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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Hi Nelson, I understand that after stopping TRT, high doses of HCG and FSH can restore fertility but my questions is does it maintain fertility for someone who is using TRT+HCG for long term. I want to know the sperm count of someone who are on TRT+ HCG for a longtime.
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    I was thinking the about the same to use TRT and HCG every 3 days but i read in this forum that did not work for few. I am totally getting confused after reading so many literature on the internet n this forum. My current doctor is putting me on HCG alone 1250mg per week to see if i can...
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Thanks bro. I reason i dint start TRT all these years was that i was afraid that i will become infertile but now i need to start as i am 40 year old and getting married this year. TRT is a must for me as i am suffering from ED, high body fat, low muscle(inspite of going to gym), sleep...
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Thanks gaz, So did you use HCG right from the beginning or u added it in the middle of TRT. What do u think i should be doing? TRT(75mg/twice a week)+HCG(500iu/twice a week)+HMG(50iu/twice a week) I have never done TRT and this is going to be my first time. I am using this protocal until i...
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    TRT+HCG fertility check

    Hi Everyone, Has anyone on TRT+HCG checked their sperm count? One guy mentioned that his sperm count came to zero after a year of TRT+HCG. Has anyone in this protocal ever checked their sperm count? Just bcas ur balls are full doesnt mean u have optimal level of sperm. Can anyone please check...
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    Clomid alone fertility treatment for primary hypogonadism

    Has anyone with primary hypogonadism tried clomid alone to increase testostrone and sperm count. I already have above normal range of LH and FSH. I was wondering to increase the LH and FSH range to 20 and 26( Hypothetically), doubling the current range. I know the current protocal of...
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    Fertility protocol thoughts please

    I believe clomid and HCG worked for you because you stoped exogenous testosterone. What if somebody is on TRT? Do u think TRT+HCG+clomid works? I know theoritically it wont but has any tried it?
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    TRT - HCG - FSH - Clomid? Dr. Saya?

    So what do u think made the trick? Is it HCG or FSH? Or both. Wondering what happens if i just use trt+fsh.
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    So, based on my understanding the solution lies in either HCG, FSH or clomid right. Is there anything else which is related to spermatogenisis.
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    I agree it works alone for people who has full testicle volume or for working testicles but in my case, My LH and FSH are already above normal and have low T n Sperm level and one of my testicle size is small compared to other one and i also have vericocele. Considering all these factors i...
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    I dont have kids yet and dont want to lose the opportunity to have one. I know its quit expensive thats y i am trying with HCG first to see if it improves sperm. I read some article about the treatment with FSH+HCG incase HCG alone dint restore the fertility. Here is the link Successful...
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Also i am assuming HMG is same as FSH right?
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    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Hi Nelson, Thanks for the reply and the links. I read few of them earlier as i have been researching about it quite sometime now. I am 40, primary hypogonadism, vericocele, low sperm count, low testosterone, High LH/FSH and ED to name a few. Goal: increase testosterone and maaintain sperm(...