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    Doc gave me a requisition number - do I get to see the results?

    My TRT doc gave a me a LabCorp requisition number for bloodwork. Do I get to the see the results of the blood work or do they go directly to him first? Also can I see what will be checked with the bloodwork via the requisition before the blood is taken (I may want to add additional tests for my...
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    Do any providers still offer HCG or have they all switched to Gonadorelin?

    Thanks readalot! I would need a prescription for that correct?
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    Do any providers still offer HCG or have they all switched to Gonadorelin?

    Hmm, sounds like Defy + Empower is not the place to go for HCG then. I was originally prescribed 100 units (which seems to convert to 1000iu) of HCG a week. Do telemedicine providers offer prescriptions in this amount?
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    Do any providers still offer HCG or have they all switched to Gonadorelin?

    Do any providers still offer HCG or have they all switched to Gonadorelin? My provider switched to Gonadorelin from HCG and didn't give a reason.
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    Does HCG scale with Test?

    For those who looking to have children soon is there a way to scale to HCG with TRT does? For example 250IU of HCG for every 50mg of test taken per week. Is there a max where anything above 2000IU HCG per week has no additional benefit regardless of TRT dose?
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    When is the best time to get blood test checked?

    Thanks madman for the helpful replies. Yes, I did ignore the advice, in retrospect it was stupid. Reason why is because I wanted to verify my numbers were within range at 200mg and I'd be getting the maximum benefit. If I started at 150mg and my numbers were around 600 ng/dL then I'd move up to...
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    When is the best time to get blood test checked?

    When is the is the best time to get your blood tested to check where TRT has your levels? Should one consider their own peaks and troughs? Currently on 2x "100mg Test C" & 2x "500IU HCG" a week for 4 months. Got my blood tested for the first time about 12hrs after my the most recent 100mg Text...
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    4 months TRT, back acne just started

    Been on 2x "100mg Test C" & 2x "500IU HCG" for nearly 4 months and really enjoying the results. About a month ago I noticed that acne on my back started showing up and is slowly getting worse. Is there something that's not harsh which I should start taking now before it turns to scar causing acne?
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    Can increasing HCG take the place of TRT temporarily?

    Would there be a substantial benefit to changing my HCG to everyday vs twice a week? (keeping the same dosage amount)
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    Switch to shorter needles for less scar tissue?

    Currently injecting my test with a 1in long needle 23g intramuscularly. Thanks to Vince I'm doing this solely in the ventral glutes. I know IM tends to build up scar tissue over time. To lessen scar tissue would it be a good idea to switch to 1in or 1/2in long needles? I don't have much fat in...
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    Can increasing HCG take the place of TRT temporarily?

    Been on 2x "100mg Test C" & 2x "500IU HCG" for nearly 3 months and loving the results (mind, body, etc.). Due to Covid19 my lady and I are forced to move our first pregnancy forward to about 3 months from now. To prepare for this shall what protocol recommendations are recommended? Shall I cut...
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    Vince, I've had luck using this site the past few times, thank you.
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    Any idea what is happening when a solid pain nub under the skin forms following injection? The pain is gone but the nub is still there
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    Was wondering if the hard nub is a result of injecting an oil based liquid (vs water based) or a result of using too small of a needle.
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    Thanks Vince, I've been trying this location with some luck actually. It require IM injections and not SubQ correct?
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    Will a 27gauge needle affect the formation of a hard painful nub under the skin?
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    Sub Q test injection created painful lump - how to alleviate?

    In an attempt to limit oil wasted in the needle switchable syringes I tried injecting my 0.5mL Test C subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. In addition to taking over minute to push the 0.5mL through the 31 gauge needle, 24 hours later I notice a painful hard lump a short distance directly...
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    HCG best protocol: 500IU E3D or 250IU EoD?

    Whats the best protocol for HCG? My doc prescribed 500IU E3D but the study below seems to suggest 250IU EoD is better:
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    Running out of TRT early? Switch to SubQ to last longer?

    I use fixed insulin syringes for HCG, they seem to have a lot less dead space in them than my replaceable needle syringes I use for the Test C. I use the same needle for drawing and injecting the HCG so assume it's fine to use the same needle to draw and inject the Test C. Is there any real...
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    Running out of TRT early? Switch to SubQ to last longer?

    Thanks Vince this looks very helpful, I'll give this another try. I also have some large veins on both sides in this area which makes this more difficult.
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    Running out of TRT early? Switch to SubQ to last longer?

    How do you find the correct ventrogluteal area on yourself? All the guides I've found online (including this one) show you how to find it on a "patient" and not yourself. Seems all the online advice recommends not injecting in the dorsogluteal area however every time I try to find ventro I get...
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    Running out of TRT early? Switch to SubQ to last longer?

    I assume it's SubQ. Is there any issue sending the oil through that gauge?
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    Running out of TRT early? Switch to SubQ to last longer?

    It appears my vials don't last the full term. My prescription is 200mg/mL test C injected twice a week (0.5mL) and is supposed to last 5 weeks. Therefore the vial should include 5mL total. The vial only appears to last 8.5 out of 10 dosages and I wonder if this is due to some test C being left...
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    When do you reach TRT saturation?

    Thanks swoops36; math checks out: (5*8)/7 = 5.714
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    Anyone on 200mg + HCG without an AI?

    Thanks BigBamBoo. Is this because high SHBG keeps free T lower (TRT or not) which means there is less free T to convert to E?
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    When do you reach TRT saturation?

    At what week does one reach TRT saturation (when your serum blood level doesn't increase from week to week)? Is it dose dependent? I ask not only because I'm curious but also this will help guide when to get my first TRT bloodwork.
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    Anyone on 200mg + HCG without an AI?

    Does high SHBG keep E2 from getting too high? I had mid range E2 and very high SHBG before starting at 200mg a week and 1000 HCG.
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    If natural Testosterone peaks at 10AM, 12 hours later?

    Thank you Cataceous, I suppose if you fully suppress your natural production then you control the peaks. With HCG injection would you still have the natural peak at 10AM?
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    IM vs. SubQ

    Don't the muscles heal?
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    If natural Testosterone peaks at 10AM, 12 hours later?

    From what I've gathered online, injected testosterone peaks 24hrs after injection. Additionally I've read natural testosterone peaks at 10AM. To minimize peaks and troughs does it make sense to inject at 10pm so the peak is exactly 24hrs later and 12hrs between both natural peaks?