opinions?
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    EH Sparing Vaporization of the Prostate and its Impact on Erectile, Ejaculatory, and Sexual Function

    Why isn't EV-Sparing part of every surgeons goal? I assuming its extremely difficult or am I wrong?
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    Preservation of sexual function with minimally invasive surgical treatments for BPH

    Mountain man you didnt lose ejaculation? What exactly is that procedure, what do they do? age ? were you awake? how is your urine stream now?
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    Who is currently taking Thyroid medication ?..

    Can Vince or any others who know a lot about thyroid comment on my levels? TSH -2.4 FREE t3 - 3.0 free t4 -1.1
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    Who is currently taking Thyroid medication ?..

    Who is currently taking thyroid meds? If so, my questions are as follows: 1) did you notice an increase in energy level ? 2) Did you notice an increase in your mood? Are you in a much better mood? 3) do you notice you burn fat easier? 4) did it improve your cholesterol levels? thank you in advance.
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    The iTind for the Treatment of LUTS Secondary to BPH

    How often does it need to be done? How long does it last ?
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    The iTind for the Treatment of LUTS Secondary to BPH

    If this is true, this is phenominal. Anyone know more about this?
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    How are things progressing? Flow ? frequency? Any discomfort or anything strange?
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    Is the prostate inflammed? How does that make you urinate? What is causing your to urinate so much? are you using any meds?
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    How is your progress thus far? Is your stream noticeably better? any pain?
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    So you had no pain during the procedure? what about returning to normal activity such as weight lifting or running?
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    BHP and Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) - MY STORY

    Thanks so much for sharing! you mentioned the doc said “ the first night will be the worst ” , What did he mean by that and was there any pain? how long did the procedure take? do you take flomax or any other med until the procedure starts to show results?
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    PSA Timeline - Feeling Lost

    Normally your psa wont go up and then down with pc. I am guessing you have an enlarged prostate and your prostate is very sensitive to dht. think about this: some men go bald with a T level of 250 ng while others dont see any hair loss until their T levels are over 600. The same applies to the...
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    An Indirect Comparison of Newer Minimally Invasive Treatments for BPH

    What about sexual function between UroLift and Rezum ?
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    Doctor just put me on dutasteride for BPH

    Jay-jay did flomax help before the urolift? do you still take flomax?
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    Avoiding Sexual Dysfunction in BPH Surgery

    No leakage or sexual side effects with uro lift.
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    Urinary and sexual function after treatment with temporary implantable nitinol device (iTind) in men with LUTS

    Nelson, if you get a doctor ( DR Khera) here who specializes in BPH, that would be great.
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    Daily Injections and blood work irregularities

    Your initial 3x per week at 40 mgs was too high. why not try 40 mgs every monday and thursday or every tuesday and friday? That seems to work very well.
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    When high levels of cholesterol occur in the bloodstream, excess LDL begins to seep into the inner wall of the artery. This triggers an inflammatory response, which actually speeds up the accumulation of cholesterol in the artery wall. This in turn produces more inflammation—and on and on...
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    We have to be careful when we say choesterol or plaque doesnt cause heart attacks, infammation does. When you have plaque from cholesterol, that in itself causes an infammatory reaction. The plaque/ cholesterol on arteries cause inflammation.
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    Vince, its true my particle size was on the small side. However, it was the LDL particle NUMBER, not so much the size. Basically too many cars in the highway opposed to just a few large buses. optimally you want larger particle size and a low particle number.
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    My A1c was also 5.3 which my doc said was very good. My fasting glucose went from 90 to 103 while on crestor at 5 mgs. Everything else was good. I am now only using 2.5 mgs. If that gets my glucose back to normal, i will stay at that dosage.
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    Endocrinologist has me terrified of my blood work

    Seriously, your endo should not be saying that. i had the exact same T levels as you while on 100 mgs per week. knock it down to 2x per week. Try 40 mgs every monday and thursday. as long as your BP and hematocrit is ok, you are good.
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    At face value my cholesterol numbers were only a little elavated, particularly LDL at 127. however, thats not why he put me on crestor. He put me on crestor because my ldl particle number was over 21000 !!! Should be under 1200. thats why people with seemingly good cholesterol numbers can die...
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    My Crestor ( Statin ) Concern. Small issue

    i have been taking crestor at only 5mgs Per day. My cholesterol dropped dramatically. However, im a bit concerned with some other numbers. LDl went from 127 to 79. total cholesterol went from 203 to 146. hdl is now 49. my A1c is 5.3 below are my big concerns : opinions please? my mchc is...
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    Opinions on Thyroid resuts

    Just curious. Are there thyroid meds that can raise my Free T3 from 3.0 to maybe 3.4 ? im just curious if i would feel a tad more energetic and have a more positive mood with just a small bump in T3? also, can taking a thyroid med permanently suppress naturual thyroid function as using...
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    Opinions on Thyroid resuts

    Hi guys my doc says they are good but wanted some feedback. free t4 is 1.11 ( .82- 1.77 ) ng/dl free t3 is 3.0 ( 2.0 - 4.44 ) pg/ml tsh is 2.420 ( .450- 4.500) uIu/ml
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    EH Sparing Vaporization of the Prostate and its Impact on Erectile, Ejaculatory, and Sexual Function

    Why wouldnt they always do EV Sparing surgery on everyone? this is interesting. I always thought it was impossible to do. Is EV Sparing surgery a new technique?
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    efficacy of phytosterol-enriched and conventional saw palmetto oil in mitigating BPH and androgen deficiency

    Do they sell saw palmetta oil in a capsule? This study seems promising. is this what you would call a credible / legitimate study? another important question: is saw palmetto extract better than saw palmetto oil or visa versa? how is saw palmetto oil taken? Do you drink it?