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  1. B

    Best protocol? - young(ish), low T, high SHBG, maintain fertility?

    What is the best starting protocol for a 34 y/o with total T between 300-500, high SHBG, and wanting to have kids within the next 1-3yrs? Background: 34 y/o, 6'3", 203lbs, <10%bf, workout a lot One doc recommend 50mg Clomid and HCG. After reading here it seems clomid isn't a great choice for...
  2. B

    Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?

    For guys with low total T and SHBG, when starting what should be paired with Clomid to keep the Estradiol and/or SHBG from climbing too high. Should one start with an AI or HCG?