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  1. C

    Body Acne -- Caused by DHT or E2?

    I actually donated blood a few weeks ago. Does that cause you to lose as much platelets as doing a targeted platelet donation?
  2. C

    Body Acne -- Caused by DHT or E2?

    I actually am already seeing a dermatologist. They have me on Fabior foaming retinol cream once daily, and I'm about 32 days into a 60 day doxycycline regiment. The doxy doesn't seem to of had much of an effect on my body acne, but it did clear my face up really well (I only had very slight...
  3. C

    Body Acne -- Caused by DHT or E2?

    Could be? But that would now be another theory to throw into the pot. I haven't heard anywhere else that the testosterone itself causes acne. Just DHT or estradiol.
  4. C

    Body Acne -- Caused by DHT or E2?

    I've been dealing with horrible acne all over my chest, shoulders, and back for about 4 months now. I started TRT back in October of last year (2019), but it took a while for the acne to develop. Everywhere I look, I get conflicting reports on what causes body acne in men on TRT. Half the...