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  1. B

    Good neww for those with BPH

    i may have retained urine once or twice at my uro but that was more to do with drinking coffee( i think). I mostly fully empty. my issue is a weaker stream and after i go, i sometimes feel like i have a tad left and then end up going again in about 15 minutes. i may get the Rezum done just to...
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    Good neww for those with BPH

    His symptoms were a weak urin stream , frequent urination and also not fully emptying his bladder. his bladder is permanantly stretched because he waited too long to get bph treatment. A WEAK urine stream is a huge sign that you have prostate issues even if a Dr says your prostate isnt very...
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    Good neww for those with BPH

    A close friend who is 62 years old had the Rezum procedure. He said he is peeing like a 16 year old ! He said his stream is MUCH stronger. He is still retaining urine because his bladder is stretched due to him waiting too long to address his BPH issues. That said, he is extremely happy with the...
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    Has anyone here had the Aquablation procedure done on their prostate?

    Thats why he went with it. So no, he did not get any sexual side effects.
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    Has anyone here had the Aquablation procedure done on their prostate?

    A guy at my gym about 58 years old had it done about 6 months ago. I dont know him very well so I couldnt ask too many questions. He said he was very happy with it and the difference is dramatic. Prior to having it done he said he felt as if someone was squeezing his prostate and then after the...
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    PSA numbers increasing on testosterone- Should I stop TRT?

    Using testsosterone increases DHT which can enlarge the prostate. As your prostate enlarges, your psa rises with it. As we age, our prostate enlarges and psa gradually rises ( to a degree ). If your psa is normally 1.5 and after a year on trt it goes up to 2.2, that may warrant further testing...
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    New BPH therapies

    3 new BPH therapies I have recently read about. 1) aquablation ( this seems like the best ) 2) iTind procedure 3) butterfly bph therapy. They are conducting studies now. all 3 of these are very effective and fully preserve sexual function.
  8. B

    My calcium score is extremely high !!!

    Thanks Vince my A1c is 5.1 or 5.2. my blood pressure was 124 /80 and 15 min later was 120/ 80. also was 118 /78. i am on crestor 5 mgs 3 times per week and zetia every day. He also said I should think about takeping a baby asprin every day which concerns me. Im fine with the cholesterol meds but...
  9. B

    My calcium score is extremely high !!!

    Thanks Vince my A1c is 5.1 or 5.2. my blood pressure was 124 /80 and 15 min later was 120/ 80. also was 118 /78. i am on crestor 5 mgs 3 times per week and zetia every day.
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    My calcium score is extremely high !!!

    In in my 50’s and in good shape. Genetically my LDL ( bad ) cholesterol is a little high (128) and my total is 198. i never smoked amd barely drink. I just got a calcium score( scan ) that should be zero and mine is a staggering 750. My cardiologist just had me add zetia to my crestor and...
  11. B

    My Urologist gave me saw palmetto last week

    The fact that it affected your prostate probably means it actually works. It seems like a natural way to reduce prostate size.. Did you have any prostate surgery for BPH ? Any treatments?
  12. B

    My Urologist gave me saw palmetto last week

    My urologist noticed i have been retaining a little urine so in conjunction with flomax which I have been taking, he gave me 2 bottles of saw palmetto gel caps at NO charge. He says it works. Any opinion or experience?
  13. B

    What is best meds for BPH and how long do they take to work?

    The gel will increase DHT a lot and that increases prostate size. 1)did Rexum work well? Increase the force of urine stream? 2) did you maintain ejaculation? 3) any pain during the procedure or after? i use flomax and get decent results. my friend uses flomax at night and tadalifil during the...
  14. B

    Dht lowering medications

    You guys are saying finasteride does a lot more than reduce DHT ? What else does it do ?
  15. B

    Normal PSA - with BPH symptoms

    I have bph and my psa is .6 as well. It went to .7 once but usually steady at .6. You have all the symptoms of bph. Another tell tale sign is when you urinate you always feel as if there is one more drop left but you just cant squirt it out. 10-15 minutes later you go again. flomax, rapaflo work...
  16. B

    I have a UroCuff Test in a few weeks

    Instead of turp, the new last resort seems to be the green light laser procedure. impotence with green light laser is very rare. Supposedly they are now looking at “ ejaculation sparing “ ways of doing green light laser.
  17. B

    Clomid fixes my prostate problems

    Clomid will raise T, no doubt. Unless your testes are damaged. As far as clomid reducing prostate issues… It could have something to do with clomid blocking estrogen at the prostate. Its really worth a look.
  18. B

    Nandrolone For Joint Pain but...

    I found out my shoulder pain was from doing Barbell incline benches as well as bending my neck when using my Iphone amd Ipad. A lot of guys blame weights for shoulder and neck pain when its more to do with using mobile devices. Technology is a killer- “Tech neck”…
  19. B

    TRT after treatment for prostate cancer

    Doug a normal T level is between 300-900. your T level was 20 ??? How long were you off T when you got that number? did you have your prostate removed? did any other meds cause a decline in T levels?
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    Pain level experience during cystoscopy

    My Uro put me out for mine. He says the procedure scares too many men and he wouldnt want to be awake either. I obviously felt nothing. He also puts his patients out a biopsy. this was done at a sane day surgical center.
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    TRT after prostatectomy

    I thought once the prostate was removed, you can urinate like a 15 year old with a very strong stream??? as far as ejaculation, does it still feel the same, just nothing comes out?
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    TRT after prostatectomy

    Have you had any side effects from having your prostate removed? any incontinence , erection issues, or ejaculation issues?
  23. B

    Most will have something abnormal in blood work

    Don't get me wrong, I look forward to looking at improving blood work results. That being said, there is almost always something that will be too High or too Low. I think 99% of the population will have at least 3 flags in their blood work. Unless its "way out" of the range, we shouldn't hyper...
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    TRT and Finasteride?

    I know 3 guys on finasteride and they all have been on for 15-20 years. None of them has any side effects. They did keep their hair.
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    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    What about taking low dose metformin with a statin?
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    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    The rise in fasting glucose has something to do with how statins effect the liver and glycogen in the liver.
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    Anyone here use Metformin ?

    Im wondering if it is a safe long term medication if you are “ borderline pre diabetic”? Example, fasting glucose of 110... anyone have any thoughts?
  28. B

    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    I disagree. We do know for sure that LDL cholersterol forms plaque on artery walls. Not only can plaque cause a blockage, plaque also causes inflammation. We know this. We also know tryglycerides cause the same thing. We know for certain that statins sigificantly lower LDL, raise HDL, and lower...
  29. B

    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    Its too bad my glucose rose. That was basically the only side effect i had. Crestor did a great job at lowering LDL ( big time ) ,tryglycerides, particle number, and VLDL. It also helps with artery inflammation. that being said, i stopped it and will retest glucose in 30 days or so. there are a...
  30. B

    Worried about my creatin levels

    Its actually 1.32 NOT 3.2.. top of range is 1.27.
  31. B

    Statins raised my fasting glucose ...

    My A1c was 5.2. Now its 5.4